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More Network Programming

Learn about HTTP push server, request framing, useful APIs, select/poll and advanced sockets tidbits with code walk-throughs and flow charts from the UIUC CS/ECE 438 course in Fall 2006.

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More Network Programming

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  1. More Network Programming

  2. More Network Programming • HTTP push server • Request framing and server push concepts • Demo • Useful API’s • select/poll and advanced sockets tidbits • threads • HTTP push server code • Components • Flow charts • Code walk-through (code is online) UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  3. HTTP Request Framing • Characteristics • ASCII-based (human readable) • Framed by text lines • First line is command • Remaining lines are additional data • Blank line ends request frame GET /surf/too/much.html HTTP/1.0 Date: 28 February 2006 11:25:53 CST Host: www.surfanon.org <blank line> UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  4. HTTP Server Push • Idea • Connection remains open • Server pushes down new data as needed • Termination • Any time by server • Stop loading (or reload) by client • Components • Header indicating multiple parts • New part replaces old part • New part sent any time • Wrappers for each part UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  5. the data component HTTP Server Push HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;\ boundary=---never_in_document--- ---never_in_document--- Content-type: text/html (actual data) ---never_in_document--- UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  6. More Network Programming • Useful Application Programming Interfaces • Topics • More advanced sockets • Unix file functionality • Multithreaded programming (Posix Threads) • Specific APIs • select/poll and advanced sockets • Threads • Attributes • Creation • Thread-specific data • Minor synchronization UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  7. Select and Poll • Building timeouts with select/poll • Similar functions • Parameters • Set of file descriptors • Set of events for each descriptor • Timeout length • Return value • Set of file descriptors • Events for each descriptor • Notes • Select is somewhat simpler • Poll supports more events UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  8. Select and Poll: Prototypes • Select: • Wait for readable/writable file descriptors #include <sys/time.h> int select (int num_fds, fd_set* read_set, fd_set* write_set, fd_set* except_set, struct timeval* timeout); • Poll: • Poll file descriptors for events #include <poll.h> int poll (struct pollfd* pfds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout); UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  9. Select int select (int num_fds, fd_set* read_set, fd_set* write_set, fd_set* except_set, struct timeval* timeout); • Wait for readable/writable file descriptors. • Return: • Number of descriptors ready • -1 on error, sets errno • Parameters: • num_fds: • number of file descriptors to check, numbered from 0 • read_set, write_set, except_set: • Sets (bit vectors) of file descriptors to check for the specific condition • timeout: • Time to wait for a descriptor to become ready UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  10. File Descriptor Sets • Bit vectors • Often 1024 bits (FD_SETSIZE) • Only first num_fdschecked • Macros to create and check sets fds_set myset; void FD_ZERO (&myset); /* clear all bits */ void FD_SET (n, &myset); /* set bits n to 1 */ void FD_CLEAR (n, &myset); /* clear bit n */ int FD_ISSET (n, &myset); /* is bit n set? */ UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  11. File Descriptor Sets • Three conditions to check for • Readable: • Data available for reading • Writable: • Buffer space available for writing • Exception: • Out-of-band data available (TCP) UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  12. Timeout • Structure struct timeval { long tv_sec; /* seconds */ long tv_usec; /* microseconds */ }; UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  13. Select • High-resolution sleep function • All descriptor sets NULL • Positive timeout • Wait until descriptor(s) become ready • At least one descriptor in set • timeoutNULL • Wait until descriptor(s) become ready or timeout occurs • At least one descriptor in set • Positive timeout • Check descriptors immediately (poll) • At least one descriptor in set • 0timeout UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  14. Select: Example fd_set my_read; FD_ZERO(&my_read); FD_SET(0, &my_read); if (select(1, &my_read, NULL, NULL) == 1) { ASSERT(FD_ISSET(0, &my_read); /* data ready on stdin */ UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  15. Poll #include <poll.h> int poll (struct pollfd* pfds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout); • Poll file descriptors for events. • Return: • Number of descriptors with events • -1 on error, sets errno • Parameters: • pfds: • An array of descriptor structures. File descriptors, desired events and returned events • nfds: • Length of the pfds array • timeout: • Timeout value in milliseconds UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  16. Descriptors • Structure struct pollfd { int fd; /* file descriptor */ short events; /* queried event bit mask */ short revents; /* returned event mask */ • Note: • Any structure with fd < 0 is skipped UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  17. Event Flags • POLLIN: • data available for reading • POLLOUT: • Buffer space available for writing • POLLERR: • Descriptor has error to report • POLLHUP: • Descriptor hung up (connection closed) • POLLVAL: • Descriptor invalid UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  18. Poll • High-resolution sleep function • 0 nfds • Positive timeout • Wait until descriptor(s) become ready • nfds> 0 • timeoutINFTIMor -1 • Wait until descriptor(s) become ready or timeout occurs • nfds> 0 • Positive timeout • Check descriptors immediately (poll) • nfds> 0 • 0 timeout UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  19. Poll: Example struct pollfd my_pfds[1]; my_pfds[0].fd = 0; my_pfds[0].events = POLLIN; if (poll(&my_pfds, 1, INFTIM) == 1) { ASSERT (my_pfds[0].revents & POLLIN); /* data ready on stdin */ UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  20. Advanced Sockets signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); • Call at start of main in server • Allows you to ignore broken pipe signals which are degenerated when you write to a socket that has already been closed on the other side • Default handler exits (terminates process) UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  21. Advanced Sockets int yes = 1; setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &yes, sizeof (yes)); • Call just before bind • Allows bind to succeed despite the existence of existing connections in the requested TCP port • Connections in limbo (e.g. lost final ACK) will cause bind to fail UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  22. Posix Threads (pthreads) • When coding • Include <pthread.h> first in all source files • When compiling • Use compiler flag –D_REENTRANT • When linking • Link library -lpthread UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  23. pthreads Attributes • Attributes • Data structure pthread_attr_t • Set of choices for a thread • Passed in thread creation routine • Choices • Inherit scheduling specifics from parent thread? • Compete at process or thread level? • Scheduling policy • Thread priority • Detached state • Join operation required at termination? • Only useful if thread returns a value UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  24. pthreads Attributes • Initialize an attributes structure to the default values • int pthread_attr_init (pthread_attr_t* attr); • Set the detached state value in an attributes structure • int pthread_attr_setdetachedstate (pthread_attr_t* attr, int value); • Value • PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED • PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  25. pthread Error Handling • pthreads functions do not follow the usual Unix conventions • Similarity: • Returns 0 on success • Differences: • Return error code on failure • Does not set errno • What about errno? • Each thread has its own • Define _REENTRANT (-D_REENTRANT switch to compiler) when using pthreads UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  26. pthread Creation int pthread_create (pthread_t* tid, pthread_attr_t* attr, void*(child_main), void* arg); • Spawn a new posix thread • Parameters: • tid: • Unique thread identifier returned from call • attr: • Attributes structure used to define new thread • Use NULL for default values • child_main: • Main routine for child thread • Takes a pointer (void*), returns a pointer (void*) • arg: • Argument passed to child thread UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  27. pthread Cleanup • Problem • A thread can be terminated by an external source (i.e. by other threads) • Deallocation an other cleanup must still be performed • Solution • Push and pop cleanup routines • Defer external cancellation until after perfroming cleanup to avoid race conditions UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  28. pthread Cleanup { pthread_cleanup_push (my_cleanup, heap_data); … { … } pthread_setcancel_type(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &old); pthread_cleanup_pop(1); } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  29. pthread Cleanup Pitfalls • your code... if (i_need_a_cleanup) { pthread_cleanup_push (my_cleanup, my_arg); } /* some code outside the cleanup logic */ if (i_need_a_cleanup) { pthread_cleanup_pop (1); } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  30. pthread Cleanup Pitfalls • what your code becomes... if (i_need_a_cleanup) { { /* code to push cleanup */ /* PUSH translation */ } /* THIS CODE IS NOW IN THE CLEANUP LOGIC! */ /* some code outside the cleanup logic */ if (i_need_a_cleanup) { /* code to exec cleanup */ }/* POP translation */ } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  31. Unix Files #include <sys/stat.h> int stat(const char* name, struct stat* buf); • Get information about a file • Returns: • 0 on success • -1 on error, sets errno • Parameters: • name: Path to file. Absolute paths begin with “/”, relative paths do not • buf: Statistics structure • off_t st_size: Size in bytes • time_t st_mtime: Date of last modification. Seconds since January 1, 1970 UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  32. Unix File Operations • Open (and/or create) a file for reading, writing or both int open (const char* name, in flags); • Read data from one buffer to file descriptor size_t read (int fd, void* buf, size_t cnt); • Write data from file descriptor into buffer size_t write (int fd, void* buf, size_t cnt); • Close a file int close(int fd); UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  33. File: Open #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> int open (const char* name, int flags); • Open (and/or create) a file for reading, writing or both • Returns: • New file descriptor on success ( 0) • -1 on error, sets errno • Parameters: • name: Path to file, absolute or relative • flags: • O_RDONLY: read only, O_WRONLY: write only, O_RDWR: read and write, O_CREAT: create file if it doesn’t exist, O_EXCL: prevent creation if it already exists UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  34. File: Read #include <unistd.h> size_t read (int fd, void* buf, size_t cnt); • Read data from one buffer to file descriptor • Return: • Number of bytes read on success • -1 on error, sets errno • -1 on signal interrupt, sets errno to EINTR • Parameters: • fd: file descriptor • buf: buffer to read data from • cnt: length of buffer • Can return < cnt for sockets without reaching end of files • Returns 0 on end of file UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  35. File: Write #include <unistd.h> size_t write (int fd, void* buf, size_t cnt); • Write data from file descriptor into buffer • Return: • Number of bytes written on success • -1 on error, sets errno • -1 on signal interrupt, sets errno to EINTR • Parameters: • fd: file descriptor • buf: buffer to write data to • cnt: length of buffer • Can return < cnt for sockets without reaching end of files • Returns 0 on end of file UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  36. File: Close #include <unistd.h> int close(int fd); • Close a file • Return: • 0 on success • -1 on error, sets errno • Parameters: • fd: file descriptor UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  37. Multithreading-Safe Functions • Functions in original libraries • Use static storage • Not compatible with multiple threads • Reentrant versions • Dubbed <name>_r • Pass state back and forth to routine • Example: • Tokenizing a string using state local to the current thread char* strtok_r (char* s, const char* delim, char** last_p); UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  38. Multithreading-Safe Functions char* strtok_r (char* s, const char* delim, char** last_p); • Tokenizing a string using state local to the current thread • Used to split up words in English text, for example, or commands and arguments given in a command line • Parameters: • s: The string on the first call, NULL afterwards • delim: Characters that separate the tokens • last_p: Storage for a pointer to the end of the last token UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  39. Example • Server similar to last MP • Push server • Client-server connection remains open • Server pushes new data • Use pthreads • Main thread • Accepts new client connections • Spawns child thread for each client • Child threads • Parses client requests • Constructs response • Checks for file modification • Pushes file when necessary UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  40. Set up server TCP socket Initialize thread attributes structure Spawn a child thread to handle new connection Wait for a connection Create a thread specific data structure Example: Server Thread Flow Chart Start UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  41. Push thread cleanup function Wait for 1 second or until client send request n Need to send? Got client request? Send file to client y n y Success in send? Request valid? Store file name and reset send time y y n n Done Pop and execute thread cleanup function Example: Client Thread Flow Chart Start UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  42. Makefile CFLAGS = -g -D_REENTRANT –Wall OFILES = pushy.o push_thr_code.o read_line.o \\ print_error.o all: pushy pushy: ${OFILES} gcc -g -o $@ ${OFILES} – lpthread -lxnet %.o: %.c gcc -c ${CFLAGS} -O9 -o $@ $< clean: rm -f pushy query *.o *~ UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  43. set_up_server_socket static int set_up_server_socket (u_short port) { int fd; /* server socket file descriptor */ int yes = 1; /* used for setting socket options */ struct sockaddr_in addr; /* server socket address */ /* Create a TCP socket. */ if ((fd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror ("set_up_server_socket/socket"); return -1; } /* Allow port reuse with the bind below. */ if (setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&yes, sizeof (yes)) == -1) { perror ("set_up_server_socket/setsockopt"); return -1; } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  44. set_up_server_socket /* Set up the address. */ bzero (&addr, sizeof (addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Internet address */ addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* fill in local IP address */ addr.sin_port = htons (port); /* port specified by caller*/ /* Bind the socket to the port. */ if (bind (fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof (addr)) == -1) { perror ("set_up_server_socket/bind"); return -1; } /* Listen for incoming connections (socket into passive state). */ if (listen (fd, BACKLOG) == -1) { perror ("set_up_server_socket/listen"); return -1; } /* The server socket is now ready. */ return fd; } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  45. wait_for_connections static void wait_for_connections (int fd){ pthread_attr_t attr; /* initial thread attributes */ thread_info_t* info; /* thread-specific connection information */ int len; /* value-result argument to accept */ pthread_t thread_id; /* child thread identifier */ /* Signal a bug for invalid descriptors. */ ASSERT (fd > 0); /* Initialize the POSIX threads attribute structure. */ if (pthread_attr_init (&attr) != 0) { fputs ("failed to initialize pthread attributes\n", stderr); return; } /* The main thread never joins with the children. */ if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) != 0) { fputs ("failed to set detached state attribute\n", stderr); return; } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  46. wait_for_connections /* Use an infinite loop to wait for connections. For each connection, create a structure with the thread-specific data, then spawn a child thread and pass it the data. The child is responsible for deallocating the memory before it terminates. */ while (1) { /* Create a thread information structure and initialize fields that can be filled in before a client contacts the server. */ if ((info = calloc (1, sizeof (*info))) == NULL) { perror ("wait_for_connections/calloc"); return; } info->fname = NULL; info->last_sent = (time_t)0; UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  47. wait_for_connections /* Wait for a client to contact the server. */ len = sizeof (info->addr); if ((info->fd = accept (fd, (struct sockaddr*)&info->addr, &len)) == -1) { perror ("accept"); return; } /* Create a thread to handle the client. */ if (pthread_create (&thread_id, &attr, (void* (*) (void*))client_thread, info) != 0) { fputs ("failed to create thread\n", stderr); /* The child does not exist, the main thread must clean up. */ close (info->fd); free (info); return; } } } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  48. client_thread void client_thread (thread_info_t* info) { /* Check argument. */ ASSERT (info != NULL); /* Free the thread info block whenever the thread terminates. Note that pushing this cleanup function races with external termination. If external termination wins, the memory is never released. */ pthread_cleanup_push ((void (*)(void*))release_thread_info, info); /* Loop between waiting for a request and sending a new copy of the current file of interest. */ while (read_client_request (info) == 0 && send_file_to_client (info) == 0); /* Defer cancellations to avoid re-entering deallocation routine (release_thread_info) in the middle, then pop (and execute) the deallocation routine.*/ pthread_setcanceltype (PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, NULL); pthread_cleanup_pop (1); } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

  49. client_has_data static int client_has_data (int fd) { fd_set read_set; struct timeval timeout; /* Check argument. */ ASSERT (fd > 0); /* Set timeout for select. */ timeout.tv_sec = CHECK_PERIOD; timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* Set read mask for select. */ FD_ZERO (&read_set); FD_SET (fd, &read_set); /* Call select. Possible return values are {-1, 0, 1}. */ if (select (fd + 1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 1) { /* We can't check errno in a thread--assume nothing bad has happened. */ return 0; } /* Select returned 1 file descriptor ready for reading. */ return 1; } UIUC - CS/ECE 438, Fall 2006

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