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Intro to Sociology. Emile Durkheim. Emile Durkheim. Born 1858; Died 1917 Born in Epinal , France Works: The Rules of Sociological Method The Division of Labor Suicide The Elementary Forms of Religious Life
Intro to Sociology Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim • Born 1858; Died 1917 • Born in Epinal, France • Works: • The Rules of Sociological Method • The Division of Labor • Suicide • The Elementary Forms of Religious Life • Contributed to the formation of sociology as an independent, scientific discipline
Sociology (Definitions) • Social Facts – A category of facts with characteristics “external to an individual” that exert power over a person. • “external to a person” means that these characteristics are transpersonal experiences—things with an basis in internal experience that are not unique in essence to an individual’s internal experience. • Operative Facts: legal codes, aesthetics, language How society uses tools in order to thrive. • Structural Facts: demographics, geographical distribution, Urban architecture How society organizes itself in order to thrive. • Society – The “collective consciousness” of a group of people • Sui Generis– Irreducible to component parts, “of its own kind.”
Sociology (Method) • Domain: “social facts” – All research and reflection must be relative to the social causes and implications of (human) life. Everything is (must be) social. • Reasoning: relating social causes to social effects. (causal mechanism) • E.g., social estrangement is a factor in suicide. • Functional – relating the social fact to the social organism (as opposed to the interior psychology).
Method • The most primitive forms of religion exhibit the essential features of religion that have been obscured by the “luxuries” and advancements of mature religions. • Since the facts are simpler, the relations between them are more apparent. • What happens in primitive religion is an analogy for what happens in mature religions.
Epistemology (Knowledge) • Two forms of knowledge: empirical and categorical • Empirical – knowledge gained by observation • Categorical (Traditional) – Preconceived concepts by which we organize our observations • Categorical (Durkheim) – The representation of society within each individual’s consciousness – “collective representation” (E.g., Genetic Heritage) • Functionalism – the content of the categories change over time and culture, it is this same basic pattern that reveals an increasing uniformity that will eventually result in the ultimate uniformity.
Religion • “A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things—things set apart and forbidden—beliefs and practices which unite in one single more community…all those who adhere to them.” • Three Essential Elements • Sacred object (e.g., God, America, etc.) • Set of beliefs and practices • Moral community • Religion is established in moments of “collective effervescence”—points at which people are united in behavior and purpose. • Ecstatic psychic feelings implies a “higher” ideality • Ideality is projected onto an external symbol. • This symbol is actually a representation of society’s ideals—it is a way of society understanding itself. • “Religion is a society worshipping itself—it is society’s ideals and forces hypostatized.”
Connections • Because (a) categorical knowledge is social knowledge and (b) religion is a representation of social ideals, (1) religion is a social phenomenon; (2) all societies are intrinsically religious; and (3) religions are an important and healthy part of society. • Religious experiences are “real” in the sense that they do embody societal ideals. They are unreal in the sense that their content is symbolic and not descriptive or explanatory. • Durkheim expresses a functionalist theory of religion: religion is defined in terms of a set of processes as opposed to a set of content.
Criticisms • The increasing diversity or plurality of modern societies make it difficult or even impossible to apply Durkheim’s theory of religion outside of small, isolated groups. • The functionalist account defines religion too broadly in the sense that everything on this account is religious, or that there is nothing that is not potentially a religious/religion. • It rejects alternative or peripheral explanations of transcendence: • The philosophical question of the objective value of any given thing • The psychological question of individuality and idiosyncrasy in belief