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PART TIME JOBS GETTING BACK TO WORK. MENTEES Answering rate : 100% (23 out of 23 mentees ) MENTORS Answering rate : 87% (20 out of 23 mentors ) . www.britishchamber.cz. MENTEES 2. Does your company provide mentoring and coaching for your employees?.
PART TIME JOBSGETTING BACK TO WORK MENTEES • Answering rate: 100% • (23 outof 23 mentees) MENTORS • Answering rate: 87% • (20 outof 23 mentors) www.britishchamber.cz
MENTEES2. Does your company provide mentoring and coaching for your employees?
MENTORS2. Does your company provide mentoring and coaching for your employees?
MENTEES3. Do you plan to promote and organise a mentoring programme in your company?
MENTORS3. Do you plan to promote and organise a mentoring programme in your company?
MENTORS4. Does your company support part time jobs? • OTHER: • A mix of reasons actually. Highly specific field, the support jobs could be part-time, but lean matrix organisation. • Part time jobs are supported if the total work-load is compatible with a part-time scheme. There are not positions shared by 2 or more people.
MENTEES5. If you could choose, when is the best time for you to get back to your job to work full time after giving a birth to your children?
OTHER • Dependson home-officeopportunities. It depends on the sector one works in and how flexible the employer is! • I trust this is very individual. Despite I personally think 3-years long leave is too much, it´s a Czech stereotype not only openly spoken but very deeply saved in Czech women minds. I am not in favor of breaking such stereotype from day to day saying 6 weeks is in nowadays global world assumed to be enough and can cause very controversial reactions. Despite talking, mentoring, offering other options of way of life is much slower, the more it is done, the more women realize this is what they want and are able to change their lives and style of educating children “now”. • 6monts-1 year to work part time, incl. home office. www.britishchamber.cz
MENTORS5. If you could choose, when is the best time for you to get back to your job to work full time after giving a birth to your children?
OTHER • Actuallydepending on the circumstances(how manychildren; child care; how flexible the boss is, how flexible the support system is) • It depends on the sector one works in and how flexible the employer is! • These are tricky and partly leading questions - it is very different for moms with 1,2,3 or 4 children. They need much more flexibility than mothers with 1 child. E.g. moms with more children need part time job even after 3 years of the youngest one. • This is a very individual, this question cannot be answered in general by giving an exact rule/age of the child. • I am a man and therefore do not give birth • Sorry hard to get pregnant being a man! • I would go mad otherwise, our household needs the income and it's my own business, so I can't leave it. It is possible to do this and still be a good mother. I've done it twice already with my 2 kids, making the arrangements necessary to ensure their interests are prioritized. This is of course a matter of choice, and I respect those who choose to stay at home, if that works for the family, but that is a luxury not all of us can afford. Moreover, those of us who choose to go back to work should not be demonized by society for it. This is ABSOLUTELY NORMAL in other European countries, like the UK, the Netherlands, etc. • Notapplicable due to gender www.britishchamber.cz
MENTEES6. When did you or your partner go back to work after giving a birth to your first child?
MENTORS6. When did you or your partner go back to work after giving a birth to your first child? OTHER My opinion is as a partner I did not return to my previous job, I started a new one 7 months after I gave a birth to my first child.
MENTEES7. When returning back to your job after giving a birth to your 1st child, did you work? OTHER It was the only option.
MENTORS7. When returning to your job after giving a birth to your 1stchild, did you work? OTHER I cannot answer this one. Then i moved to full time after 7 months.
MENTEES8. When did you or your partner go back to work after giving a birth to your second child?
MENTORS8. When did you or your partner go back to work after giving a birth to your second child?
MENTEES9. When returning to your job after giving a birth to your 2nd child, did you work?
MENTORS9. When returning to your job after giving a birth to your 2nd child, did you work?
MENTEES10.If you could choose, when is the best time for you to get back to your job to work part time after giving a birth to your children? You can choose only one option.
MENTORS10. If you could choose, when is the best time for you to get back to your job to work part time after giving a birth to your children? You can choose only one option.