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Not so much a goodbye, more of a see you later. Kristina Graham. {Beginning}. I received my GED in 2009 I started at EVCC shortly after and began my journey of finding myself through education. I have always been a helper and have a passion for those in need.
Not so much a goodbye, more of a see you later Kristina Graham
{Beginning} • I received my GED in 2009 • I started at EVCC shortly after and began my journey of finding myself through education. • I have always been a helper and have a passion for those in need. • While at EVCC I changed my major 5 times! • Human Services was the best fit for me
{Beginning} • Before starting with the program I had some doubts about myself and whether I would be “good enough” to complete University level work. • I was enrolled to start Fall quarter at the Everett satellite location until I decided that I wanted to do Kinesiology instead, I later decided I wanted to switch back where I was put in for the distance program. • I could not be happier now as we are nearing graduation in two short weeks!
{Beginning} • I was very nervous about starting an online program because I did not think that I would be self disciplined enough. Now, towards the end, I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to attend classes online – I would not have been able to complete the program without this option. • I came from a place of wanting to help and I think that was enough to push me forward on this path. If I remember that I come from a place of wanting to help then I will always be a helper.
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. -Dalai Lama Photo courtesy of Google Images
{Quarter 1} 301 • Active Listening • Active listening is the main concept that I have taken from these classes. • Do not drift off or only listen for a place that you can interrupt with your own story. • Always repeat back what someone has said so that you can be clear and it shows that you were listening.
{Who AM I?} • The main thing I gained from this quarter was an understand of myself and the way that I am shaped by large and small systems around me. I have never before thought of the ways in which my school has effected me or the way that being a middle child has made me more outgoing. • I now think about the small and large systems of everyone because I think that these are what shapes people to be who they are today. • I have gained just a strong sense of self from this program – I think that this might be one of the best tools that I will take with me into the field.
{Quarter 2} 303 Communication • Communication!! • Practice your listening skills. Be considerate of other speakers by waiting until they are done before stating your views. Process what has being said before responding. • Learn to understand and appreciate opposing points of view by being open-minded and making an effort to see things from another's perspective. It will in turn, gain you more cooperation and understanding. • Avoid trying to communicate when in an emotional state. You lose objectivity and may say something inappropriate or regrettable.
{Quarter 3} 305 “Means voicing one's concerns, beliefs, and desires to powerful people or institutions in order to affect changes on behalf of others or oneself.” I learned what it means to be an advocate for the cause (people, animals, environment) that needs us the most. If we are passionate about something then we will do whatever we can to make our voices heard and to demand that something be done for the cause that does not have a voice. Advocacy
{Quarter 4} 402 • “Stuff” • “we may be blind to others’ worlds, but this does not stop them from sending ‘stuff’ our way…some of the ‘stuff’ that comes our way is positive, surprisingly good news…and some of the stuff that comes our way is both – noxious and a mystery” (Oshry, pg.10-11, 2007). • The main concept that I took from this quarter was that I need to not let other people’s “stuff” affect me too much. I need to always remember that everyone has “stuff” going on in their life, and I will always need to remain professional.
{Quarter 5} 404 • “Chaos theory shows us that a small change can have a large consequence, particularly when a system is interacting with other systems…even tiny changes in a system may lead to very large changes in the overall system. For example, the flapping of a butterfly’s wings may be just enough of a nudge to set in motion a sequence of reactions that can change a weather pattern, preventing a tornado from dropping down some place across the world, or leading it there” (Homan, 2011, pg. 38). • This quarter I learned that everything we say, or do has a lasting effect on others. The people that we work with out in the field will be affected because of us – this is a great power and responsibility that is not to be taken lightly.
{Quarter 6} 406 • Human rights for the world. • This quarter really opened my eyes to what is happening in our world, and to what we can do, and need to do to make some changes. • The presentations on human trafficking and modern day slavery really struck a chord with me. I am currently trying to find a local organization that I can volunteer with. • I was shocked to learn that things like slavery are still going on, and even in our own backyard.
{Reflection} • I have learned the importance of reflection. For my own personal sanity trying to juggle all of these classes, family, work, internship, and LIFE! • Reflection gives me a few minutes to sit and clear my head – I write EVERYTHING down so that I can get it out of my head. • I love being able to relax and breathe during this time, I always feel amazing at the end.
{See you later…} • I am feeling mixed emotions as we get closer to graduation. • I am nervous about finding a job, and I am also nervous about being good at my new job. • I am sad to leave my time as a student, and all of my new friends and teachers. • I am happy to have my life back, and to be able to relax after work, or on days off – without having homework that needs to be done. • I am excited to put this knowledge into action! • I am ready to make a difference in the world, and I am ready to make my mark.
{See you later, Susan} • Thank you for teaching us these last few quarters, I wish you well as you retire – hopefully you can relax and go on vacation! (At least you will be able to read something other than student papers!)
{See you later, fellow students} • It has been a pleasure getting to know you all! I am actually going to miss logging on to Canvas and reading posts, viewing presentations, and reading comments. • Thank you for helping me to get through this program by always rooting me on, and always being only a phone call, email, or text message away from the clarification (or venting) that I needed. • I cannot wait to meet you all at graduation! • I also cannot wait to see where we all are one year from now.
{Keep in Touch!} • I hope that we can all keep in touch! • Here is my email address: kristiraezer@gmail.com • I would love to hear from people and see how you all are doing. • Also, my number is (425) 750-8834.
References • Briggs, J., & Peat, F. D. (1999).Seven Life Lessons of Chaos: Spiritual Wisdom from the Science of Change. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers. • Halpren, C. (2008). Making waves and riding the currents. San Francisco : Berett-Koehler Publishers. • Homan, M. S. (2011). Promoting community change making it happen in the real work. (5 ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. • Kottler, J.A., (2000), Doing Good: Passion and Commitment for Helping Others, Philadlphia, PA: Brunner-Routledge • Oshry, B. (2007). Seeing systems, unlocking the mysteries of organizational life. Berrett-Koehler.