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Not-SUSY-Nor-Higgs Exotic Searches at TeVatron Run II. Marumi Kado LAL-Orsay. Synopsis, Selected Topics. Topics will be discussed in three main classes : - Searches for high mass resonances - Searches for new particles decaying to visible known particles
Not-SUSY-Nor-Higgs Exotic Searches at TeVatron Run II Marumi Kado LAL-Orsay
Synopsis, Selected Topics Topics will be discussed in three main classes : - Searches for high mass resonances - Searches for new particles decaying to visible known particles - Search for particles escaping undetected in topologies with MET *Upon request All limits will be given at the 95% Confidence Level
Search for High Mass Resonances For instance in ED models : DiLepton and DiPhoton High Mass Analyses Simple event selection : Two flavor-like and opposite-charge leptons (e or m) or photons with PT / ET in excess typically of 25 GeV/c Interpretation of the ℓℓ invariant mass spectrum… 200 pb-1 …CDF less model dependence, only spin assumption (0,1,2) …DØ Model dependent interpretation
ℓℓ Interpretation in terms of Z’ and Little Higgs Searches CDF and DØ have excluded Z’ masses in the E6 Grand Unified Model CDF uses fits to the invariant di-lepton mass assuming a spin-1 resonance Different E6 models 200 pb-1 SM like Z’ Ruled out ~2TeV by LEP Different E6 models Within E6 models limits better than LEP indirect limits CDF has also interpreted this search in the Little Higgs Model which predicts a heavy neutral boson Zh (for cotan q =1) : ee : mm :
Hierarchy problem solved with one warped ED in a 5D AdS Space with metric : The smaller k/MPl the narrower the first KK excitation, but smaller s CDF uses fits to the invariant di-lepton mass assuming a spin-2 resonance ℓℓ and gg Interpretation in terms of RS Resonance Cross Section Limits for different k/MPl Exclusion domains in the RS graviton model ee ee The gg exclusion profits from a higher BR at high mass DØ 200 pb-1 mm gg DØ (ee) ~ CDF
CDF have interpreted their 75 pb-1 Dijet mass spectrum… searching for resonances coupling strongly Search For High Mass Resonances in the Dijet Mass Spectrum Excluding exotic particle masses (axigluon, Excited Quark, color octet Technirho) between ~280 and 410 GeV/c2 Excluding RS graviton between ~220 and 840 GeV/c2 (k/MPl=0.3) Axigluon reach up to 1,1 TeV/c2
Hierarchy problem using n large compactified EDs : In the ADD case the search is based on the dilepton and diphoton differential s A Non-Resonant Case (due to the mass continuum of the KK states) : ADD models Interference KK Graviton exchange DØ Inclusive approach including e and g as “EM” objects Two dimensional binned likelihood fit M2EM and cos q With 200 pb-1 (Combined with Run I) : Same in mm with 100 pb-1 : CDF Simple fit to Mee with 200 pb-1 : Limits given in the GRW model where :
New Particles Decaying to known Ones CDF has performed a model dependent search (200 pb-1) : Search for Excited Leptons Radiative Decays : the eeg Topology ~3 bkg. events expected and 3 events observed Two signal production models considered : Gauge boson mediated Contact interaction For Me* = L For Me* = L/f
LeptoQuarks are bosons with color and fractional electric charges and with both baryon and lepton numbers predicted in GU theories LeptoQuarks couple to lepton and quarks of the same generation Searches for LeptoQuarks Charged leptons coupling parameter b=BR(LQ→(e,m,t)q) LQ are produced in pairs at TeVatron : Searched for the first and second generation in three main topologies : - Two leptons and two jets (eejj, mmjj) - One Lepton and two jets and MET (enjj) - Two Jets and MET (nnjj)
Searches for First Generation LeptoQuarks DØ performed a combined search for first generation LQs in both the eejj and enjj channels within 175 pb-1 : eejj selection : Two isolated electrons and two jets, the radiative Z events are removed by an ee invariant mass cut, a large total ET is required ~0.4 bkg. events expected and 0 events observed enjj selection : One isolated electron, two jets and MET (isolated from the lepton), high MTen and a large total ET ~4.7 bkg. events expected and 2 events observed Combined Result
Search for Second Generation LeptoQuarks CDF performed a search for second generation LQs in the mmjj channels within 200 pb-1 : mmjj selection : Similar event selection as in the eejj channel with an additional cut in the SPTm vs. SETj ~3.1 bkg. events expected and 2 events observed
Search Independent of the LeptoQuark Generation CDF performed a search for any generation LQs in the nnjj channel within 191 pb-1 : nnjj selection : Lepton veto, two or three Jets and MET isolated from the jets ~118 bkg. events expected and 124 events observed
Search for Particles Undetected in Topologies with MET Jets+MET/Monojet Analysis DØ performed a search for large extra dimensions (ADD) in the Jets+MET channel within 85 pb-1 : KK gravitons produced with one or more jets Monojet selection : At least one jet with 150 GeV ET and MET (isolated from the jet) in excess of 150 GeV ~100 bkg. events expected and 84 events observed Limit on MS vs. n : LEP No k factor
Conclusion DØ and CDF have analyzed up to 200 pb-1 of data in the framework of searches for Not-SUSY-Nor-Higgs Searches and have exceeded the Run I performance in most of the analyses… However DØ and CDF have now accumulated about ~350 pb-1 of data Most results will be updated within a few weeks
Very clean signature worth a model independent inclusive search Model Independent Search : em DØ search performed within 100 pb-1 Interpretation of the observed MET spectrum in terms of an excluded domain in acceptance times Cross section