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You and the Nazis. Tyler Latesky Alex Flynn Madison Kenyon Rosalynn Galvani. Click here to begin your adventure.
You and the Nazis • Tyler Latesky • Alex Flynn • Madison Kenyon • Rosalynn Galvani Click here to begin your adventure
You are sitting in your room and a car pulled up and you thought it was your dad but it was the. Nazis. It was In the 1940’s in the woods and you thought you were safe but u were wrong. You were scared because someone was knocking you were thinking that it would be someone trying to take your parents or something like that. Click here to continue
So you crack your Door and your parents were talking to some army solders and you shut your door and hide and all you hear is screaming and your Parents say leave me alone don’t take me so you run in your closet and cry because you don’t know what’s happening so you stand up and jump up and stand as still as possible. And try to hear to see if there’s anymore screaming but you don’t so you almost stop breathing. If you choose to stay in the closet click here
You are so scared you don’t know what to do with yourself so you start literally pulling your hair out. You come out of the closet to find that your mom and dad is no wear to be found. You walk out your screen door out to the street and a beam of light and all of a sudden the Nazis are chasing you your running for deer life thinking what will happen. If you choose to run click here If you choose to hide click here
So you stay in the closet and think about the good times you and your parents had together. You start to think about how to save your parents and a way to find out where they took your parents so you crack open the closet and you run to your door and crack that open no ones there so you go to the kitchen to see if there’s a note or anything but nothings there so you run outside and you look back into the woods and you think it’s a dark. If you choose to run to your neighbors house click here If you choose to keep running through the woods
Your running you trip on a curb your in pain so you lie their fore a hour. You try getting up but get knocked back down you are thinking “what the heck” what knocked me down. You look up your surrounded by people in ski masks. You start thinking all the good times you had like when you and your dad and mom went fishing together and you and your mom caught a 24in. bass and your dad caught nothing and how you wear thinking them good times wear over at this point. So the Nazis say they can’t kill you because you’re too young. So the Nazis say their going to hold you hostage. So this author Nazi comes running down the road and he does not know they can not kill you. So he whips out a gun and Boom you’re dead
You run you hear a gun fire you see blood on the ground you can’t fell your left leg. You see a trash can it is 5 feet away you dive for it but you don’t make it you get shot and fore a split second you have a flash back going fishing you remember the last time you seen you parents thin you cant breath it hearts you see a truck and that is all.
You are running from the Nazis you are shaking scared. You also start to get hungry. You think about all the yummy bread you and your mom made together and you start to cry. You trip over a twig fall and scrape your knee. You cry even louder. “Please help me” you want to scream. Why can’t I just do this on my own I have always wanted to be independent? “I take it all back” you say. Suddenly you stop crying. You get up and see a rope tied to a tree as you get closer you hear voices you get scared. You also pause, you hear different deep voices. You hide behind a tree, look over and you see the Nazis. They Have Your Parents! Click here to continue.
You want to scream so badly but the fear is keeping it from coming out. You throw something to distract the Nazis and they go looking for you. You go to your parents they are so happy to see you. You untie them but you don’t think you’ll make it in time before the Nazis come back. But you do. You and your parents start running you look back and you see the Nazis. You try not to tell you parents because you are afraid they will get to scared. Finally the Nazis are gone you get home safely. Also you have an awesome story to tell at the school house on Monday.
You run down the road to your neighbors house you try to get in but the door is locked so u run to one of the windows to see if anyone’s there you don’t see anyone so you run to all windows then you run to the back window in front of the woods and you hear someone’s voice and it was your neighbor all covered in mud then you hear a deep voice and you think it was your dad but you were wrong it was a Nazis you hold you hands up and he shoots you dead.