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E XPERIMENTAL U PDATE ON |V cb | (EXCLUSIVE). Arantza Oyanguren. ( DELPHI - Valencia ). CKM WORKSHOP ‘03. 1. l. n l. q 2. b. c. V cb. |V cb | FROM B  D * l - . From the s.l. decay width:. Known function (Phase space). Form factor of the B  D * transition 

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  1. EXPERIMENTALUPDATE ON|Vcb| (EXCLUSIVE) Arantza Oyanguren ( DELPHI - Valencia ) CKM WORKSHOP ‘03

  2. 1 l nl q2 b c Vcb |Vcb| FROM BD*l- From the s.l. decay width: Known function (Phase space) Form factor of the B D* transition  Normalized by HQET (mQ  ) at q2max (w = 1)   1/ mQ and QCD corrections  FD*(1)=1 FD*(1)= 0.91  0.04* * PDG ‘02 CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  3. 2 (4S) BB DELPHI OPAL ALEPH Z  bb SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION BABAR pB ~ 30 GeV BELLE pB ~ 1 GeV CLEO pB ~ 0.3 GeV CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  4. 3 B  D*l- K- + K- + + - K- +0 Ks0 + - SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION @ LEP p 1.0 GeV @ (4S)p 0.1 GeV D*-lepton candidates : D0 soft m= m(D0)-m(D0) ~ m(soft) Inclusive D0 Exclusive D0 OPAL BABAR CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  5. 4 wRECONSTRUCTION Efficiency: E, p conservation, vertex info... From decay products From missing energy Measured @ LEP:~ 0.07- 0.13 w Resolution:  @ (4S): ~ 0.03 ALEPH w CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  6. 5 D*l(73.5%) D**l(7.5%) Fake lep (0.3%) Uncorr (6.2%) Correlated (1.5%) Contin.(3.2%) Fake D* (7.75%)  data D*l D**l Comb. Bg. b  D*+ X l_ l ElectronsK DELPHI events/0.27 BABAR topology info cosB,D*l BACKGROUND Disentangling D*’s coming from D** states... @ (4S) @ LEP ~ 66% charged particles events/01 OPAL CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  7. 6 w w FITS TO|Vcb|  Parametrization of the form factor F(w) from I.Caprini, L. Lellouch, M. Neubert[NPB 530, 153 ‘98]* as a function of the slope form factor2 and the form factor ratios R1 and R2 (measured by CLEO[PRL 76, 3898 ‘96]).  Fitd/dwto extractF(1)|Vcb|and2 BELLE CLEO Entries/0.05 FD*(1)|Vcb| * See also C.G. Boyd, B. Grinstein, R.F. Lebed[PRD 56, 6895 ‘97] CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  8. 7 STATISTICS Analyzed events : OPAL D*l candidates DELPHI CLEO ALEPH BELLE Statistical error BABAR ALEPH DELPHI OPAL CLEO BELLE (partial stat.) BABAR (expected) Vcb/Vcb (%) CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  9. 8a BABAR (BR) BELLE PLB 526, 247 ‘02 SYSTEMATICS @ LEP Moriond EW ‘03 hep-ex/0112028 CLEO @ (4S) CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  10. 8b @ LEP SYSTEMATICS hep-ex/0112028 CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  11. 8c SYSTEMATICS @ (4S) CLEO CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  12. 8d BABAR (BR) SYSTEMATICS @ (4S) Moriond EW ‘03 BELLE PLB 526, 247 ‘02 CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  13. 9 UPDATED WORLD AVERAGE Winter ‘03 F(1)|Vcb| = (38.1  1.0) 10-3 r2 =1.57  0.14 PDG ‘03 F(1)|Vcb| = (38.8  0.5(stat).  0.9(sys.)) 10-3 r2 =1.49  0.05(stat.)  0.14(sys.) 2/d.o.f.=1.7 CL=6.9% Analyses rescaled to common parameters:http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/hfag/semi/pdg03/common.param Using F(1)=0.91  0.04 |Vcb|= (42.6  0.6(stat)  1.0(sys)  2.1(th.)) 10-3 (Thanks to E. Barberio and U. Langenegger (HFAG) for the averages) CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  14. 10 |Vcb| FROM BDl- CLEO BELLE D0, D+ D+ ALEPH D+ BELLE Winter ‘03 G(1)|Vcb| = (41.9  3.7) 10-3 rD2 =1.15  0.16 Using G(1)=1.00  0.07 PDG ‘03 G(1)|Vcb| = (42.4  3.7) 10-3 rD2 =1.14  0.16 2/d.o.f.=0.06 CL=99% |Vcb|= (42.4  3.7(exp.)  3.0(th.))10-3 CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  15. 11 CONCLUSIONS |Vcb| from exclusive measurements limited by systematics from several sources and theory  large systematics are correlated between experiments: B(b B0), B((4S) B0 B0), D BR’s, D** contribution, R1 and R2 form factors... CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

  16. 12 PERSPECTIVES Waiting for BABAR results,and BELLE with larger analyzed statistics, waiting for more accurate lattice computations of FD*(1) and GD(1),  the control of the main systematics by additio-nal measurements  and CLEO-c results on D BR’s CKM ‘03 A. Oyanguren

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