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ERP Student Information Software - A.T.S.I is an ERP enabled educational solution that has been designed and developed by XIPHIAS Software Technology (p) Ltd.<br><br>A.T.S.I. aims to help students, teachers, parents and the school administrative staff to use school data in a more organized and structured manner. <br><br>The human resource software is a vital part of any institution, as it stores all necessary information of the employee.<br><br>Attendance Management System bridges the effective communication between students, teachers, and parents by keep them notified about their wards' attendance via Email or SMS.
school attendance system • A school attendance system is changing into a really sensible option to keep a track of the scholars attending the categories. There's an oversized range of students area unit into this habit of cutting categories on the idea that it might not be better-known to the faculty and administration. But, with the assistance of 1 such school attending system, this terribly habit are often restrained.
school attendance system • A school attendance system may be a quite package that gets to be employed by the administration or the category teacher for the students' attendance. this is often a form of machine-driven system wherever a student should put down once he/she involves the category and thence, the attending gets to be listed mechanically. • In A.T.S.I., you can record student's attendance in following ways: • Class wise attendance. • Day wise attendance. • Subject wise attendance
school attendance system • Advantages of school attendance system • Manage attendance of the students. • Add attendance via subject wise daily attendance or student daily attendance. • Mark the student present or absent • Manage student daily attendance or a particular school, class, and section.
Contact us • We are also providing some different services as shown below : • school fees collection software • online exam software • stock management software • school management system software • leave management software Address: XIPHIAS Software Technologies Pvt Ltd, 8th Floor, B.M.T.C / T.T.M.C Building, 6th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560095.