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PRESIDENCY REVIEW. Structure of the Office of the President White House Office, Executive Offices, Cabinet Posts Appointed by, confirmed? considerations when making appointments Importance??. PRESIDENCY REVIEW. Presidential veto Types of veto Threat of veto as leverage

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRESIDENCY REVIEW Structure of the Office of the President • White House Office, Executive Offices, Cabinet Posts • Appointed by, confirmed? • considerations when making appointments • Importance??

  2. PRESIDENCY REVIEW Presidential veto • Types of veto • Threat of veto as leverage • Difficulty of overriding • Extent of use • Line-item veto??

  3. PRESIDENCY REVIEW Presidents and foreign policy • Powers stated in the Constitution (shared and alone) • Executive agreement • Congress and foreign policy (Constitutional powers) • Congress, President, and foreign policy since WWII

  4. PRESIDENCY REVIEW Presidents and their use of media • “Bully pulpit” • Advantage over Congress • Helpful in expansion of Presidential authority in the modern era

  5. PRESIDENCY REVIEW Presidential nomination process • Changing role of primaries and caucuses • DNC and RNC • Convention delegates • Are Convention delegates representative of the rank-and-file party member?

  6. PRESIDENCY REVIEW ELECTORAL COLLEGE • Why adopted? • How it works? • Electoral votes per state? • How are electoral votes assigned to candidates? • How does it influence campaigns? • How does it influence third parties? • Can you win an election with less than 50% of the popular vote?

  7. PRESIDENCY REVIEW Presidents and saying “No” • Veto • Executive privilege (Nixon and Clinton) • Impoundment Presidents and executive orders

  8. PRESIDENCY REVIEW Presidents and Pursuit of Legislative Agenda • Media • Popularity • Partisan loyalties • lobbying • “honeymoon” period

  9. PRESIDENCY REVIEW REMOVAL OF A PRESIDENT • Impeachment • Trial • conviction

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