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Labor Pain Early Signs, Symptoms And Stages of Labor

Do You Know That The Baby's Brain Transmits Chemical Messages To The Mother's Body When It Is Ready For Birth? This E-book Aims At Providing Complete Information About Early Sings, Symptoms, Stages, And Some Non-Medical Practices That Can Reduce Labor Pain.

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Labor Pain Early Signs, Symptoms And Stages of Labor

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  1. mom’s cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next LABOR PAIN EARLY SIGNS, SYMPTOMS, AND STAGES OF LABOR

  2. mom’s Labor Pain cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next Early Signs, Symptoms, And Stages of Labor Do you know that the baby's brain transmits chemical messages to the mother's body when it is ready for birth? This eBook aims at providing complete information about early signs, symptoms, stages, and some non-medical practices that can reduce labor pain. Whether it is your first experience or you are a mother already, delivering is baby is a unique experience and it is important to prepare yourself in advance about the aspects that it may involve. By having all the necessary information about the early sign, symptoms, and stages of labor, you can prepare yourself for the delivery; mentally and physically. With the breathing techniques you can learn about the body positions or certain movements that allow you to have a control on the labor pain. www.momcuddle.com 2 Page

  3. mom’s Early Signs cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next of Labor Pain There are some early signs of labor pain. However, only a few know how to decode those. Here are signs that labor will begin in a few weeks or days. You will have an indication that the fetus has 1 descended into the pelvis, which will remove the pressure on the diaphragm, and your breathing will become easier. In some women this occurs much earlier, right 2 from the beginning of the last month, but this phenomenon generally occurs one or two weeks before the big day. Another sign that confirms the baby's descent is 3 that you will now experience increased pressure on the bladder, and this will make you go to the toilet more often. During your pregnancy, most of the time you 4 want to rest. However, the day when you feel like you are full of energy suggest that your labor day is near. Before birth, the cervix begins to stretch. 5 Although you will not feel any of this, but by conducting a vaginal examination, the obstetri- cian can confirm you the approximate date of labors. www.momcuddle.com 3 Page

  4. mom’s Symptoms of Labor cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next Symptoms that indicate that you are in labor include follows: Breaking water (membranes) which means that the amniotic sac surrounding the baby breaks and the amniotic fluid flows. In the last months of pregnancy, you will experience contractions. You need to track those because that is the only way of knowing whether you have real contractions or false. Contractions start slowly and you will feel the pain that resembles menstrual pain. This pain sometimes is accompanied by back pain and diarrhea. True contraction lasts for 30-90 seconds and no matter what you do, they persists. Whereas, in false labor, the contractions may stop when you walk, or change your position. True contraction have the following characteristics: They're regular Follow a predictable model – for example every 8 minutes or so They occur more often They become stronger Each contraction is initially perceived in the back Changing the activity or position of the body does not improve or cause the cessa- tion of contractions www.momcuddle.com 4 Page

  5. mom’s Stages of Labor cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next Labor pain is divided into three stages – dilation of the cervix, birth of the baby and expulsion of the placenta. Let us know learn more about these stages Stage 1 of Labor Pain – Dilation The first stage of labor is the dilation and it is further divided into three phases: The Latent Phase This phase is the easier, but longest phase for most of the women. In 10-15% of cases, this stage can start with membrane or water breakage. Contractions may be at a distance of 30 minutes but are also about 5-10 minutes. Usually these do not last long, on average 30-45 seconds, sometimes even less. During this phase, the cervix begins to short- en, and at the end of this phase it may have a dilation of about three centimeters. Emotionally, you will feel enthusiastic, impatient and happy that the moment of birth is coming. www.momcuddle.com 5 Page

  6. mom’s cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next The Active Phase Of Labor These contractions may last longer than those in the previous phase – say about 45-60 seconds. It is the phase when the membranes break, if not already. The baby's head will be even more lower and will put pressure on the amniotic fluid. Emotionally, you will feel nervous, focused, seri- ous and you will feel the need for moral help. Transition Phase This is the most intense stage, but also the shortest one that lasts for about 15 minutes. Most women do not have more than 15-20 contractions during this phase. Contractions are much more frequent at 60-90 seconds and can take up to three minutes. At this stage, you may feel dizzy, and you will feel and urge for vomiting, sneezing, tremors or feelings of strain. Here, you need to keep moving yourself because this is how your baby going to slide into the birth canal easily. www.momcuddle.com 6 Page

  7. mom’s Stage 2 of Labor Pain Expulsion Of The Child cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next The second stage of labor is the expulsion of the child. It can take from 15 minutes to several hours. At this stage, contractions are prolonged and sometimes with only a small pause between the end of one and the beginning of another. In some cases, there may be a break of no more than half an hour of silence, without contractions, during this time the body prepares for expulsion. The baby's head will descend through the dilated vagina, when you can feel the sensation of pushing. You will be exhausted between contractions, but the burning and stinging sensation will force you to push. The baby's head soon appears in the vaginal opening and will swing back and forth. It is very important to be careful when you are asked to stop pushing. This is the time when the baby's head comes out of the vaginal opening. www.momcuddle.com 7 Page

  8. mom’s Stage 3 of Labor Pain Elimination of Placenta cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next In the third stage of labor the placenta is eliminated. At this stage you will feel small contractions, weak in intensity, but also a feeling of fatigue. The placenta is eliminated in 5-20 minutes. Some hospitals recommend and support the idea of placing baby on the mother's breast, so that mother can breastfeed the baby while waiting for placental expulsion. When Should I Go To The Hospital? True or false contractions can confuse you about your labor day. Moreover, you cannot go to hospital just because you have contractions occurring after every 3 minute. Though, there is no problem in doing so, however this can increase your frustration level. So, the best you can do is – improve your knowledge, learn to decode the early signs, and real symptoms of labor. So, here are some sign The water broke (the membranes broke) without contractions. Do keep an eye on the time when this happened because you need to tell this to your doctor Bleeding in the vagina If you notice that your fetus is moving less than before You have severe pain that does not disappear between contractions Premature labor – If you have less than 37 weeks and have regular uterine contractions; time to see a doctor immediately. www.momcuddle.com 8 Page

  9. mom’s Some Non-Medical Practices That Can Help Calm And Reduce Labor Pain cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next Spend sometime exploring the hospital you are going to choose for delivery. Do not make a final decision without visiting hospitals and maternity hospitals. By familiarizing yourself with the hospital room, you will reduce the stress associated with the unknown environment . You'll probably feel more comfortable in your pyjamas than in the dress offered by the hospital. Talk to the hospital or your gynecologist to check if this is allowed. What position will you adopt at the time of labor? Learn about the position to avoid last minute troubles. Empty your bladder every hour. Visit the bathroom as often as you like. Drink plenty of fluids during pregnancy and labor. Your body needs more fluids during pregnancy to prevent constipation and dehydration. As long as you can, try to go for a walk between contractions. Walking encourage regular contractions. Discuss all these things with your gynecologist. You will feel an increase in energy a day or two before labor. This is how nature prepares you for. www.momcuddle.com 9 Page

  10. mom’s cuddle i am here mommy! what’s next THANK YOU We really hope you have enjoyed our ”Labor Pain – Early Signs, Symptoms, And Stages of Labor ” ebook. If you have any questions, please visit at www.momcuddle.com anytime . You can also send us feedback at info@momcuddle.com

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