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2. Lidar remote sensing of wind speed. Detects laser light scattered from natural particles in the atmosphere (dust, pollen, water droplets)Measures line-of-sight component of wind speed via the Doppler shiftTechnique first demonstrated in 1970s. 3. Lidar measurement of aircraft wake vortices. 4.
1. Wind lidar evaluation at the Danish wind test site in Høvsøre
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Title slide with image
A Title slide must be used in all QinetiQ presentations.
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Title page image
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2. 2 Lidar remote sensing of wind speed Detects laser light scattered from natural particles in the atmosphere (dust, pollen, water droplets)
Measures line-of-sight component of wind speed via the Doppler shift
Technique first demonstrated in 1970s
3. 3 Lidar measurement of aircraft wake vortices
4. 4
5. 5 ZephIR Doppler lidar wind profiler
6. 6 ZephIR lidar on 2.3 MW wind turbine (March 2003)
7. 7 Wind speed 200m in front of turbine
8. 8
9. 9 Data display screen
10. 10 First data from scanning ZephIR (December 2003)
11. 11
12. 12 Tests in Høvsøre against mast-mounted cups (April - August 2004)
13. 13 Høvsøre July 2004
14. 14 Høvsøre August 2004 height 40m
15. 15 Høvsøre August 2004 height 60m
16. 16 Høvsøre August 2004 height 80m
17. 17 Høvsøre August 2004 height 100m
18. 18 Complex wind structure
19. 19 Ongoing work Turbulence studies
Two-lidar side-by-side comparison
System development: improved performance
Algorithms to mitigate difficult conditions
Continuing test campaigns
Rear-looking turbine-mounted lidar for wake studies
“SeaZephIR”: buoy-mounted lidar (in collaboration with Trinity House)
20. 20 Contents slides
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Keep your content items short.
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Contents slides
Set out the contents of your presentation so the audience will know what to expect and how long your presentation will last.
Keep your content items short.
Content topic numbers must be typed (as PowerPoint does not number automatically), then coloured in Bright Blue.
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Use the Demote button to indent to the second level;
Click on the Bullets button to add second level bullet point style.
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The only font that should be used in the presentation is TheSans Q5 Plain. You may embolden text or use italics to add emphasis. Do not underline, emboss or add shadows to text.
A Wipe Right, Dissolve or Appear animation effect can be used, grouped by first level paragraphs, if you would like to introduce them individually. A dissolve effect has been set on the contents topics as an example.
No slide transition effects (animation moving between slides) should be used on any slide.
Do not use sound effects on any slide.
21. To create a new presentation:
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Go to Slide Sorter View of your new presentation (the Work template), and Paste the slides into position. Whilst building your presentation you can add slides as required using this method.
Placeholder slide
To be used at the beginning and end of presentations or during breaks.
This slide remains on screen while the audience is settling and the speaker is being introduced.To create a new presentation:
Decide on the style that best suites your presentation, Blue background for on-screen and 35 mm slides or White background for OHP transparencies and printed documents.
Open the Work template in the colour you decided on (Blue_Work or White_Work). This file contains the basic structure slides with which to start building your presentation. Save your file.
Open the Slides template in the same colour style (Blue_Slides or White_Slides). This template contains an overview of all the slides types available. Select the slide types you require and Copy them.
Go to Slide Sorter View of your new presentation (the Work template), and Paste the slides into position. Whilst building your presentation you can add slides as required using this method.
Placeholder slide
To be used at the beginning and end of presentations or during breaks.
This slide remains on screen while the audience is settling and the speaker is being introduced.
22. 22 Lidar references The role of laser coherence length in CW coherent lidar, M Harris, G N Pearson, J M Vaughan, D Letalick & C Karlsson, J. Mod. Opt. 45 1567 (1998)
All-fibre multifunction continuous-wave 1.55 micron coherent laser radar for range, speed, vibration and wind measurements, C Karlsson, F Olsson, D Letalick & M Harris, Applied Optics 39 3716-3726 (2000)
Single-particle laser Doppler anemometry at 1.55 micron, M Harris, G N Pearson, K D Ridley, C Karlsson, F Olsson & D Letalick, Applied Optics 40 969-973 (2001)
Continuous-wave bistatic laser Doppler wind sensor, M Harris, G Constant & C Ward, Applied Optics 40 1501-1506 (2001)
Wake vortex detection and monitoring, M Harris, R I Young, F Köpp, A Dolfi & J-P Cariou, Aerospace Science and Technology 6 325-331 (2002)
23. 23 Gust observations (nacelle-mounted lidar)
24. 24 Spectrum during moderate snow
25. 25 Comparison of Lidar with Sodar Higher signal to noise permits rapid/frequent lidar measurements
Sodar can measure to greater height than current ZephIR
No side lobes to produce spurious echoes
Immune to local sound sources
No disturbing acoustic emission
Lidar currently more expensive in prototype form
Detailed comparison of availability not yet carried out