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Commercial Mobile Radio Service Emergency Telecommunications Board 2014 CMRS Board Grant Program. CMRS Grant Fund Overview. CMRS Board Staff. Joe Barrows, Administrator joe.barrows@ky.gov. Tandy Hubbard, Deputy Administrator tandys.hubbard@ky.gov.
Commercial Mobile Radio ServiceEmergency Telecommunications Board2014 CMRS Board Grant Program
CMRS Grant Fund Overview CMRS Board Staff Joe Barrows, Administratorjoe.barrows@ky.gov Tandy Hubbard, Deputy Administratortandys.hubbard@ky.gov Krista Harrod, Policy Advisorkrista.harrod@ky.gov
Kentucky CMRS Board The Commercial Mobile Radio Service Emergency Telecommunications Board (CMRS Board) is charged with administrating the CMRS fund for the purpose of implementing wireless emergency Enhanced 911 service throughout Kentucky in accordance with State and Federal Legislation and Regulations.
CMRS Board Overview The CMRS Board operates with 10 total members appointed by the Governor, two of which serve by virtue of their position (CMRS Executive Director and KSP Commissioner). Dale Edmondson, PSAP Director of the Campbell County Consolidated Dispatch, is the current Chairman of the CMRS Board. The CMRS Board operates with a Committee system with most issues coming before the Board for a decision vetted first by the appropriate Committee for recommendation to the full Board.
CMRS Grant Fund Overview • Created in 2006 as an amendment to KRS 65.7631 • 10% of all CMRS revenue is deposited into the Grant Fund • “for the establishment and improvement of E911 services . .” • “for incentives to create more efficient delivery of E911 . . .” • “for improvements of 911 infrastructure by wireless carriers” • for PSAP Consolidation reimbursement* *The CMRS PSAP Consolidation Grant is a separate, non-competitive application and should not be applied for through this competitive process.
2014 CMRS Grant Application Available at www.cmrsboard.ky.gov.
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements Mandatory Project Requirement Application MUST be consistent with the State 911 Plan. The State 911 Plan can be found atwww.cmrsboard.ky.gov.
Kentucky State 911 Plan • Basic Components • Statewide ESInet • Regional IP Networks • Host/Remote Provisioning w/Shared Hardware, Software, etc…. • NG Level Mapping • Legacy System Maintenance and Gateways
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements Project Priorities(in no particular order) • Emergency – dire need just to survive • Compliance with State 911 Plan and NG911 Themes • Efficiency in cost and/or service delivery • Regional Impact/Regionalization • Innovation • Applicant exhibits sustainability/project helps the applicant become more sustainable *Funded grant applications should attempt to meet one or more of the listed priorities.
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements • For applicants claiming “Emergency – dire need to survive,” those claims should be well documented. EX: • Letter from vendor declaring “end of life.” • Logs from maintenance calls/reports. • Real life stories.
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements • Efficiencies in Cost and/or Delivery of 911 Services: • Cost: Instances where an investment by the CMRS Board for non-recurring costs could lower the PSAP’s monthly/annual recurring cost. • Cost: Projects with shared services or equipment and multiple participants. • Service: Purchases that could decrease call answering times or promote more reliable disaster recovery. • Service: Projects that consolidate equipment into one package and/or vendor.
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements • Projects with Multi-Jurisdictional Impacts often allow PSAPs to consolidate equipment or use of services without sacrificing the autonomy of their PSAP. • Examples of Projects with Multi-Jurisdictional Impact Include: • Regional IP Networks • Host and Remote CPE (shared backroom equipment) • Regional Mapping and Addressing Maintenance Plans • CAD, Logging Recorders, Radios, etc . .
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements • Innovation -Out of the ordinary solutions and configurations -Unique idea to solve a common (or perhaps not so common) problem -Proposals for “Proof of Concepts”
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements • How can you determine if your project is sustainable? • Identify the recurring costs associated with the purchase. • Can your agency afford to cover the monthly/annual maintenance (i.e. non-recurring) costs? • Is this cost more than what you are currently paying? If so, do you have the funds to cover the difference? • If there are technical components to your project that require maintenance and monitoring, do you have plans for someone to do that (could be “in house” or through vendor maintenance contract)?
2014 CMRS Grant Funding Categories • Background: In 2013, after all the grant applications were received, they were divided into categories. • These categories had not been identified in advance, but rather naturally presented themselves after the fact. • The 2013 awards were decided within these given categories.
2014 CMRS Grant Funding Categories 2014 CMRS Grant Funding Categories(to be identified in advance on application document) • Connection to existing Host/Remote configuration approved by the Board. • New or improved 911 PSAP support equipment. • Regional Host/Remote project proposals outside of current Board deployments. • Other. *Not listed by order of importance.
2014: Category 1 Grant Applications • Connection to existing Host/Remote configuration approved by the Board. *The concept of Host/Remote configurations are outlined in the State 911 Plan approved by the CMRS Board. *These solutions are IP-based and allow for cost savings at the PSAP level and additional disaster recovery capabilities. *Approved Host/Remotes can be found on page 17 of the grant application. *PSAPs wishing to apply for a Category 1 grant MUST choose a Host/Remote solution in advance AND have the vendor sign off on your selection form included in your application.
2014: Category 1 Grant Applications Contact information for these providers can be found on page 17 of the grant application document.
2014: Category 2 Grant Applications 2) New or improved 911 PSAP support equipment CAD upgrade or replacementLogging RecorderRadio Equipment in PSAPFurnitureTrainingGIS SoftwareComputersEtc . . . . .
2014: Category 3 Grant Applications 3) Regional Host/Remote project proposals outside of current Board deployments. Logging Recorder CAD 911 Controller Other?? Radio
2014: Category 4 Grant Applications 4) Other. www.dictionary.com “oth-er”adjective1) additional or further2) different or distinct from the one mentioned or implied3) different in nature or kind4) being the remaining one of two or more5) being the remaining ones of a number *An application should be identified as Category 4 if it does not fit into Category 1-3.
2014 CMRS Grant Application Identify funding category here:
2014 CMRS Grant Application You may right click on this page from the application document to edit the cells with the correct financial information. A “Financial Statement Glossary” can be found on page 13 of the application document.
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements All applications should (in narrative section): -fit allowable CMRS fund spending criteria (202 KAR 6:090) -address specific inadequacy or gap in service -explain how the project will be sustained -contain adequate budget information/realistic cost projections/detailed equipment listing -show good technical planning/logical progression/specific timelines -have proper technical and financial oversight -avoid encumbering funds in outdated equipment and processes -provide documentation for emergency circumstances -advise if there are matching funds -advise if this project completes an ongoing project -advise whether project is sole source or will be competitively bid -properly disclose previous grant awards
2014 Grant Specifics • GIS data collection projects will not be funded until the CMRS Board’s GIS Working Group completes their work. • Proposals should include more than one quote for the items or service requested, or should give a detailed explanation for sole source exemption.
2014 CMRS Grant Requirements Applications should be collated and compiled in the following order: • CMRS Grant Application –Budget Summary Information (page 8) • 2014 CMRS Grant Fund Information (page 9 & 10) • PSAP Revenue/Expenditure Report, FY13 (page 11) • PSAP Budget, FY14 (page 12) • Project Description/Justification Narrative (page 14) • Assurance/Authority (page 15) • Category 1 Selection Form, if applicable (page 18) • Other Attachments:*Detailed list of equipment or services requested.*Multiple vendor quotes. *Other supporting documentation.
2014 CMRS Grant Scoring -Similar to system used in 2013, with a few “tweaks.” -Reviewed for project, not application. -All projects will receive a Peer Review, CMRS Grant Committee Review and will be evaluated by Technical Consultants. The CMRS Board will make the ultimate award decision.
2014 CMRS Grant Scoring Each application will be competing against other applications in the same funding category only. This category will be identified on the score sheet. Evaluation Criteria has been established and each application will receive a score (0-3 points) for each criteria separately.
2014 CMRS Grant Scoring Evaluation Critria (each will receive a separate score): -The proposal is consistent with the State 911 Plan. -The proposal meets one or more of the project priorities. -The proposal clearly illustrates a critical problem or gap in service. -The proposal is a strong and/or innovative solution to address the problem. -The proposal has a reasonable deployment plan and timeline. -The proposal has a viable plan to sustain and maintain the solution long term. -The proposal demonstrates a convincing reason for funding. -The proposal is an ideal and allowable use of CMRS Funds. -The proposal demonstrates competitive pricing.
2014 CMRS Grant Scoring • Each Criteria will be evaluated in the following manner: -Excellent: 3 points -Good: 2 points -Acceptable: 1 point -Not Acceptable: 0 points Total Possible Points: 27
2014 CMRS Grant Fund Calendar Application DueMay 30th, 2014 Evaluations June/July 2014 CMRS Board Approval Early August 2014 Award Notification Early August 2014 Award Workshop September 2014 Contract Start Date October 1st, 2014
CMRS Grant –Post Award If your agency receives a CMRS Grant Award, here are your procurement options for purchases over $20,000: -State Price Contract -Sole Source Exemption -RFP *An awarded application with a specific vendor quote does not guarantee the business can go to that vendor.
CMRS Grant –Post Award -You will receive correspondence from the CMRS Board whether you receive a grant award or not. -This is a reimbursement grant. -Grant awardees are required to submit timely quarterly reports to the CMRS Board. -The awarded contract must be initiated between the CMRS Board and another government agency (Fiscal Court, City, 911 Board, ADD District, another State agency). -Any changes to the original contract such as time extension or modification to the original project description must be approved by the CMRS Board.
2014 CMRS Grant Process • DO’s -deliver the original and (6) copies to the CMRS Board Office by 4:30pm on May 15th, 2014. -make an effort to use Times New Roman, 12 point font -fill out the financial statement worksheets in their entirety -include multiple vendor quotes or sole source justification -ensure that your request is allowable under 202 KAR 6:090 (General Rule: if it is in the PSAP –probably ok, if it is not in the PSAP –probably not ok, with a few exceptions on each side. Call the CMRS Office for clarification.) -identify in the application if your project will take more than a year to complete -properly disclose any previous grant awards, regardless of source
2014 CMRS Grant Process • DONT’S -do not apply for equipment or services that you’ve already purchased; no work may begin until a contract is in place between the CMRS Board and a grantee -do not apply for a project that is not consistent with the State 911 Plan -do not assume a piece of equipment is on the State Price Contract just because a vendor tells you it is -do not assume a piece of equipment is Next Generation 911 “ready” just because a vendor tells you it is
Contact Us Joe Barrows (joe.barrows@ky.gov) Executive Director Tandy Hubbard (tandys.hubbard@ky.gov) Deputy Administrator Krista Harrod (krista.harrod@ky.gov) Policy Advisor Zachary Myers (zach.myers@ky.gov) Administrative Specialist Kentucky Office of the 911 Coordinator/CMRS Board 125 Holmes Street, Suite 310 Frankfort, KY 40601 Phone: (502) 564-3911 Fax: (502) 696-5295 www.cmrsboard.ky.gov