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LFS DIGITAL. Learning-Focused Strategies- D elaware I nstructional G uides I mpacting T eaching a nd L earning. Project Summary.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LFS DIGITAL Learning-Focused Strategies-Delaware Instructional Guides Impacting Teaching and Learning

  2. Project Summary LFS-DIGITAL is a professional development project designed to build teacher capacity utilizing the Delaware Prioritized Curriculum and enhancing instruction with emerging multimedia and digital resources.

  3. Background • ARRA 2009- Stimulus Funds • DDOE – Competitive Grant Process “Innovation Grant” • Interest Survey- March • Consortium- Delmar, Laurel and Seaford • Grant Awarded ( ~ 250K) -May 2009 • Entered into Contracts with Discovery Education and K12 Handhelds Inc. ( locate and align resources) and Partner with DE VerizonThinkfinity

  4. The Plan • 3 PD opportunities Year 1 & 2 • Multi-media Alignment • Technology Symposium • Acquisition Lesson Coaching/Development • Teacher and Student pre- post surveys • Learning Communities • Website • Ongoing PD support through school based dept and faculty meetings • Teacher integration of Multi-media and Digital Resources

  5. Goals • improve student achievement through technology use • assist students in crossing the digital divide • integrate technology resources with teacher training and curriculum  development and establish research-based, best instructional practices

  6. Data • LoTi • DSTP/DCAS • Teacher and Student surveys

  7. Planning Committee • Shannon Loretto – Delmar • Charity Phillips- Delmar • Sandy Baker- Laurel • Ann Lewis – Laurel • Steve Garner- Seaford • Jim White- Seaford

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