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Peacemaking through Sports. CEAP National Convention 2011 Building a Culture of Peace: Shaping the Vision, Living the Dream. Marivic R. Gustilo, Ph.D. http://www.recreation.slco.org/genefullmer/youthsports/images/Olympic-Track-and-Fi.jpg. INTRODUCTIONS.
Peacemaking through Sports CEAP National Convention 2011 Building a Culture of Peace: Shaping the Vision, Living the Dream Marivic R. Gustilo, Ph.D. http://www.recreation.slco.org/genefullmer/youthsports/images/Olympic-Track-and-Fi.jpg
INTRODUCTIONS http://t1.thpservices.com/fotos/thum4/006/156/cob-42-16638819.jpg
SESSION OBJECTIVES Sports is a time-honored vehicle for peacemaking. This session explores the history of sports in peacemaking, present-day initiatives, and possibilities of reconnecting with the original spirit of the Olympic Truce and bringing about real and lasting peace in ourselves, schools, and communities. http://listverse.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/image-17.jpeg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tg4aWhcsJJ8/TRoktDv_OQI/AAAAAAAABCs/UnxKKXkt2ec/s1600/Runners.Modern.Olympics-Deirdre+Macbeth2010.jpg
PRESENT DAY REALITIES Sports has been a source of individual, team, and national pride and honor. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ot4nEdy31dY/TI2qgfPJfPI/AAAAAAAADRY/S_ig0JBmc_Q/s1600/UP_Pep_Squad_UAAP-cheerdance_champion.jpg http://cdn.quotednews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Philippine-Dragon-Boat-Team-300x192.jpg?9d7bd4 http://www.skamid.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Philippines-Azkals-vs-Sri-Lanka-match.jpg http://thehotdogstand.net/wpcontent/uploads/2011/08/boat09-1024x6801.jpg
PRESENT DAY REALITIES 100 Dead in Ghana Soccer Stampede ACCRA, Ghana (AP) - A stampede at a packed soccer match between top Ghana teams killed at least 100 people Wednesday night, a top government official said. Panic set in when police fired tear gas to subdue unruly fans, witnesses said. Hometown team Accra Hearts of Oak was leading 2-1 against Asante Kotoko with five minutes left when Asante supporters began throwing bottles and chairs onto the field, witnesses said. And has also been an experience of . . . • Inequities • Commercialism • Materialism • Sports as a Business Enterprise • Athletes as Commodities • Politics • Intrigues and Scandals • Sports-related Violence http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_d-uuSa_nGU8/TJIdD07FXhI/AAAAAAAACG8/qr4X_sdLmIM/s1600/Coca+Cola+Ad-76-+PBA+Stars-sf.jpg Tiger Woods' Sponsors: Will Any Stick by Him? http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1948181,00.html#ixzz1YZy2aNxV http://stagevu.com/video/davxgxaxnqkd
We experience many of the contradictions of today’s sports world.
What has been your experience of the good, bad, and the ugly? http://wwwdelivery.superstock.com/WI/223/4029/PreviewComp/SuperStock_4029R-4910.jpg
ANCIENT OLYMPICS • Balance between physical/athletic and spiritual/moral development, cornerstone of Greek democracy • Sanctuaries (cultural, social, and religious centers) where people from these independent settlements could come together. • Religious festivals combined worship with sporting events, music, theater, dance, and public debate • Combination of sports competitions and religious worship http://bp0.blogger.com/_NNK_CNrNTv0/Rqi8OYtN0ZI/AAAAAAAAANY/6Z-xt4r7ba8/s1600/Re-exposure%2Bof%2BResize%2Bof%2BDSC01152.JPG
ANCIENT OLYMPICS • From 776 BC to AD 392, a total of 293 Olympiads • Main location: Olympia • Birth of the Olympic Truce (824 BC). The truce began as a month-long "Holy Treaty" between kings of the different City States. • Pan-Hellenic Games, bond between people of a common blood. • Olympiad, festivals every 4 years • Five games http://www.matsuk12.us/1764201113152628177/lib/1764201113152628177/IMG_0901.JPG
THE ATHLETIC IDEAL • Relationship between spiritual and athletic accomplishments • The holistic approach to the education of mind, body, and spirit • Gymnasiums, centers of learning • Values espoused: Areti (Virtue)Amilla (Noble competition)Timi (Honor)Elefteria (Freedom)Irini (Peace) http://www.epsmso.gr/2009/images/olympics_discus.jpg
MODERN OLYMPICS • Post-Franco-Prussian War, Baron Pierre de Coubertin conceived of the idea of recovery of spirit, self-respect, and rebuilding of character through athletic competition • Drew inspiration from ideals of the Ancient Olympics • 1894, founded the International Olympic Committee • 1896, first Olympiad in Athens • Three Pillars: elite sports, ethics and peace. http://www.radiojunior.com/images/coubertin.jpg http://content.answcdn.com/main/content/img/getty/5/6/1430856.jpg
PEACE OF THE NATIONS • “Wars break out because nations misunderstand each other. We shall no have peace until the prejudices which now separate the different races shall have been outlived. To attain this end, what better means than to bring the youth of all countries periodically together for amicable trialsof muscular strength and agility? . . . The Olympic Games will be a potent, if indirect factor in securing universal peace”. “ (Coubertin) • Peace education: theoretical learning and personal experience via sports • Sport: an instrument to reform economy, politics, and whole society http://image.yaymicro.com/rz_512x512/0/371/beijing-olympic-stadium-37173c.jpg
PEACE THROUGH SPORTS Coubertin’s ideas for promoting peace through sports (Grupe & Müller 2006) : • the self-awareness through sports • the harmony of physical and spiritual training • the idea of human perfection with the help of physical achievement • sports deliberately based upon ethics as the leading principle • respect for and tolerance of competitors • understanding brought about by sport practice • the idea of peace and international and interracial understanding • The promotion of emancipatory developments in and through sports. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBCxIrO8aEc6SPXI37aHCgFFPXXgOGsrTLGT8DIxyOzAGQ5irtmWQzrwRs Source: http://www.thesportjournal.org/article/idea-peace-coubertins-vision-modern-olympic-movement-development-and-pedagogic-consequences
EXAMPLES OF MODERN DAY INITIATIVES • In 2004 and 2006/2007, Pakistan and India overcame tension along their border to successfully participate in a bi-national cricket tournament. • South Africa was excluded from the international sports community to protest the Apartheid regime. • In 2005, a peace team comprised of 27 young Israeli and Palestinian soccer players competed in Spain. Mixed teams have played soccer and basketball since 2002. • In August, 2008, a Peace Team of Israelis and Palestinians played Australian rules football in Melbourne, a mere months after learning the sport. They lost badly, winning only 2 of 16 games, but were the most cheered team on the field. • Arab and Israeli children are involved in Coexistence on Wheels, a project that has them bicycling together. • Right to Play International uses sport and play programs to improve health, develop life skills, and foster peace for children and communities in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the world.
POWER OF SPORT WINNING AT ALL COSTS SPIRIT Values/Ethics Connection with God , Others, & Self Higher Consciousness PHYSICALITY & BRAWN EGO BODY Energy Strength Health Technical Abilities MIND & HEART Psychological/ Life Skills Teamwork Vision & Goals Strategy Focus & Concentration Resilience Parking
ODE TO PEACE “O Sport, You are Peace! You forge happy bonds between the peoples by drawing them together in reverence for strength which is controlled, organised and self disciplined. Through you the young of the entire world learn to respect one another, and thus the diversity of national traits becomes a source of generous and peaceful emulation!“ (Baron Pierre de Coubertin) http://www.mapsofworld.com/olympic-trivia/olympic_flag.jpg