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Explore Easter Island with Sam and join Bumbley and Coley as they discover the health benefits of eating eggs in Issue 16 of Mocomi TimePass Magazine. Every issue has something fun for everyone! In each magazine you will find folktales, trivia, puzzles, health tips, jokes and much more!
FOLKTALE Mullah Nasruddin: The Guest of Honour It was a busy day in the village. Mullah Nasruddin was out for his evening stroll, with his donkey, when he chanced upon a huge gathering of people outside the town hall. He turned to a person in the crowd and asked him. “What is happening here?” The person replied, “I don’t know, but some very important people from all over the country and some neighbouring countries have also come.” “Oh!”, exclaimed Mullah, “Let me fnd out.” Mullah Nasruddin walked to the entrance and tried to enter unnoticed. The guard standing at the town hall’s big doorway stopped and asked him, “Sir, please let me know your name. I cannot allow common people to enter. Some very important people have come here today.” Mullah looked at the guard and said, “Sir, I am here to deliver an important message for some very important people.” The guard looked at suspiciously. “Sir, please let me in. It is an important message and I cannot tell you whom it is for.” “No sir, I cannot allow you inside, without knowing whom you want to meet”, replied the guard. “Sir, please let me in. I will only go inside for a few moments and come out. Here, you can hold my donkey, while I go in.” answered Mullah. Reluctantly, the guard allowed him inside. Mullah Nasruddin entered a formal reception area and seated himself at the foremost elegant chair. The Chief of the Guard approached and said: “Sir, those places are reserved for guests of honour.” “Oh, I am more than a mere guest,”replied Nasruddin confdently. “Oh, so are you a diplomat?”, asked the Guard doubtfully. Answered Mullah, “Far more than that!” “Really? So you are a minister, perhaps?” the Guard asked again. “No, bigger than that too”, replied Mullah. “Oho! So you must be the King himself, sir?” asked the Chief sarcastically. “Higher than that!” asnswered Mullah, cheekily. “What?! Are you higher than the King?! Nobody is higher than the King in this village!” “Now you have it. I am nobody!” said Nasruddin. “One cannot be successful or happy in life without a humble but reasonable confdence in oneself.” Mullah Nasruddin
FIND THE HIDDEN OBJECTS PONDERING CORNER Do We Really Age Differently in Space? This happens due to time dilation efects. Space-time depends on an object’s gravitational force. As the gravity of an object increases, time moves slower. If you notice, time passes slower in places which are near the center of the Earth, as the gravitational pull is stronger. Scenario : The astronauts living on the ISS are foating 260 miles above the Earth, where the gravitational pull is weak. So basically time should move faster for them. But the space station is also going around the earth at 5 miles per second. Here the velocity time dilation has a greater efect than gravitational time dilation. Thus astronauts end up aging slower. But the diference isn’t much. Astronauts have aged 0.005 seconds less than the rest of us on earth.
Sam Visits Easter Island Discover A New Place I’m at Easter Island, a remote volcanic island in Polynesia famed for its archaeological sites, includ- ing some 900 monumental statues, called moai, created by its early Rapa Nui inhabitants during the 10th-16th centuries. No one knows why they began carving giant statues out of volcanic rock. The moai are carved human fgures with oversize heads, often resting on massive rock altars called ahus. Ahu Tongariki has the largest group of upright moai. The island has an interesting story. It is said that Easter Island was once a land abundant with rich soil and forests. The Rapa Nui colonized it, and over the course of a mere 300 years, they depleted the bountiful resources and started dying out. Missionaries and slave traders added to the damage and entirely wiped out the civilization and its history. Now, the only remnants are these Moai. The story of the Rapa Nui is eerily similar to what we’re doing to our planet, isn’t it? Can you change just 1 letter in every word to make a new and themed word? G i v e r A C A K E S E T P A D D L E P O N Y
Coley & Bumbley Eat Eggs About health and more! The eggs I have give me the required proteins to make me stronger. Why are eggs good for you? Eggs are considered to be a “super food”. Why? Because they are loaded with nutri- ents and are so easily available. They also contain omega-3 fatty acid which help develop our brain and our cog- nitive memory. The essential dietary components, Lutein and Zeaxanthin sharpen our vision. Our body does not create these components on its own. The yolk in the eggs are rich resource for this. Eggs have full array of amino acids and is considered the most perfect protein. Amino acids are important for healthy immune system, metabolism and lean body tissue development. Why does a light bulb represent an idea? When active, our brain produces electrical currents due to nearly 100,000 chemical reactions occurring in it per second. These chemical reactions are carried out in our brain by tiny cells called neurons. Neurons process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals that they pass on to each other. They pass this information at the speed of 420 km/hr, which is faster than the speed of a race car! After processing this information, when we arrive at an insight, our brain literally lights up! That is why an “idea” is usually associated with a light bulb. The moment when we get an idea, is also referred to as an ‘Aha’, ‘Eureka’ or ‘light bulb’ moment.
Tickle your funny bone Q: Why did the bee go to the barbershop? A: To get a buzz-cut. Q: What do you call a bee that lives in America? A: USB Q:What do you call a wasp? A: A wanna-bee! AMUSING NEWS
a comic story sir-dig-a lot Trojan horse Rohan is about to go on a family trip to Greece and Rome. “Which lesson in Greek history will you be telling me today?” Rohan asked his friend as over the past few days Sir Dig-a-Lot had talked about Greek history with him. “A very important and interesting one; about the Trojan horse. Before I tell you about the horse, I will tell you about one of the greatest wars of Greek history fought by great warriors of that time. Trojans assumed that the Greeks had accepted defeat and had gone back to their country. They discovered a huge wooden horse on the banks of the river made of "About 3000 years ago there was a country named Troy. Prince Paris fell in love with Queen of Greece, Helen, during one of his visits to Greece. Without the knowledge of the Greeks, Helen came with Prince Paris to Troy. When the Greeks found out, they attacked Troy to take their queen back. This war was fought for honour by both the countries. After a ten year of long battle and the loss of many lives, the Trojans discovered that the Greeks had fled the banks of Troy. wood and ropes. “After celebrating their win the Trojans slept peacefully. However when Troy was sleeping, about 30 soldiers from the belly of the horse and two from its mouth came out. They were the best warriors of the Greeks, led by Ulysses. The sight of the large wooden horse confused them but they thought it was a symbol of their victory over the Greeks. It is said that some Trojans suggested burning the horse but the king wanted to show this off as a token of the Greeks defeat by the Trojan warriors and brought the huge horse inside the gates of the kingdom.” Sir Dig-a-Lot continued, “Yes, Rohan. This is the reason why the phrase Trojan horse is used as an expression in today’s times for something that disrupts a perfectly safe environment upon being invited in. Do you know it’s also a computer virus?” Rohan said, “I didn’t know that. This was certainly an interesting story. Now I am all set for the trip!” Sir Dig A Lot smiled and said, “You must sleep now. Have a nice time, Rohan. I will miss you.” Rohan said, “I will miss you too but I will get you something from Greece.” Sir Dig-a-Lot laughed and tucked Rohan in his bed.
I moved into an apartment where I had an extremely noisy neighbour. They would play rock music every morning at 8:00 am sharp. This would continue throughout the day. I tried to bear with them but after a week I had to do something about it. I went up to the neighbour's house and knocked hard on the door to tell them to switch of the music. There was no reply for about 2 minutes... until someone or something door. My jaw fell to the foor when I saw who it was. Complete the Story... opened the fun facts with Hamlet the Hamster To know or not to know, that is the question! Well, wouldn’t you prefer to know? Facts About the Human Body It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. The calcium in human bones and the iron in human blood came from ancient explosions of giant stars. Your brain is 80% water. It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. Your tongue has 3,000 taste buds. A sneeze travels at over 100 miles per hour.
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