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Are you ready…. To learn about…. THE INCAS!. By: Yudi , Katie, Marco, and Rachel. What was the capital city of the Incas?. The capital city of the Incas was Cuzco. What animal was used for transportation?. The llama was used for transportation. What was found at the site of Machu Picchu?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Are you ready…

  2. To learn about…

  3. THE INCAS! By: Yudi, Katie, Marco, and Rachel

  4. What was the capital city of the Incas? The capital city of the Incas was Cuzco.

  5. What animal was used for transportation? The llama was used for transportation.

  6. What was found at the site of Machu Picchu? The remains of the royal grounds were found at Machu Picchu.

  7. What did the Incas believe about their ruler? The Incas believed that their sun god was the father of their ruler. Hi son

  8. Who were called “Incas” and who were called “Andean People”? People who lived in the Andes Mtns. were called “Andean People”. Only the people who lived in Cuzco were called “Incas”.

  9. How many wives did the Inca ruler have? The Inca ruler had hundreds of wives.

  10. What did the farmers do with their crops? Most crops from the farmers went to temples or the government.

  11. What was mita? Mita was a kind of tax. They paid this tax by working. If they do not pay they would be hanged, stoned, or being pushed off a cliff.

  12. What was a quipu? A quipu was a tool for counting.

  13. Draw the Inca social pyramid. k emperors nobles farmers and peasants

  14. How did the Incas farm the land in the Andes Mountains? The Incas built terraces (steps) for flat farmland.

  15. How did the Incas get water to their crops? The Incas used an irrigation system to bring water to their crops.

  16. At what age did Inca children get their permanent names? Incas got their permanent names at age 13 or 14.

  17. What made nobles’ clothing different from everyone else’s? The nobles’ clothing had fancy designs and beautiful cloth.

  18. What happened to the Inca ruler Atahualpa? First, Atahualpa was captured by Pizarro, an explorer from Spain. After Pizarro captured Atahualpa, he demanded a ransom of gold and silver. Once Pizarro got the ransom, he still killed Atahualpa.

  19. What year did Pizarro take control of Cuzco? Pizarro took control of Cuzco in 1533, and in 1534, he conquered the whole Inca empire.

  20. How did the Spanish treat the Incas? The Spanish treated them harshly by destroying the terraces and the irrigation channels, which caused them to starve. They also destroyed their beautiful statues and forced them to forget their religion and become Christians. Over the course of 100 years, over 80% of the Incas died.

  21. What is the name of the Incan language still spoken by some people of Peru? Quechua is the name of the Incan language still spoken by some People in Peru.

  22. Hope you enjoyed learning about the Incas!

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