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The GFOI aims to support countries in implementing national forest monitoring and reporting systems through satellite and ground observations. It provides capacity building, methodological advice, and support in utilizing observations to manage forest resources effectively.
GFOI Simon Eggleston SGCD-4, 4th-6th Sept 2013, Caltech, Pasadena, USA
GEO Forest Carbon Tracking (GEO-FCT) • GEO-FCT Started in 2008 • Worked with national demonstrator countries • Supported capacity development and provision of satellite data • Now we wish to continue and extend this to more countries in a more systematic way. • Want to continue to work with ND countries • Countries involvement should suit country needs • This is the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) • GFOI is led by FAO, ESA, Australia, Norway and the USA • GFOI has been endorsed by over 90 countries
National Demonstrator Countries From 2009 • Brazil • Guyana • Mexico • Indonesia • Australia • Cameroon • Tanzania From 2010 • Colombia • DR Congo • Peru From 2011 • Nepal
GFOI • The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) mission is to foster the sustained availability and use of satellite and ground observations in support of national efforts to better manage their forest resources. • GFOI will: • support countries’ national efforts to implement the national forest monitoring and measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems that they wish to implement; • help countries report in accordance with relevant internationally accepted frameworks, including: • UNFCCC guidance on REDD+. • the IPCC Good Practice Guidance, and
GFOI will: • provide a platform for coordinating observations: in order to assure the systematic, sustained and worldwide acquisition and supply of forest observations the GFOI will work with the space agencies of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), commercial data providers and researchers collecting relevant ground data; and • provide assistance and guidance on utilising observations: the GFOI will collaborate with national institutions and international bodies such as the FAO, World Bank and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to ensure that countries are able to utilize the available data. GFOI will do this by by • developing methods, guidance and advice; • providing capacity building; • promoting ongoing research and development.
REDD+ Reporting: Roles & responsibilities UNFCCC decisions on REDD+, reporting and MRV IPCC guidelines on estimating emissions and removals of GHG, Countries: implementation, specifically national forest monitoring and MRV Implementing Programmes (UNREDD and FCPF …) Support to Countries GFOI provide a platform for coordinating observations: provide methodological advice and support in using observations
Why GFOI! • There are many organisations supporting the implementation of REDD+ (UNREDD, World Bank …) • GFOI’s unique features are • its links to space agencies and their commitment to acquire data needed for annual forest monitoring. • Participation by many experts in Earth Observation, organisations involved in REDD+ and developing countries • GFOI has: • Active support and involvement of 13 space agencies • Active involvement of key REDD+ and GHG institutions: UNFCCC, FAO, World Bank, IPCC • Explicit endorsement by 90 countries (GEO) and 67 international organisations • Active involvement of developing country participants
GFOI Components: Capacity Building (SilvaCarbon and bilateral efforts) Research and Development Administration and Management (GFOI Office) Methods and Guidance Documentation Satellite Data Acquisition (SDCG)
Methods and Guidance Documentation A brief overview
Methods and Guidance • The objective of the MGD is to provide detailed and consistent operational guidance to countries on how to: • develop national forest MRV systems using a combination of remote sensing and ground data that best meets national policy objectives; and • report carbon stocks and estimates of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases consistent with internationally agreed requirements including those of the IPCC • The long term vision for the MGD is that by 2015 they: • are in use by countries and international organisations to help guide the development of national forest MRV and monitoring systems; • are accepted internationally for developing national forest MRV systems; and • where necessary, complement guidance provided by international bodies.
Methods and Guidance • Gives advice on the use of Earth Observations information in the monitoring of forests, carbon stocks and their associated greenhouse gas fluxes. • Will not duplicate other guidance • UNFCCC mandates the use of IPCC guidelines but they say little about the practical use of remote sensing, • GOFC-GOLD provides very detailed technical information • Aims to provide practical advice on setting up systems with methods and data available now • Recognises that counties will make their own choices about their forest monitoring needs and definitions • the MGD is intended to be used with • IPCC guidance (by linking IPCC methods more systematically to REDD+ activities than has been done previously) and • GOFC-GOLD (which provides an annual review of applicable science).
Production of Methods and Guidance • Is being produced by a team of experts: • in earth observation, • from developing and developed countries, • representatives of relevant international organisations including UNFCCC, IPCC, FAO and the World Bank. • Is being reviewed by a wider range of experts • Is based on • UNFCCC decisions • Guidance from the IPCC • Experience from National Demonstrators, • Experience of implementing programmes such as UNREDD • practical experience based on scientific and technical research • Will be freely available
Importance of Methods and Guidance • The MGD is important as it sets out what data products are needed to implement the IPCC guidelines and identifies those areas that are operational now and those where further development is needed. • Thus the development of the MGD has guided the R&D plan by mapping out the data needs for national forest monitoring • It has helped SDCG refine their data acquisition plans • It provides clear advice • to countries on how to develop their national forest monitoring systems and MRV capabilities, and what data is needed in their individual circumstances. • Guides GFOI and other programmes on data needs and methods
Methods and Guidance Status • Is now being reviewed for the second time by experts and country practitioners • Aim to have first version released in early January 2014 at the GEO X plenary. • Following release GFOI will • gather feedback on its use • review scientific and technical innovations • update the MGD to ensure it continues to provide up-to-date practical advice that can be widely used • GFOI is considering how to test it in developing countries • Will be freely available
Methods and Guidance: Summary • Provides advice on what data is needed and how to use it in national forest monitoring and MRV systems compliant with the UNFCCC and IPCC • It supplements and does not replace guidance from the UNFCCC, IPCCC and UNREDD • Provides information on earth observations suitable for those in charge of implementation, national negotiators and relevant organisations: IPCC provides over-aching structure and GOFC-GOLD latest scientific developments. • Underlies SDCG core data selection and data acquisition strategy • Will be freely available
Other GFOI Deliverables Space Data, R&D and Capacity Development
GFOI and Space Data Services GFOI aims to complement existing support to countries by coordinating with FAO, World Bank and others to ensure the sustained availability and use of satellite and ground observations CEOS has committed to acquiring core data, annual wall-to-wall coverages GFOI is considering additional Space Data Services
Space Data Services • GFOI is committed to the sustainable delivery of satellite data needed for national forest monitoring and MRV systems • GFOI is considering the mechanisms and funding for additional data, data delivery and processing needs • Data acquisitions will increase from 15 countries in 2013 to global coverage in 2016 • GFOI Space Data Services are being designed to address country needs and we will be flexible to meet needs as they are presented to us, within our mandate and resources. • GFOI will work with and supplement exiting programmes (such as UNREDD and FCPF) by ensuring access to the required data and skills to utilise it • Combine with other GFOI activities: MGD, R&D and capacity development to provide an integrated package of support to countries
GFOI Deliverables: Research and Development • GFOI is interested in promoting R&D needed to implement operational NFMS and MRV systems rather than longer-term developments • GOFC-GOLD programme is reviewing new science • Review of R&D needs by November 2013 • Basis for R&D programme • Funding uncertain, GFOI office will promote this to potential funders
GFOI Deliverables: Capacity Building • On-going • Increased effort in Asia • Working towards closer collaboration with FAO and World Bank (shared schedule etc.)
GFOI • Aims to support countries in developing sustainable national forest monitoring & MRV systems to meet their individual needs • Will work in collaboration with other international organisations and programmes • Its current focus is on supporting REDD+ implementation • Is working with CEOS to ensure the sustained, freely available, availability of core data streams with world-wide coverage by 2016 • Is considering how to address additional data needs and services including processing and delivery • Is also supporting countries in the use of this data through capacity building, methodological advice and addressing R&D needs