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Technology. What is Technology. A broad term that refers both to artifacts created by humans, such as machines, and the methods used to create those artifacts. The Old v. The New. IPhone. The IPhone is being used in various different ways such as: A normal cell phone Texting

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  1. Technology

  2. What is Technology A broad term that refers both to artifacts created by humans, such as machines, and the methods used to create those artifacts.

  3. The Old v. The New IPhone

  4. The IPhone is being used in various different ways such as: • A normal cell phone • Texting • Calling in and out • Camera & Video • Has GPS system • Phone Book • IPod • Internet • 3G Speed • APPs Store • Microsoft Exchange

  5. Advantages of the IPhone • Integrated web browser • Contact & Appointment Software • Integration with Microsoft Exchange • Software from the iTunes store • Games • Lower Prices

  6. Disadvantages of the IPhone • Cannot send MMS Messages • Unable to send via Bluetooth • No removable Battery • SIM Activation • No games included • Camera • Doesn’t transfer • Absence of Slot Memory • Marking Voice • Video Recording • House w/o flash

  7. .....More IPhone Disadvantages • No wireless problem • No AD2P on the Bluetooth • No video calling • No physical keyboard • No hap tic feedback • No external device • No FM radio & etc.

  8. Conclusion Technology is good, but there are a lot problems everyday with technology. Today has a lot of amazing technology, but the technology is not completely reliable. So how do we solve this?

  9. References • http://www.groundreport.com/Arts_and_Culture/IPhone-Disadvantages • http://spanglish-geek.blogspot.com/2008/09/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-iphone.html • Mostly websites on google!

  10. The End Tribecca Travis Fred Barrett

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