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Thermal Investigation for Accurate Temperature Measurement

Thermal Investigation for Accurate Temperature Measurement. Team TCTJ Truc Le Cedric Toguem Jonathan Newman. Overview. Mission Goal Objectives Science Background Tests Overall Design Payload Design Electrical Software Mechanical Payload Development Projected Budget

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Thermal Investigation for Accurate Temperature Measurement

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  1. Thermal Investigation for Accurate Temperature Measurement Team TCTJ Truc Le Cedric Toguem Jonathan Newman

  2. Overview Mission Goal Objectives Science Background Tests Overall Design Payload Design Electrical Software Mechanical Payload Development Projected Budget Schedule and Status

  3. Mission Goal • The goal is to determine why previous LaACES payloads temperature measurements are different in comparison to NOAA temperature measurement.

  4. Objectives • Determine the effect of the thermal boundary layer on temperature measurements • Determine the effects of material and coating of temperature sensors on temperature measurement • Have the measurements of the control temperature sensor be similar to NOAA measurements

  5. Science Background Troposphere (0 to 12km) : lowermost atmosphere where temperature decreases from 30 to -80°C Stratosphere (12 to 48km): second lowermost part of the atmosphere where temperature increases from -80 to 0°C http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter1/vert_temp_all.html

  6. Science : Boundary Layer Thin layer of fluid in contact with a solid body that flows more slowly than the rest of the fluid As the payload gains altitude in fluid air, the boundary layer around it will be affected by heat transfer processes http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter1/vert_temp_all.html

  7. Science: Radiation Electromagnetic radiation emitted from the surface of an object in the form of heat due to the objects temperature If an object is warmer than its surrounding environment, it will emit more radiation in the form of heat into the surrounding environment than it will absorb in order to attain thermal equilibrium http://www.tsc.com/irgen/Image7.gif

  8. Science: Previous Data

  9. Test 1: Radiation Test 1 Radiation test: Sun →Electromagnetic radiation → Space →Sensors The test will consist of different color shielding to reflect the electromagnetic radiation from the sun http://image.tutorvista.com/content/dispersion

  10. Test 2: Radiation Test 2 Radiation Test: • The payload circuitry will emit radiation to the sensor. • Distance from the radiation source will determine the amount of heat dissipated http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.uos.harvard.edu/images/ehs/radiation

  11. Test 3: Boundary Layer Test Sensors are placed at different distance from the exterior surface of the payload Determine how much effect the boundary layer has on the measured temperature http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.engineering.leeds

  12. Overall Design

  13. Electrical: Sensors 1µA constant current from LM134 Output voltage will then vary from 1mV to 190.8mV (Value based on device’s datasheet – Resistance V. Temperature Table)

  14. Electrical: Sensors 7 temperature sensors Model: 44003RC Precision Epoxy NTC Thermistor -80 °C to 50 ° C 1kΩat 25 ° C

  15. Sensor Interfacing Sensors’ output voltage will vary from 1mV to 190.8 mV Payload ADC, from 0 to 3V Will use AD820 op-amp to amplify each sensors’ output

  16. Sensor Interface

  17. Sensor Interface Vref = 1.5V, R6 = 1kΩ R4 = 0.94MΩ R5 = 14.806kΩ

  18. Power Supply 6 x 1.5V Energizer L92 Ultimate Lithium (AAA) 9V to BalloonSat 9V to Op-Amps 9V Current sources positive voltage terminal 1.5V Battery to Op-Amps Vref

  19. Supplemental ADC Chip • Team will use 7 sensors • 4 Channel on BallonSat ADC • Team will add another ADC0834 chip • New chips’ pin connection will follow the original’s. • Ohmmeter will test pin connections

  20. Supplemental ADC Chip (cont.) Added ADC Pin Connection

  21. Power budget

  22. Software: Data Format Table

  23. Software: Flowchart

  24. Software: Flight Flowchart

  25. Software: Ground System

  26. Exterior Mechanical Design

  27. Interior Mechanical Design

  28. Mechanical/electronics interface

  29. Weight Budget

  30. Thermal Test

  31. Vacuum Test

  32. Impact Test

  33. Budget

  34. Reference • Clavius: Environment - heat transfer. http://www.xmission.com/~jwindley/heatxfer.html. November 24, 2009 • Anne E. Egger "Earth's Atmosphere: Composition and Structure," Visionlearning Vol. EAS 2003. http://www.visionlearning.com/library/module_viewer.php?mid=107 • Sad Dr Rodrigue – Introduction to physical Geaography. http://www.csulb.edu/~rodrigue/geog140/lectures/thermalstructure.html • BASIC Stamp 2p 24-Pin Module. http://www.parallax.com/Store/Microcontrollers/BASICStampModules/tabid/134/ProductID/7/List/1/Default.aspx?SortField=UnitCost,ProductName. November 25, 2009

  35. Questions?

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