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Get ready to excel with all the necessary preparations. Take responsibility, demonstrate integrity, show determination, and promote equity. Be accountable, respectful, honest, and inclusive.
Ready to succeed with all that you need PREPARATION
Looks like: Supplies at hand and fully ready In assigned place before bell Assignments completed on time and available Sounds like: Calm and quiet Accountable talk with permission PREPARATION
Doesn’t look like: Supplies missing or not ready Late to assigned place Assignments missing or incomplete Doesn’t sound like: Noisy and/or commotion Off topic talking PREPARATION
Knowing what’s expected, having what’s expected and doing what’s expected RESPONSIBILITY
Looks like: Student focused and on task Student is where he/she is supposed to be Friendly interaction Controlling hands and feet Placing trash in trash cans Accepting consequences for your action Sounds like: Admitting when you make a mistake Using calm respectful language Asking for help when you need it RESPONSIBILITY
Doesn’t look like: Daydreaming Not on task Ditching Dawdling Bullying, teasing Touching, kicking, drumming, fidgeting Dropping trash on floor or school grounds Doesn’t sound like: Blaming others Yelling, shouting, using obscenities Whining, reacting inappropriately RESPONSIBILITY
Looks like: Taking a stand for what you believe Respecting personal and school property Doing your own work Sounds like: Telling the truth Making amends INTEGRITY
Doesn’t look like: Following along with the crowd Stealing, vandalizing, tagging Cheating or plagiarism Doesn’t sound like: Gossiping and lying INTEGRITY
Never, never, never give up!!! DETERMINATION
Looks like: Completing tasks and assignments Doing your best Practicing for success Setting and achieving goals Energy Sounds like: Telling yourself “I can and I will” DETERMINATION
Doesn’t look like: Giving up Sloppy or careless work Settling for less than your best Failing to plan Doesn’t sound like: Making excuses DETERMINATION
This school belongs to everyone and everyone belongs to this school EQUITY
Looks like: Equal opportunity for everyone to get what they need Treating people fairly Accepting differences Sounds like: Negotiating Compromis-ing EQUITY
Doesn’t look like: Everyone gets the same thing Discrimination Intolerance Inappropriate touching Doesn’t sound like: Racial slurs Sexual harassment “That’s not fair” EQUITY