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FORMS OF GOVERNMENT. NOTES. Learning Target #1. I can define government and I can explain the ways in which it works to serve society. Frayer Model. Government. Purposes of Government. Provide security Maintain law and order Provide public services Maintain other institutions.

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  2. Learning Target #1 I can define government and I can explain the ways in which it works to serve society.

  3. Frayer Model Government

  4. Purposes of Government • Provide security • Maintain law and order • Provide public services • Maintain other institutions

  5. Learning Target #2 I can identify the various forms of government in the world and I can describe the sources of power for each.

  6. Learning Target #3 I can evaluate how effective the various forms of government have been in serving society.

  7. Autocracy A system of government in which the power to rule is in the hands of a single individual

  8. Monarchy Autocracy in which a king, queen, or emperor exercises the supreme powers of government

  9. Absolute Monarchy A system of government in which the monarch has complete and unlimited power to rule his or her people • Source of Power? • Divine Right

  10. Absolute Monarchy Example: France, 1600s Louis XIV

  11. Flashback • Name one purpose of government. • What term describes any forms of government in which one person holds power? • What is the source of power in an absolute monarchy? • Name one absolute monarch.

  12. Constitutional Monarchy A system of government in which the monarch shares power with elected legislatures or serves mainly as a ceremonial leader of government • Source of Power? • Constitution

  13. Constitutional Monarchy Example: Great Britain Queen Elizabeth II PM Gordon Brown

  14. Constitutional Monarchy Other Constitutional Monarchs • Queen Margrethe of Denmark • King Juan Carlos of Spain • Emperor Akihito of Japan • King Abdullah II of Jordan

  15. Dictatorship Autocracy in which an individual seizes power by force and exercises unlimited power • Source of Power? • Military

  16. Dictatorship Example: North Korea Kim Jung Il

  17. Dictatorship Other Famous Dictators • Adolf Hitler in Germany • Pol Pot in Cambodia • Augusto Pinochet in Chile • Josef Stalin in USSR • Mao Zedong in China

  18. ADVANTAGES People may be united in their loyalty to a dictator. A dictator can move quickly to take action. Dictatorship DISADVANTAGES • People are given little or no freedom. • A dictator’s policies suit only his own needs. • Decision-making has a narrow base.

  19. Oligarchy A system of government in which most political power rests with a small segment of society

  20. Democracy A system of government in which the people rule

  21. The Pillars of Democracy • Sovereignty of the people • Consent of the governed • Majority rule • Minority rights • Guarantee of basic human rights • Free & fair elections • Equality before the law • Due process of the law • Limited government • Diversity • Cooperation • Compromise Source: US Department of State

  22. Direct Democracy A form of democracy in which people govern themselves by voting on issues • Source of Power? • The people • Constitution

  23. ADVANTAGES Every citizen has equal say in govt. Broad base of support and loyalty. Individual rights are protected. Direct Democracy DISADVANTAGES • Only works with a small number of people. • Time-consuming.

  24. Representative Democracy A form of democracy in which the people elect representatives and give them the responsibility and power to make and conduct government • Source of Power? • The people • Constitution

  25. ADVANTAGES Citizens are involved. Representatives know their job depends on keeping citizens happy. Likely that all elements of the population involved. Reps usually educated with time to devote to gov’t problems. Representative Democracy DISADVANTAGES • Decision-making is time-consuming. • Reps may want to please everyone. • Reps may not always agree with those they represent. • Citizens may not get involved in gov’t.

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