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Advanced Placement Courses “AP”. The Who, What, When and Why. The AP Program: Accept the Challenge. Advanced Placement (AP) courses allow high school students the opportunity to acquire college level content knowledge.
Advanced Placement Courses “AP” The Who, What, When and Why
The AP Program: Accept the Challenge • Advanced Placement (AP) courses allow high school students the opportunity to acquire college level content knowledge. • Through AP exams students have the chance to earn credit in more than 90% of colleges and universities in the US and Canada.
About AP“The Why” • Achievement • Preparation • Confidence
Question: • What is the best preparation for scoring well on the ACT? • What happens in the classroom day in and day out?
Benefits of taking AP Exams • Earn college credit and advanced placement • Earn AP scholar awards • Learn what professors are looking for • Success in AP leads to success in college
AP Exam Grades • AP Exam grades are a combination of scores from a multiple choice and a free response section. The final grade is reported on a 5 point scale: • 5= extremely well qualified • 4= well qualified • 3= qualified • 2= possibly qualified • 1= no recommendation
AP Course Options • There are 37 courses and exams across 22 subject areas - AP offers something for everyone. • RCS offers 16 AP courses which may be taken during a student’s years at RHS. • Students may elect to take exams in any area not offered.
RHS AP Course Offerings • English Language • English Literature • French V AP • German V AP • Spanish V AP • Studio Art
RHS AP Course Offerings • United States History • United States Government and Politics • Psychology • Calculus AB • Calculus BC • Statistics
RHS AP Course Offerings • Biology • Environmental Science • Chemistry • Physics
Indicators of AP Success • Explore composite score, PSAT scores • Part of the progression in the RHS curriculum • Students who are willing to make a commitment to academic excellence • Students with the study habits to tackle rigorous course work • Students with a strong interest in the given content area
Educational Planning and Assessment System (EPAS) • EXPLORE 8th and 9th grade (score range 1 to 25) • PLAN 10th grade (score range 1 to 32) • ACT 11th and 12th grade (score range 1 to 36)
ACT Readiness Benchmarks for Credit-Earning College Courses CollegeEXPLORE (8th/9th) PLAN (10th) ACT (11th/12th) Credit-Earning College Readiness College Readiness College Readiness Course Benchmarks Benchmarks Benchmarks English Comp. English English English Algebra Math Math Math Social Science Reading Reading Reading Biology Science Science Science ACT College-Readiness Benchmarks 8th 13 17 15 20 9th 14 18 16 20 15 19 17 21 18 22 21 24
Predictive Relationship Between AP Enrollment and Performance and College Readiness as a Success Measure • For students who took no AP classes in high school • 17% will graduate within 5 years of enrollment in college • For students who took at least one AP course but did not take an AP exam • 37% will graduate within 5 years of enrollment in college
Predictive Relationship Between AP Enrollment and Performance and College Readiness as a Success Measure • For students who took at least one AP course, took the exam, but did not pass the exam (scored a 1 or 2) • 42% will graduate within 5 years of enrollment in college • For students who took at least one AP course, took the exam, and passed the exam (scored a 3, 4, or 5) • 64% will graduate within 5 years of enrollment in college
AP: The University Perspective • Sally Lindsley • The Senior Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions from the University of Michigan
Additional Resources The College Board Website has a special resource- Bulletin for AP Students and Parents: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/about.html
Advanced Placement Use in Admissions Review and Placement at the University of Michigan Sally Lindsley Senior Associate Director Office of Undergraduate Admissions University of Michigan Rochester High School February 25, 2009
Benefits of AP as Part of High School Curriculum • Demonstrated rigor • Selective colleges and institutions evaluate candidates for admissions based on rigor of curriculum offered in their respective high schools. • Curriculum – Nationally normed AP curriculum • Assists school districts with limited funding for curriculum development to provide for students to be challenged in their areas of academic strength – offers a standard template for teachers to use in developing their individual curriculum; AP workshops made available during the summer to enhance instruction. • Michigan Virtual High School allows students to enroll in 2 AP online classes per year – provides academic opportunities for students from secondary school districts with small enrollments to take advantage of the AP program.
Advanced Placement Selection and Review Process • Multiple, Comprehensive, Holistic Admissions Process • AP scores can help corroborate excellent grades on a transcript, and weak scores can illuminate potential areas of concern • # of AP courses taken and grades received by student • All courses do not carry an equal weight in the admissions process. We expect successful applicants to have attempted the toughest curriculum available to them at their HS – AP is one way to demonstrate rigor on the transcript • E.g., College of Engineering – student s advised to enroll in highest levels of math and science offered - AP Calculus, AP statistics, AP Chemistry, and/or AP Physics. • Retention of the Student correlated to Rigor in HS
Use of AP in Application Evaluations University of Michigan Freshman Undergraduate Admissions Review Guidelines From Michigan’s evaluation process guidelines: “Category: Academic Achievement, Quality, and Potential Curriculum The transcript is extremely important in noting the grades the applicant has achieved as well as the rigor and quality of the curriculum. Given the wide disparity in high school course selection and offerings, it is imperative that the choice of strong courses, particularly those courses clearly identified as honors and AP/IB should be considered in the context of that particular high school. What is the quality and strength of courses offered? Has the applicant taken advanced and/or challenging classes? Does the high school have strict prerequisites for entrance into these courses? What are the applicant’s curricular interests and strengths? Did the applicant dual enroll? Or, has the applicant extensively studied a particular subject? Reviewers will also have the flexibility to give an outstanding rating to applicants who took college-level courses in academic subjects and received excellent to outstanding grades. Reviewers may exercise their judgment when giving below average, average, good, excellent, or outstanding ratings to curriculum, as part of the overall academic achievement rating.” http://www.admissions.umich.edu/prospective/prospectivefreshmen/eval_categories.php#Academic
Decision Categories • HA = High Admit • Consistent outstanding evaluation (show strong evidence of taking challenging courses offered at school) • Students who would be considered for top merit scholarship programs • A = Admit • Consistent outstanding or excellent evaluation (show evidence of taking some challenging courses offered at school) • No deficiencies • AR = Admit with Reservation • Mostly outstanding / excellent evaluations, possibly good in select areas • A single deficiency, or very few minor deficiencies • Student is competitive for admission • DR = Deny with Reservation • Consistent good or average evaluation (school offers challenging courses and no evidence of student having taken any rigor) • Several deficiencies, or a major deficiency • Student is qualified for admission • D = Deny • Consistent average or below average ratings • Student is not qualified for admission
Entering Class of 2008 Note: Includes Spring, Summer, and Fall terms.
Profile of 2008 Admitted Freshman Students (all units – middle 50%)
Policies Regarding Granting College Credit Who determines credit at post-secondary institutions: • Typically faculty within a department will determine credit policy for an AP exam. Strictly a “local” decision – no national guidelines. • U-M Office of Undergraduate Admissions requests yearly updates each spring from faculty in the individual colleges and departments. • Provide analysis to the six undergraduate schools/colleges on enrolling class’s reported examination scores and number of credits awarded.
No Credit nor any Placement No Credit but advanced placement in next level courses A Mix of Credit or Placement No Credit below 5 No Credit below 4 No Credit below 3 Different Schools / Colleges / Departments want different scores Policies Vary at Different Institutions
4 or 5 yields course equivalent or departmental credit 3 in some departments yields course equivalent or departmental credit Approximately 63% of the enrolling freshman class for 2008 received credit for their reported scores. University of Michigan Policy
AP at U-M May 2008 score reports • U-M received 13,832 AP exam scores • 81% were a 3 or higher • 57% were 4 or 5 • 2,748 were for English AP exams – Eng. Lang & Comp = 1,020 and Eng. Lit. & Comp. = 1,728 • 2,562 were for Calculus AP exams – Calculus AB = 1,684 and Calculus BC = 878
AP at U-M • 6,265 students reported 13,832 total test scores to U-M in all 37 tests administered in 22 subjects areas in May 2008 • Majority of students were enrolling freshman Fall 2008 • Top 5 tests by number of scores reported • English Language & Literature – 1,728 • Calculus AB – 1,684 • US Government & Politics – 1,042 • English Language & Composition – 1,020 • Biology – 953 • Highest number of test scores reported • Score of 5 • Calculus AB – 585 • Calculus BC – 494 • Biology – 344 • Psychology – 318 • US Government & Politics – 272 • Score of 4 • English Language & Literature – 609 • Calculus AB – 446 • English Language & Composition – 320 • US History – 257 • Biology – 247
Top 5 AP Subjects per Freshmen Cohort Year Cohort Year Test Component # of Freshmen 2003 EL 1617 2003 CALAB 1580 2003 AMHIS 1415 2003 CH 1221 2003 ENGL 1077 2004 CALAB 1639 2004 EL 1638 2004 AMHIS 1509 2004 CH 1321 2004 ENGL 1167 2005 EL 1745 2005 CALAB 1660 2005 AMHIS 1598 2005 CH 1431 2005 ENGL 1232 2006 CALAB 1558 2006 EL 1522 2006 CH 1435 2006 AMHIS 1411 2006 ENGL 1182 2007 EL 1791 2007 CALAB 1772 2007 CH 1770 2007 AMHIS 1604 2007 ENGL 1331 2008 CH 1766 2008 CALAB 1750 2008 EL 1601 2008 AMHIS 1550 2008 ENGL 1268 • Cohort Year Test Component # of Freshmen • 1998 CALSB 1409 • 1998 I NTEN 1201 • 1998 PHYSM 775 • 1998 EH 636 • 1998 BY 608 • 1999 CALSB 1583 • 1999 INTEN 1284 • 1999 PHYSM 955 • 1999 CH 823 • 1999 BY 811 • 2000 EL 1611 • 2000 CALAB 1500 • 2000 AMHIS 1167 • 2000 CH 1138 • 2000 ENGL 881 • 2001 EL 1788 • 2001 CALAB 1701 • 2001 AMHIS 1359 • 2001 CH 1225 • 2001 ENGL 1018 • 2002 EL 1650 • 2002 CALAB 1505 • 2002 AMHIS 1295 • 2002 CH 1137 • 2002 ENGL 1022
Calculus AB and BC Computer Science Economics English Language & Composition English Literature & Composition Environmental Science French Language & Literature American, European, & World History History of Art Human Geography Latin Vergil and Latin Literature Music Theory Psychology Spanish Language & Literature Statistics University of Michigan Policy (contd) Some University of Michigan departments grant credit and placement for a score of 3 or above. (Subscores from Calculus and Music Theory are not used.) Examinations requiring a score of 4 or 5 include:
University of Michigan Policy (contd) • The amount of credit given for some exams differs. To receive credit for Chemistry, the College of Engineering requires a score of 4 or 5. The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts requires a score of 3 for Chemistry if the student placed into Chemistry 210 and 211 based on results from placement exam taken during orientation. Also, students enrolling in some honors math courses may have credit adjusted after completing the honors courses. • Newest AP exams in Chinese Language and Culture and Japanese Language and Culture – U-M Asian Languages and Cultures Department opted to follow existing practice: Orientation placement test to be placed into a Japanese or Chinese course. Chinese also allowed taking Chinese proficiency test (HSK) to be placed out of the 4-semester language requirement.
Chemistry – College of Engineering and College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
University of Michigan Policy (contd) • Credit earned through Advance Placement enables students to take courses at a more challenging level and counts toward graduation requirements. However, AP credit cannot be used to fulfill Area Distribution requirements in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA). • LSA Curriculum committee periodically reviews the overall transfer credit policies for the college including AP, IB and dual enrollment courses. • Students cannot receive credit more than once for the same course, nor can they receive credit by taking a course at a level lower than indicated by a placement exam. Courses elected at U-M must be at a more advanced level (usually a higher number) than what they would receive through Advanced Placement. • http://www.admissions.umich.edu/academics/apguidelines.html
Concerns/Issues • Is Advanced Placement rigorous enough? • Can a high school teacher develop a college level course that is at least as rigorous as AP? • Can class discussion in a high school class replicate class discussion in a college class? • Can a high school lab experience replicate a college lab experience? • Does a score of 3 or 4 or even 5 equate to the breadth and depth of the subject covered in “our” college course?
More . . . • Will students enter with AP credits and 1. Graduate early? 2. Take light academic load senior year? 3. Be ready for the next course in the sequence of classes?
Rochester High School Advanced Placement Program Christopher Green, Coordinator “There are no secrets to success: Don’t waste time looking for them. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure…and persistence.” - Colin Powell
The Classes “AP courses are the only ones actually designed by teams of college professors who work alongside expert secondary school teachers. Plus, college faculty participate in the scoring of the AP Exam you’ll take at the end of your course, comparing you to their own college students, verifying your mastery of the same level of curriculum.” – College Board • Provides rigor colleges and the business world demands. • Prepares students for the challenges of a college course • Challenges the students to meet or exceed their ability and potential. • Helps improve your reading and writing skills.
Scheduling • All AP classes are full year (2 semester classes) • Offered in 10th -12th grades. • Are based on the proven ability of the student and teacher recommendation. • Should be in the area of student career or academic interest. • The number of AP classes taken each year should be made with common sense.
Testing • Purpose of taking the course is to prepare students for taking the AP test. • Occurs in May of each year. • Each test is typically 3 hours and involves multiple-choice and essays or problems. • All or a portion of test costs can be paid for based on student financial need. • Earn credit or advanced placement or both at most Universities with a score of 3 and above.