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Ecole des Mines d'Albi Research Centre: Tools, Materials, Processes

Industrial research center focusing on various tooling and process problems in material industry, offering multidisciplinary research for product quality and productivity improvement.

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Ecole des Mines d'Albi Research Centre: Tools, Materials, Processes

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  2. 7 schools Financed and run directly by Ministery of Industry FRENCH ECOLE DES MINES NETWORK BELGIUM • Bruxelles GERMANY Douai • PARIS • Frankfort Nancy Nantes SWITZERLAND • Geneva 650 km ITALY • Lyon • Saint Etienne Milano • • Bordeaux • Alès Albi • Montpellier Toulouse • 250 km SPAIN Barcelone •

  3. Research Center on Tools, Materials and Processes Founded in 1993 Industrial oriented research global approach for tooling and processes problems Research on tool materials used in forging, casting, hot rolling, sheet metal forming, superplastic forming, injection molding, glass industry, etc Centre de Recherche sur les Outillages, les Matériaux et les Procédés

  4. Significant ecomical impact in material industry direct : raw materials, machining, treatment indirect : cost saving, product quality, productivity R &D in a industrial company Partially activity Tool manufacturing is often subcontracted Diversification of professions Multidisciplinary problems WHY THIS THEME ?

  5. In 12/17/99 : 45 persons 18 scientists & engineers 5 technicians 2 secretaries 19 Ph.D. students 2 Post-Doc TEAM

  6. PLURIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH Process & flow simulation Material Processes - metals - polymers - glasses - ceramics - composites - ... Microstructure & Damage Characterization Thermo-mechanical analysis of molds, dies and tools (FE). Material Testing Tool coating testing Thermal & Mechanical analysis of tools - undersdanding - optimisation - prevision Mold, dies & tools testing on pilot plants Physical characterization of materials Computer vision applied to process control Thermal monitoring of industrial equipments; Infra Red Thermography Non destructive testing Surface treatment, coating & lubrification

  7. Measurement of tool sollicitations Heat flux, temperatures and displacements Contact less measurement technics (CCD cameras, infra-red) Behaviour and reliability of tool materials Material behaviour and modeling Isothermal and non-isothermal Surfaces Performance reliability of tools surfaces Thermomechanical fatigue life, wear and damage Modeling and design of tools Coupled or un-coupled mechanical, thermal and chemical modelling 4 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AXIS

  8. Mechanical isothermal fatigue (1200°C) non-isothermal fatigue (induction) mechanical & optical extensometry High temp. flexural on ceramics micro- hardness (RT and HT) high temperature Charpy Thermal expansion Microstructural analysis metallographic examination image analysis S.E.M.with EDXS& EBSP (local crystaline orientation) X ray surface residual stress measurement 3D nano roughness (with & without contact) Portable monitoring equipments infra red cameras (3-5µm & 8-12µm) thermocouple acquisition system image acquisition (C.C.D.) Pilot plants thermoplastic injection Aluminium casting equipment Wear in sheet metal forming Thermal treatment Software process simulation forging,rolling,forming : FORGE 2 stamping : PAM-STAMP casting : Thercast Plastic injection : IDEAS thermal & surface treatment : SYSTUS thermomechanical analysis : ABAQUS, SYSTUS CAD : IDEAS, AUTOCAD TEST FACILITIES

  9. RESEARCH CONTRACT ORIGINS • Industrial contracts • Regional • National • European Community


  11. Two basic orientations A-Laboratory scale : Materials characterization and assessment B-Pilot scale : Reproduce and simulate phenomena to reach scientific unterstanding and develop the behaviour and life prediction models RESEARCH APPROACH

  12. 1-Identification of the initial state of material and their development Mechanical properties & behaviour laws measurements Cracks, thermal & mechanical damage identification Assessment of the process induced sollicitations Development of interactions between processes and tools 2-Monitoring & identification of industrial equipment operating parameters with mobile equipments Stereovision rigs MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION

  13. Mechanical properties & behaviour laws measurements Thermomecanical stress during fatigue test at 500°C and 900°C Carbide micro-crack after monotonic load at 500°C Superplatic forming Choi, Baleix, Bernhart, Lours

  14. Cracks, thermal & mechanical damage identification Uniaxial and biaxial crack during thermal fatigue Temperature effect on the thermomechanical life Forging Jean, Oudin, Miquel, Rezai-Aria

  15. Assessment of the process induced sollicitations Numerical simulation of forging operation with FORGE2 Critical area prediction and time life Fatigue life calculated Forging Oudin, Penazzi, Rezai-Aria

  16. Development of interconnections beetween process & tool Thermo-elastic stress during aluminum casting mold : 240°C - Al : 750°C Cracks in casting mold Mold : cast-iron Baroucaire, Michrafy, Dour Casting

  17. Monitoring & identification parameters with stereovision rigs 3D shape measurement with stereocorrelation method 2D crack propagation an dfrfacture thougnhess measurement during 3 points bending test Garcia, Orteu, Rezai-Aria

  18. Dilation evolution of refractory concrete reinforced by metallic fibers Microstructure and behavior of reinforced concretes Prototype insert moulds Cailleux, Cutard, Bernhart Superplastic forming

  19. Temperature contours of preform and lighters during heating Infrared heating of thermoplastic preform Modeling of preform heating Thermoplastic heating Monteix, Le Maoult, Schmidt

  20. With classical or special designed test equipments Thermal and mechanical test equipments Tribology and wear test facilities With instrumented industrial or pilot equipments Sheet metal forming tools wear resistance Plastic injection facilities Heat treatment and quenching facility REPRODUCE & SIMULATE PHENOMENA

  21. Thermomecanical fatigue machineThermal fatigue rig Thermal and mechanical test equipments Material behaviour laboratory

  22. HT Tribometer equipement Friction coefficient variation with sliding length for 35NCD16 steel Tribology and wear test facilities Without oxydation Pre-oxydation 400°C Pre-oxydation 750°C Time (s) Boher, Vergne Tribology laboratory

  23. Sheet metal forming tools wear resistance Sheet metal forming pilot Tools geometries Strain gages and thermocouples instrumented tools 3-axials force cell 5 KN - 150 mm/s - continuous or 10 cycles/min - coil : 200 kg Boher, Lamesle, Penazzi Technical Hall

  24. Injection moulding machine with modular molds Injection facilities Wesselman, Saint-Martin, Devos Technical Hall

  25. Heat treatment vacuum furnace quenching Heat treatment & quench facility Shape variations monitoring for Austenitic Stainless Steel X2CrNi18-9 during cooling End 135s 55s 50s 225s 110s 25 s Claudinon Lamesle, Orteu Thermal and surface traitement laboratory

  26. Aim To promote exchanges between research groups involved in Forming Tools (from academic institutions and technical centers) To prepare common response to international calls for proposal (like EEC programs) To reinforce lobbying inside national and international committees to promote research and education of engineering students on forming tools To organize conferences, workshops and short courses on the forming tools domain To develop data base and information collection on forming and molding tools forging, superplastic forming sheet metal forming casting, injection moulding, International Network on Forming Tools Research and Development

  27. Call for partnership to join the International Network on Forming Tools Research and Development Please contact : Prof. C .LEVAILLANT Head of CROMeP Research Centre Ecole des Mines d ’Albi F-81013 ALBI cedex 09 - France Phone : +33 563 49 30 79 - Fax : +33 563 49 32 42 email : levaillant@enstimac.fr http://www.enstimac.fr/ International Network on Forming Tools Research and Development

  28. Cases of sheet metal forming tools 75 references papers from 1997 to 1999 Main country : France, Germany, USA, etc Main actors : Aalborg Univ., Hanovre Univ., MIT, Ohio State Univ., TNO, etc Main topics : Friction, design, material, tool technology, etc International Network on Forming Tools Research and Development

  29. Post-doc students mechanical and materials sciences work proposed : sheet metal forming tools (material, coating, wear) tribology at high temperature Visiting professors mechanical and material sciences at least 6 months EXCHANGE OFFERS

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