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Cross-Border Biomethane Trade Administration in Europe

This concept proposes a framework for the cross-border trade of biomethane in Europe, including sustainability verification and the mass balancing of consignments. It also suggests the establishment of a European Renewable Gas Registry for administrative support and documentation.

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Cross-Border Biomethane Trade Administration in Europe

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  1. European Biogas Association Conceptforcross-borderbiomethane trade administration in Europe Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

  2. Introduction • Value of biomethane: physical (in use) value +intrinsic („bio”) value • Physical value: corresponds to prevailing market value of natural gas • Intrinsic value: „green”, renewable, sustainable • The intrinsic value can be quantified (e.g. GHG emission data) • The intrinsic value must be realised on the market, in case of international trade it must be transferred cross-border • Conditions for biomethane export/import: • The „bio” quality must be certified in the producer country • The „bio” qualification from the producer country must be acknowledged in the consumer country Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

  3. European biomethanegrid BioCH4value = physicalvalue+ intrinsicvalue BioCH4grid = NG grid + massbalancing European naturalgasgridtobringthephysicalvaluetothe market + Administrativesystemfortransferringtheintrinsicvaluefromthe producer country totheconsumercountry (applyingthemassbalancingmethod) Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

  4. Threepillars of cross-border biomethaneadministration Sustainability verification (covering production) prior to grid injection and cross-bordertransfer of sustainabilityclaims. European natural gas network (consisting of thetransmission and distributionsystems) treatedassinglelogistical facility with regard to injectedbiomethane. Mass balancing of injected and withdrawn biomethaneconsignmentswithinthe European natural gas network Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

  5. Cross-bordertransfer of sustainabilityclaims Berlin, 17thJune, 2016 The sustainability verification for biomethane injected into the European natural gas network for export purposes should consist of two steps: 1) the first part of the chain of custody – from raw material supplies through production/upgrading till grid injection – will be covered by one of the established sustainability verification procedures, exactly like in case of liquid biofuels, 2) the second part of chain of custody – from the moment of grid injection till the withdrawal by the end-user – will be covered by the new voluntary scheme applying the mass balancing methodology

  6. Proposedsolutionforcross-bordermassbalancing and transfer of sustainabilityclaims Specialpurpose voluntary scheme Name: ERGaR (European RenewableGasRegistry) Function: massbalancing of biomethanedistributed along the European natural gas network European BiomethaneGuarantees of Originissuedbythenationalbiomethaneregistries To be recognised by the Commissionunderthe RED Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

  7. National biomethaneregistries Are needed in every biomethane producing country Independent, neutral, professionalorganisations Established through government actions or voluntary cooperation of market players (preferably with government mandate) Track, confirm and document the biomethane transactions along the contractual chain Administrative support in meeting regulative requirements Independent audit controls Assisting development of trade through building market confidence Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

  8. ERGaRwill be the Europe-widerecognisedorganisationforadministering and massbalancingvolumes of biomethanevirtuallydistributedalongthe European naturalgasnetwork, relyonthenationalbiomethaneregistriesasprimarysource of documentation, followjointlyagreedproceduresforissuing and cancellingGuarantees of Originforconsignmentswith export destinations, provideforcross-bordertransfer of sustainabilityclaims(GHG emissioncharacteristics) attachedtotheconsignments Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

  9. Thanksforyourattention! Dr. Kovács Attila European Biogas Association kovacs@european-biogas.eu Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

  10. Potentialpartners National biomethane registries National biogas associations European natural gas industry associations Natural gas companies with biomethane activity EBA company members (e.g. AD and upgrading technology suppliers) Biomethane trading companies Recognised voluntary schemes involved in certification of sustainability of biomethane production Berlin, 17thJune, 2016

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