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Learn all about the FRIB facility at Michigan State University, its capabilities, construction timeline, and the scientific goals it aims to achieve. Discover how FRIB drives nuclear structure studies, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental symmetries exploration.
Facility For Rare Isotope Beams Bradley M. SherrillFRIBMichigan State University
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, FRIB Broad Overview • Driver linac capable of E/A 200 MeV for all ions, Pbeam 400 kW • Experimental capabilities for reaccelerated, stopped and in-flight beams • Upgrade options (tunnel can house E/A = 400 MeVuranium driver linac, ISOL, multi-user capability …)
From Where We areto Baseline to Completed FRIB The preliminary choices will be reexamined with community input, more peer review and with DOE review and approval • Alternatives will be documented in a Conceptual Design Report (CDR) together with the preferred alternatives indicated. The CDR is subject to DOE approval.Important user input at the FRIB Equipment Workshop Feb 20-22 in East Lansing • Following Preliminary Engineering and Design, FRIB will have performance baseline (scope, cost, schedule) defined. This baseline is subject to DOE approval. • After detailed design, project starts construction (subject to DOE approval) • Pre-operations after construction leads to project completion (subject to DOE approval) CD-1 CD-2 Feb 2004 Q3 2010 Q3 2012 Q3 2013 > Sep 2017 CD-3 CD-4 CD4 Range 10/2017 to 2/2019
Alternatives Analysis: FRIB Folded layout Fragment Separators Experimental Areas ECR FRIB LINAC Switchyard/ Production Area Light Ion Injector (upgrade) Cryoplant
Science Drivers for FRIB Taken from the NRC Rare Isotope Science Assessment Committee (RISAC) Report, 2007 National Academies Press • Nuclear Structure • Explore the limits of existence and study new phenomena • Possibility of a broadly applicable model of nuclei • Probing neutron skins • Synthesis of superheavy elements* • Nuclear Astrophysics • The origin of the heavy elements • Explosive nucleosynthesis • Composition of neutron star crusts • Fundamental Symmetries • Tests of fundamental symmetries* • Other Scientific Applications • Stockpile stewardship, materials, medical, reactors* * ISOL required for part or all of the program
Examples of Scientific Goals of FRIB that Drive Specifications • Produce and study nuclei along the drip lines at A≈100 • Produce and study nuclei in the r-process including at N=126 • Provide reaccelerated beams capabilities, e.g. 54Ca (astrophysics, fusion, transfer, COULEX, etc.) • Study benchmark nuclei, e.g. 60Ca • Superheavy element studies and fundamental symmetries experiments require that ISOL production by 600 MeV protons be an option
What New Nuclides Will FRIB Produce? After fragment separator • FRIB will produce more than 1000 new isotopes at useful rates • Many isotopes are produced in fragmentation and in-flight fission at greater than 1010/s • Special cases, e.g., 15O will have 2x1010/s • For reaccelerated beam rates we assume only 1% efficiency for the gas cell at greater than a few 108/s Reaccelerated Rates are available at http://groups.nscl.msu.edu/frib/rates/
Stopped beam area (operational in 2010/2011) ReA3 – Funded by MSU (operational in 2011 for rare isotope beams) ReA12 - in FRIB project (2015) Stopped and Reaccelerated Beams Notional layout and equipment shown
Theory Road Map: Nuclear Structure and Reactions • Theory Road Map – comprehensive description of the atomic nucleus • Ab initio models – study of neutron-rich, light nuclei helps determine the force to use in models • Configuration-interaction theory; study of shell and effective interactions • The universal energy density functional (DFT) – determine parameters • The role of the continuum and reactions and decays of nuclei • IMPORTANT: Understand and select sensitive measurements Energy density functional Configuration interaction Ab initio Continuum
Known half-life N=126 NSCL reach RISACKey Nuclei First experiments (70) Yb (69) Tm (68) Er Future Reach (67) Ho (66) Dy Reach of FRIB for r-process Studies • βdecay properties • masses (Trap + TOF) • (d,p) to constrain (n,γ) • fission barriers, yields 82 FRIB reachfor (d,p) 126 50 Current reach 82 28 FRIB reach forhalf-lives 50 H. Schatz
Reach of FRIB for Novae and X-ray Burst Reaction Rate Studies rp-process 10>10 109-10 108-9 107-8 direct (p,g) 106-7 direct (p,a) or (a,p)transfer key reaction rates can beindirectly measuredincluding 72Kr waiting point 105-6 (p,p), some transfer 104-5 102-4 most reaction rates up to ~Sr can bedirectly measured All reaction rates up to ~Ti can be directly measured H. Schatz 15O projected intensity of available at >1010/s level
Tests of Nature’s Fundamental Symmetries • Angular correlations in β-decay and search for scalar currents • Mass scale for new particle comparable with LHC • 6He and 18Ne at near 1012/s • Electric Dipole Moments • 225Ac, 223Rn, 225Ra, 229Pa (30,000 more sensitive than 199Hg) • Parity Non-Conservation in atoms • weak charge in the nucleus (francium isotopes; 109/s) • Unitarity of CKM matrix • Vud by super allowed Fermi decay • Probe the validity of nuclear corrections G. Savard e γ 212Fr Z
Rare Isotopes For Society Isotope harvesting is in the FRIB scope • Isotopes for medical research • Examples: 47Sc, 62Zn, 64Cu, 67Cu, 68Ge, 149Tb, 153Gd, 168Ho, 177Lu, 188Re, 211At, 212Bi, 213Bi, 223Ra (DOE Isotope Workshop) • -emitters 149Tb, 211At: potential treatment of metastatic cancer • Reaction rates important for stockpile stewardship – non-classified research • Determination of extremely high neutron fluxes by activation analysis • Rare isotope samples for (n,g), (n,n’), (n,2n), (n,f) e.g. 88,89Zr • Same technique important for astrophysics • More difficult cases studied via surrogate reactions (d,p), (3He,axn) … • Tracers for Geology, Condensed Matter (8Li), material studies, …
ISOL Background: Expert Panel Recommendations • NSAC RIB Task Force 2007 (Symon’s committee) – “First, in contrast to the gas stopper, we view the ISOL target as a part of the experimental equipment rather than a necessary core capability of the accelerator. Provision should be made to accommodate such a target, but the decision to construct it should be based on the existence of a strong collaboration and an approved experimental program.” • 2007 NSAC LRP - “physicists have begun planning a next-generation Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), which will deliver the highest intensity beams of rare isotopes available anywhere. But FRIB will not be available for a decade. So in the meantime, physicists hope to continue developing a comprehensive picture of atomic nuclei by strengthening operations and carrying out modest upgrades at the National User Facilities (at ANL’s ATLAS, ORNL’s HRIBF, and MSU’s NSCL)” • OECD 2008 Working Group on Nuclear Physics Report - “The future nuclear physics facilities such as the multi-megawatt ISOL systems and electron-ion collider would also require a global R&D effort.”
ISOL at FRIB • Community Input in support of ISOL at FRIB • Consensus statement from the ANL FRIB Workshop, May 2009 “We support including space to implement an ISOL option.” • Strong support and scientific case presented at the Workshop on Rare Atom Physics in Ann Arbor, MI June 2009 • Collaboration meeting held in Aug 2009 at MSU • It seems clear ISOL is important for the future of rare isotope science and FRIB • User interest • At least two of the RISAC science drivers (heavy elements and EDM searches) most likely require ISOL • Infrastructure to implement ISOL is included in FRIB • Implementation of ISOL at FRIB may cost tens of M$ ( detailed cost estimates are underway but not complete) • For early and effective implementation of ISOL at FRIB it is necessary and important to continue ISOL programs in the U.S.
Summary • FRIB will allow production of a wide range of isotopes • Extend our searches for the limits to nuclear stability • Answer key questions on the nature of the universe (chemical history, mechanisms of stellar explosions) • Significant opportunities for the tests of fundamental symmetries • Potential for important societal applications • ISOL will likely be an important production mechanism for FRIB and the infrastructure to make easy implementation is included in the base facility • Continued ISOL programs and developments are important; ORNL/HRIBF is the U.S. center for those activities