My background • I was born in the Children's Hospital. My mom is Chinese and My dad is English. I am 13 now and I have lived in the same house for all 13 years. My parents were both born in Canada but their parents were born in china and England my mum’s dad died when I was three, but my grandma is still alive and healthy. We see my Chinese Grandma like 3 times a month, and my dad’s parents like 7 times a month. I have a sister, named Rachael and and I have a dog named Max.
My favorite food • I really like almost all food. My mom makes a lot of regular food but once in a while she will make amazing Chinese food. I especially like it when my grandmother makes us dinner every once in a while. I also really enjoy eating traditional English food, like roast beef and Yorkshire puddings and English breakfast, with bacon and eggs.
My interests I love gaming on my XBOX 360 and playing soccer with my friends my favorite games are Halo: Reach and James Bond. My favorite subjects are Latin and Math. The reason I like math is because I’m really good at it and I like Latin because my teacher is really nice and helpful.
My favorite sports • I really enjoy playing soccer, ping pong, cricket, and sailing. I started sailing 2 years ago and it is extremely fun, and intense. My favorite sport overall though is soccer, I am in silver two and my team is doing very well. I started cricket three years ago and It is AWESOME.