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Memphis/Shelby County Homeless Consortium Committees Overview

Learn about the committees of the Memphis/Shelby County Homeless Consortium and their roles in addressing homelessness. Find out how they coordinate services and support initiatives to move homeless citizens towards self-sufficiency and permanent housing.

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Memphis/Shelby County Homeless Consortium Committees Overview

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  1. Organizational Structure SUBCOMMITTEES & WORKGROUPSTUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2017

  2. Our Mission The Mission Of The Memphis/Shelby County Homeless Consortium Is To Develop, Sustain, And Coordinate A Comprehensive Continuum Of Care For The Homeless Citizens Of Memphis And Shelby County In Order To Move The Homeless Population Toward Self-Sufficiency And Ultimately To Eliminate Homelessness.

  3. The Consortium coordinates a broad array of tasks that includes, but is not limited to: • Needs Identification • Prevention of Homelessness • Emergency Shelter/Services • Day Services • Transitional Housing • Support Services • Permanent Housing • Outreach • Contracted agencies of the Consortium provide a broad array of services through the acquisition of funding from city, county, state, federal and private sources. The Consortium is a collaboration of agencies, government entities, the faith community and concerned organizations and people.

  4. Article V - Committees Section I - Standing Committees: The Governing Council may establish standing and ad hoc committees as the need arises. All standing and ad hoc committees shall consist of sufficient numbers to provide broad representation of the Consortium as appropriate. Unless otherwise specified, all committee members shall be appointed for a term of one year. The Consortium shall specify the duties of the committee.

  5. Governing Council • Governing Council: Duties defined in Article IV; Section IV • Section IV - Governing Council Duties: • Duties: The Governing Council shall have the power to act on behalf of and in the best interest of the Consortium. A minimum of 60% of the Council must participate in the decision-making process for the transaction of business and for the acts of the Council to be considered valid. Conference calls or the use of other telecommunications equipment is acceptable. The Governing Council shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and report such proceedings at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Consortium. The Governing Council will have the power and authority to act on behalf of the Consortium, including designation of the COC administrative agent, fiscal agent, and HMIS lead, The Governing Council will meet as called by the Chair. A member of the Governing Council (selected by the Governing Council) serves on the Memphis and Shelby County Consolidated Plan Advisory Council. • Meetings: The Governing Council shall meet monthly. Special meetings of the Governing Council may be called by the Chair. All officers are required to attend no less than 80% of the Governing Council meetings and no less than 80% of all Consortium membership meetings.

  6. Governing Council • Section VI - Duties of the Chair: • l . Preside at all Consortium meetings, • Make all committee appointments deemed necessary for the operation of the Consortium, • Serve as a member ex-officio of all committees, • Provide reports to the Consortium as needed, • Execute all papers, documents, and instruments ordered to be executed by the Consortium, • Perform all other such duties usually pertaining to the office of Chair and as determined by the Consortium, • Publicly represent the Consortium, and • Call meetings of the Governing Council. • *Herman L. Dickey, CAFTH Staff

  7. Continuum of Care Committee • Shall have overall responsibility for the timely, accurate presentation of Memphis and Shelby County’s annual Continuum of Care Consolidated Application to HUD to accompany agency applications. The Continuum of Care Committee shall have at least 51% non-profit and/or service consumer representatives. Sub-committees will be formed as needed. • Duties: • Gaps Analysis • Attendance at each HUD Continuum of Care Training • Solicitation of new and updated information from the membership and others as needed • Adherence to HUD changes; informing the Consortium membership, • Coordination of Continuum of Care Consolidated Application and the agency proposals in an organized fashion, assisting agencies as needed, and • Printing and dispersing document to the community as deemed appropriate and affordable by the Consortium membership. • *Alan Butson, Committee Chair * CAFTH Staff, Dana Brooks

  8. Nominating Committee • Shall recruit and select qualified, willing members of the Consortium to serve as Governing Council members and present the slate to the membership as requested, filling the gaps in the Governing Council as needed through the approved process in Article IV. Section Il.B.l.

  9. HMIS Committee • Shall provide information and guidance to the Consortium on issues related to the implementation of the Homeless Management Information System. The Committee also ensures that HMIS users meet the established ServicePoint User Policies and Responsibility Statement & Code of Ethics. The Community Alliance for the Homeless HMIS Director will serve as a staff liaison to this committee. • *Kim Dunlap, Committee Chair • * Tanyce Davis, CAFTH Staff Representative

  10. Single Adults Committee • Shall advocate for resources and services for single adults who are homeless while educating the Memphis and Shelby County community and the Continuum of Care about the needs of single adults who are homeless. • Workgroups under this committee: • Housing Resource Workgroup (Kaelin Large/Marisa Whitsett, Workgroup Leads) • Outreach Workgroup (Ursula Thomas, Workgroup Lead) • Landlord Workgroup (Penny Patterson, Workgroup Lead) • Housing Prioritization Council (Louis Faulkner, Workgroup Lead) • *Vacant Chair • *Herman Dickey, CAFTH Representative

  11. Healthcare Committee • Shall advocate for households who are homeless to receive access to healthcare while educating the Memphis and Shelby County community and the Continuum of Care on healthcare needs and available resources for persons who are homeless. • *Vacant Chair • *No CAFTH Representative

  12. Emergency Housing Partnership/Families • Shall coordinate the implementation of the Central Intake System for Families who are homeless, and promote communication between all family service providers. The Committee also advocates for families who are homeless while directly encouraging the representation of families in the Continuum of Care. • *Vacant Chair • * Kellie Cole , CAFTH Staff Representative

  13. Veterans Committee • Shall coordinate and identify service needs for veterans who are homeless and their families. Shall serve as the liaison between the Consortium and the Memphis VA Medical Center. • *Chassia Taylor, Committee Chair • *Dana Brooks, CAFTH Staff Representative

  14. Youth Committee • Shall advocate for resources and services for youth age (18-24) who are homeless. Shall identify and develop strategies to help youth who are homeless gain housing and services that fit their expressed needs and preferences. Shall include youth representation on the committee. • *Stephanie Reyes, Committee Chair • *Kellie Cole, CAFTH Staff Representative

  15. Employment Committee • Shall work to develop strategies to help households who are homeless gain and maintain employment while educating the Memphis and Shelby County community and the Continuum of Care on available resources. • *Vacant Chair • *Herman Dickey, CAFTH Representative

  16. Rank & Review Committee • Shall be responsible for the review, scoring, and ranking of the applications for the annual HUD Continuum of Care (COC) Competition and the City of Memphis Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG). The Rank and Review Committee shall have representation from the Department of Children's Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, the legal field, the research community, a non-CoC/ESG funded provider, philanthropy, the faith community, and a formerly homeless individual.

  17. Ad Hoc Committees (Special Committees) • There shall be special committees as the consortium may create, the membership and duties of which shall be as determined by the Consortium. A special committee shall limit its activities to the accomplishment of the task for which it is appointed and shall have no power to act except such as is specifically conferred by the Consortium. Upon completion of the task for which appointed, a special committee shall stand discharged.

  18. Committee Activities & Authority • Section Ill -- Committee Activities: Business conducted within established committees will follow the same rules established herein for the overall Consortium activities. • Section IV -- Limitations on Committee Authority: The Consortium or the Governing Council must approve all recommendations of the standing and ad hoc committees before action may be taken. No commitments on behalf of the Consortium may be made by any committee chair or members of any committees without the approval of the Consortium or the Governing Council.

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