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All-Optical Networks for Grids: Dream or Reality?. Payam Torab Lambda Optical Systems Corporation September 28, 2005. www.lambdaopticalsystems.com. Grids – Tflops vs. Tbps. TeraGrid. NEESgrid. North European Grid.
All-Optical Networks for Grids:Dream or Reality? Payam Torab Lambda Optical Systems Corporation September 28, 2005 www.lambdaopticalsystems.com
Grids – Tflops vs. Tbps. TeraGrid NEESgrid North European Grid • Emergence of grids is the result of the synergism between communications and computing, just like cybernetic systems that came out of synergism between communications and control • Role of the network in Grids: to provide throughput • Application-aware networks, or network-aware applications? • Network providing services, or network as a services? • Throughput is the theme unifying connectivity, delay and bandwidth • Balanced growth of networking and computing results in Grids Clusters Grids Computing power (Tflops) Internets Networking power (Tbps) Surfnet Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Need for High Throughput • Throughput is a grid resource: Uniform grid growth requires growth in throughput • Throughput growth requires improvement in bandwidth, delay and availability • Examples of throughput requirements • GridFTP applications • Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN PHENIX experiment – Used GridFTP to transfer 270 TB of data from Long Island, NY to Japan ESNET outage? Brookhaven National Lab Long Island, NY Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider RHIC at Brookhaven: 600 Mbps peak 250 Mbps average OC-48 link to ESNET Transpacific 10 Gbps line to SINET in Japan Source: Larry Smarr, “The Optiputer - Toward a Terabit LAN ,” The On*VECTOR Terabit LAN Workshop Hosted by Calit2,University of California, San Diego - January 2005 Source: www.cerncourier.com/main/article/45/7/15 Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Photonic Switching: Key to End-to-End Transparency O-E-O O-E-O O-O-O • WDM + Photonic switching • End-to-end transparency • Bitrate transparency (10 Gbps, 40 Gbps, …) • Payload transparency (SONET, SDH, Ethernet, …) • Transmission robustness • Simplification or even elimination of windowing • No packet loss due to congestion/buffer overrun • Simpler transport protocols, higher throughput Electrical Cross-Connect (EXC) ~O(102) wavelengths ~O(102) wavelengths ~O(102) Gbps per wavelength Photonic Cross-Connect (PXC) Photonic Cross-Connect (PXC) WDM and electrical switching Separate WDM and optical switching Integrated WDM and optical switching Full transparency From: “Development of a Large-scale 3D MEMS Optical Switch Module,” T. Yamamoto, J. Yamaguchi and R. Sawada, NTT Technical Review, Vol. 1, No. 7, Oct. 2003 Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Wavelength Switching Scalability • Grid-scale applications will ultimately press even wavelength switching – Example: PXC PXC PXC PXC Wavelength switching 4 wavelengths over 4 hops 32 optical ports PXC PXC PXC PXC Waveband switching 4 wavelengths over 4 hops 8 optical ports Require too many optical ports to provide non-blocking connectivity! Waveband multiplexer Waveband demultiplexer Source: Larry Smarr, “The Optiputer - Toward a Terabit LAN ,” The On*VECTOR Terabit LAN Workshop Hosted by Calit2,University of California, San Diego - January 2005 • Similar to any other switching technology, aggregation is essential for scalability of wavelength switching – hence the emergence of transparent multigranular (wavelength and waveband) switching architectures From: “A Graph Model for Dynamic Waveband Switching in WDM Mesh Networks,” M. Li and B. Ramamurthy, IEEE ICC 2004, Vol. 3, June 2004, pp. 1821-1825. Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Waveband Switching Efficiency • Waveband switching efficiency: Relative saving in the total number of optical ports in a network when waveband switching is used instead of wavelength switching 60 40 20 0 Switching efficiency (%) -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 nw= number of ports under wavelength switching nb= number of ports under waveband switching h= average number of physical hops in each waveband b= average number of wavelengths in a waveband u= average waveband utilization (used wavelengths) 4 2 10 8 6 Waveband-switched circuits (bu) 4 0 2 0 Physical hops in waveband path (h) 4 Waveband-switched circuits (bu) Waveband-switching efficient region Waveband switching gets more efficient • Waveband switching becomes only more efficient (more saving in optical ports) as more wavelength circuits are carried over longer paths • Example: GridFTP using 4 parallel TCP streams over 4x40 Gbps circuits carried over 6 hops More than 0.1 Tbps throughput over 6 hops using only 30 ports 3 Increased waveband utilization Increased waveband path length (hops) 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Physical hops in waveband path (h) Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
More on Waveband Switching Efficiency • Example: WDM WAN ~80 nodes, ~140 links • This simple analysis does not consider the extra scalability from the increase in bitrate (160Gbps and beyond, OTDM). 615 circuits@40Gbps ~ 2.5 Tbps ~6200 ports - wavelength switching ~5500 ports - waveband switching 998 circuits@40Gbps ~ 40 Tbps ~11800 ports - wavelength switching ~9700 ports - waveband switching 2085 circuits@40Gbps ~ 85 Tbps ~28400 ports - wavelength switching ~21800 ports - waveband switching 4 Waveband-switched circuits (bu) Waveband-switching efficient region Waveband switching gets more efficient 3 80 Tbps 40 Tbps Transmission breakthroughs Increase in throughput without increase in ports 2 2.5 Tbps More to appear in: P. Torab and V. Hutcheon, “Waveband switching efficiency in all-optical networks: analysis and case study,” in preparation for OFC 2006. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Physical hops in waveband path (h) Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Hierarchical Transparent Switching Node A Node B Waveband XC Waveband XC Waveband XC 1 2 h Waveband Multiplexer Waveband Demultiplexer Bandpath bp1 Wavelength XC Wavelength XC Wavelength Interfaces Wavelength Interfaces h physical hops – one logical hop bp1 Node A Node B Two lightpaths with the same routes Node A Node B Node C Waveband XC Waveband XC Waveband XC Waveband XC Waveband XC 1 2 h1 1 2 h2 Waveband Demultiplexer Waveband Multiplexer Bandpath bp1 Bandpath bp2 Wavelength XC Wavelength XC Wavelength XC Wavelength Interfaces Wavelength Interfaces Wavelength Interfaces h1 physical hops – one logical hop h2 physical hops – one logical hop bp1 bp2 Node A Node B Node C lp1 lp2 Two lightpaths with partially overlapping routes • Waveband switching adds another level of switching to the transparent switching hierarchy • Multigranular switching Logical WDM topologies Payload-transparent Switching Several physical hops are lumped into one logical WDM link, requiring switching only at the link endpoints Fast and still flexible dynamic wavelength service over reduced number of hops Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Logical (Virtual) WDM • Combined wavelength and waveband switching allows dynamic configuration of transparent optical topologies supporting dynamic lambdas (from connection on-demand to topology on-demand) • Example: During the next 14 days, computing facility at site A, the storage center at site B, and the visualization room at site C will participate in an experiment that will require multiple dynamic lambdas (e.g., timescale in seconds) Logical WDM Topology Waveband connections Dynamic lambdas (fast setup and teardown) Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Lambda OpticalSystems Solutions • Dedicated to transparent switching technology • Addressing research community and carrier needs • Deployed at U.S. Naval Research Lab (NRL) and Starlight LambdaNode 200 Transparent 64x64 full duplex ports GMPLS, CLI and web interface 5.25 inches tall LambdaNode 2000 Integrated WDM and photonic switching Multigranular switching for maximum scalability Provides waveband and wavelength switching GMPLS, CLI, TL1 and web interface Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
NL 101, NL 103 Demos at iGrid 2005 GbE OC192 STM64 GbE OC192 STM64 AAA/DRAC AAA/DRAC AAA/DRAC VMT Controller 2 x GbE circuits Qwest / other wave service HDXc HDXc 2 x GbE circuits 1 3 5 6 CENIC OME LambdaNode 200 2 4 VMT visualization host E600 HDXc E1200 12/2 12/3 x y **E600 2/18 2/19 4003(2) a b **or other L2 switch 2/12 2/13 VLAN 350 VLAN 350 iGRID A iGRID B nud05 nud06 vangogh 5 vangogh 6 San Diego/UCSD (SAN) Chicago/SL (CHI) Amsterdam/NL (AMS) vm vm X X vm / 2 / 2 vh Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Control Plane: Enabler of Transient Services • Grid’s balanced growth needs dynamic on-demand high network throughput • What do we need to provide high throughput? • Dynamism: Make optimum use of all network resources for the tasks at hand • Example: If 1.0 Tbps throughput is needed between A and B for one hour, fill up the network with 25x40Gbps connections and kill them an hour later. • Availability: The ability to maintain high throughput through fast recovery • Network failures do happen, therefore high bandwidth does not guarantee high throughput • In a transient service environment protection is not as expensive • Telco thinking: 1+1 protection is expensive- I need to plan for twice the capacity, therefore I need to charge my customer twice as much (bronze service, silver service, platinum service, …) • Grid thinking: Provide as much protection that your schedule allows. The connections will not be there in an hour. The more network resources the more protected circuits. • (Dynamic) restoration can also add to reliability when (dedicated) protection is unavailable • Key effort needed: Integrating traditional service levels (1+1 protection, 1:N protection, shared mesh restoration, …) into Grid services • Can a GridFTP application ask for transfer over 1+1 connection? • Trade-off between replication/migration and network recovery • Where does the optimal performance stand? Application intelligence (replication, migration) Network intelligence (protection, restoration) Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) • IP-based control plane paradigm to control packet, time slot (TDM), wavelength, waveband and space (fiber) switching across multiple switching layers, and across multiple domains. • Developed by IETF – CCAMP workgroup with liaison work with OIF and ITU-T • Mature standard now (RFC 3945) with various extensions for different switching technologies (Layer 2, wavelength/waveband, SONET/SDH,…) • Basic functionalities/protocols • Neighbor discovery/link management (Link Management Protocol - LMP) • Routing with traffic engineering extensions (OSPF-TE, ISIS-TE) • Signaling (RSVP-TE with GMPLS extensions) • Applications/solutions • Recovery (protection, restoration) • Make-before-break • Layer 1 VPN (L1VPN working group) Bidirectional LSP PATH PATH RESV RESV Ingress Node A Transit Node B Egress Node C RESVCONF (optional) PATH Cross-connect set upon receiving the PATH message RFC 3473 bidirectional LSP setup RESV Bidirectional data plane Cross-connect set upon receiving the RESV message Both cross-connects set upon receiving the PATH message PATH More efficient bidirectional LSP setup Bidirectional data plane Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) • New directions • Separation of path computation as a service • Attention to Ethernet as a Layer2 transport • Inter-domain traffic-engineering • Good work at NSF’s DRAGON project • Inter-domain circuit setup, path computation element (Network Aware Resource Broker –NARB) • The next step is interoperability with other networks Transport Layer Capability Set Exchange NARB NARB NARB End System End System AS 1 AS 3 AS 2 Source: Jerry Sobieski, Tom Lehman, Bijan Jabbari, “Dynamic Resource Allocation via GMPLS Optical Networks (DRAGON),” Presented to the NASA Optical Network Technologies Workshop, August 8, 2004 Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005
Conclusions: Dream or Reality? • Key word for Grid networks is high throughput • Lambda Grids are the only way to keep up with throughput demand – Reality • When is access to dark fiber going to be cheap? Dream • Starting as islands of transparency • Regional Optical Networks (RONs) • Fiber sharing is critical, RONs have to have transparent access to each other • Wavebands as highways between RONs • Islands growing as optical reach/transmission improves • Digital wrapper, FEC • High throughput needs end-to-end transparency • Data plane transparency • WDM and photonic switching • Control plane transparency • Inter-domain end-to-end circuit setup • Availability and recovery are the new QoS for lambda grids • Ethernet will be the dominant end-to-end payload • Transparent networks are ready for payload change Photonic access to super highway for RONs? HOPI Node Enabling Data-Intensive Grid Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies - 9/28/2005