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Marine Issues:Eastern Africa. vulnerable but very valuable ecosystems including coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves as well as vulnerable species including sea turtles and marine mammals Coastal communities that are highly dependent on marine resources
Marine Issues:Eastern Africa • vulnerable but very valuable ecosystems including coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves as well as vulnerable species including sea turtles and marine mammals • Coastal communities that are highly dependent on marine resources • Economies that are highly dependent on coastal tourism • Problems of over utilization of marine resources including finfish, invertebrates, mangroves • Sedimentation and effects on marine habitats • Climate change and effects on marine habitats including coral reefs and mangroves (1997/1998 bleaching) • Have good policy instruments including MPA and ICAM programs that are at varying stages of development • Varying levels of management (Kenya has a long history of marine conservation, while Mozambique and Madagascar
Evolution of the Nairobi Convention Coral Reef Task Force • The Convention for the Protection, Management, and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region (Nairobi Convention) and its Action Plan and related Protocols were adopted in June 1983 and came into force in May 1996. • The Biennial work program (2002-2003) identified priority activities within five main themes – assessment, management, co-ordination, legal aspects, and crosscutting issues (information dissemination and exchange as well as emerging issues). • The Coral Reef Task Force (CRTF) was established by the Third meeting of the Conference of Parties as per decision CP.3/2 Protection of coral reefs and associated ecosystems • COP3 urged parties to the Nairobi Convention to establish national bodies to co-ordinate coral reef activities within each country and to develop national coral reef action plans or strategies where appropriate
CRTF contd • 1st Meeting (2002) was attended by representatives from Kenya, Seychelles, Mauritius, Tanzania, and Mozambique, UNEP, IUCN/EARO, WWF, WIOMSA, SEACAM, IOC, ORI, KMFRI, CRC and ReefCheck • Received a presentation on the structure of the Nairobi Convention Biennial Work-plan with special emphasis on the implementation of the activities related to coral reef and associated ecosystems • Reviewed and approved the priorities of the Coral Reef Task Force • Reviewed and approved the Task Force Terms of Reference • Discussed mode of operations of the CRTF and its linkage with other organs of the Convention • Discussed Membership criteria and the role of international organizations, research institutions, NGOs and government experts in the CRTF • Received and discussed a general presentation on Reef Check/GCRMN and a presentation on the last 5-year report data from Reef Check
Areas of focus/Action National Task Forces and Action Plans • Encourage the establishment of national coral reefs task forces with multisectoral representation and support the development of local capacity in research, management and government, co-ordinate communication at the national level, and serve as a platform to share information on regional initiatives • Prepare regional coral reef action strategy to be implemented through the framework of the Nairobi Convention by the collaborating partners of the Nairobi Convention as well as national institutions • Encourage each country to examine the need for appropriate mechanisms to design suitable national action plans or equivalent strategies, under the umbrella of the regional action plans and sub-regional frameworks • Facilitate communication with other organizations working on large scale monitoring of ecosystems • Influencing the review of legislation and policy change at national level as appropriate
Areas of focus/Action: contd Reporting and Dissemination of information • Improve reporting mechanisms nationally and within the region on all coral reef work • Facilitate and encourage communication and the dissemination of information within the region using mechanisms appropriate to the technology of the Nairobi Convention Area i.e. a) simple text Newsletter that would collate information from various coral related activities in the region, and b) discussion groups • Encourage the development of capacity building and training opportunities, materials, and manuals for groups involved in coral reef programmes • Serve as the regional ICRI co-ordinating committee for Eastern Africa • Review the recommendations and other relevant information from ICRI-CPC as well as other regional and international initiatives, and to recommend the inclusion of relevant activities in the Nairobi Convention work program;
Areas of focus/Action: contd Research and Monitoring • Encourage each country to effectively establish national coral reef and associated ecosystems monitoring programs and recommend better coordination within and between countries in the region in designing and implementing; monitoring programmes • Promote both biophysical and socio-economic monitoring, and more effective co-ordination with regional and international monitoring programmes; Fund Raising • Raise the profile of coral reef issues in the region in a bid to attract funds.
Specific activities 2004 • Hosting the 2nd CRTF meeting to discuss and endorse the work-plan • Supporting the establishment of National Coral Reef Committees • Preparation of a regional tool kit on the establishment and management of marine protected area in collaboration with IUCN – on going • Hosting and supporting the 3rd and 4th Meeting of the Group of Experts for Marine Protected Areas for the Eastern African Region • Undertake the Second assessment of the Progress of integrated coastal management programmes and projects in the Eastern African Region • Support the EAF coastal atlas and database and establish a network of experts to promote co-operation and exchange of information regarding waste management and marine pollution prevention within the South and Eastern Africa collaborative activity with WIO-LB – 2003-2007
Management of CRTF • Office hosted by Wildlife Conservation Society in Mombasa • Coordination through the Regional Coordinating Unit (Seychelles) and UNEP Div of Conventions • Funding: UNEP (Div of Conventions) and others • In- kind support from Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), National institutions and regional projects/programs • Report to the COP meetings