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Alex Hill and Terry Hill. Learning objectives. Understand LEVELS of strategy within business Distinguish between day-to-day and strategic ROLES Identify how different levels of strategy INTERFACE with each other Appreciate importance of understanding MARKETS
Learning objectives • Understand LEVELSof strategy within business • Distinguish between day-to-day and strategic ROLES • Identify how different levels of strategy INTERFACE with each other • Appreciate importance of understanding MARKETS • Understand different strategic APPROACHES • DEVELOP and IMPLEMENT an operations strategy
Lecture outline • INTRODUCTION • What is STRATEGY? • LEVELS of strategy within a business • DEVELOPING a strategy • IMPLEMENTING a strategy • Critical REFLECTIONS • SUMMARY
What is strategy? DIRECTION WHAT to do
What is strategy? DIRECTION WHAT to do IMPLEMENTATION HOW to do it
Levels of strategy CORPORATE
Where to INVEST or DIVEST • SALES REVENUE priorities Allocation of investmentFUNDS Levels of strategy Corporate DIRECTION OF TOTAL BUSINESS IMPLEMENTATION
MARKETS in which it competes • Where to GROW its business • Nature of COMPETITION • Relevant COMPETITIVE CRITERIA • WHICH functional tasks to invest in • HOW to invest in these tasks IMPLEMENTATION Levels of strategy Business unit DIRECTION OF BUSINESS UNIT
Support COMPETITIVE DIMENSIONS within a market for which it is solely or partly RESPONSIBLE • Meeting competitive REQUIREMENTS • Selecting APPROACHES to attain improvement goals • Implement the PLAN Levels of strategy Functional DIRECTION OF FUNCTION IMPLEMENTATION
Levels of strategy Functional
Levels of strategy Functional
Get and keep a service or product on a customer’s SHORTLIST Developing a strategy Understanding customer requirements QUALIFIERS ORDER-WINNERS WIN you the order once you are on the shortlist
Developing a strategy Understanding customer requirements Dinner Rush (2000) Le Mans (1971) Modern Times (1936) Pit stop Factory Restaurant
Developing a strategy Operations process
Developing a strategy Understanding customer requirements
What is the OPERATIONS process? • What are the key MARKET requirements? Developing a strategy
Developing a strategy Operations process
Developing a strategy Operations process • Raw material • Order details • Customer • Car • Rain tyres • Raw material • Restaurant • Kitchen • Equipment • Chef • Waiter • Pit stop • Mechanics • Spanners • Factory • Production line • Operator • Spanner • Food • Drink • Service • Widget • Car with • rain tyres
Developing a strategy Understanding customer requirements
Developing a strategy Understanding customer requirements
Developing a strategy The process of strategy development Alternative APPROACHES • TOP-DOWN vs BOTTOM-UP • MARKET-DRIVEN vs MARKET-DRIVING
Developing a strategy Top-down approach CORPORATE BUSINESS UNIT FUNCTIONAL
Developing a strategy Bottom-up approach Consolidated into formal STRATEGY EMERGING sense of what strategy should be Day-to-day EXPERIENCES and LEARNING
MARKET OPERATIONS Developing a strategy Market-led orientation MARKET DRIVES OPERATIONS
MARKET OPERATIONS Developing a strategy Market-driving orientation OPERATIONS DRIVES MARKET
Developing a strategy Alternative approaches
What are their strategic OBJECTIVES? • What is their STRATEGY to achieve these objectives? • What APPROACH has been used to develop and implement this strategy? Developing a strategy Alternative approaches
Developing a strategy Alternative approaches
Developing a strategy Alternative approaches
Critical reflections • Operations helps gainFIRSTsale whilst also securing theSECONDsale • MARKETor marketing-led? • Moving to aBUSINESS-LEVELstrategic debate
Summary • What isSTRATEGY? • Direction and Implementation • LEVELS of strategy • Corporate - Business - Functional • StrategyDEVELOPMENT • Understand market • Develop capability to support or drive market • MarketREQUIREMENTS • Order-winners and Qualifiers • APPROACHto developing strategy • Top down vs Bottom up • Market-led vs Resource-based