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Joyful Surrender. Surrender : the giving of oneself into the power of another person or thing. to give up possession or power over. g ive up claim to a bandon, yield, resign oneself. Joyful: a feeling of great pleasure that comes from a sense of well-being.
Surrender: the giving of oneself into the power of another person or thing. • to give up possession or power over. • give up claim to • abandon, yield, resign oneself
Joyful: a feeling of great pleasure that comes from a sense of well-being. • the expression of showing such a feeling. • to enjoy
Luke 14:33 “So then, any of you who does not forsake (renounce, surrender claim to, give-up, say good-bye to) all that he has, cannot be My disciple.”
Jeremiah 14:12 “Though they fast, I will not hear their cry, and though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings (without heartfelt surrender to Me or by offering it too late), I will not hear their cry.”
Matthew 16:25 “And everyone who has given up (surrendered) houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property for My sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.”
Deuteronomy 28:47 “If you do not serve the Lord with joy and enthusiasm for the abundant benefits you have received, you will serve your enemies!”
Psalm 40:8 “I take joy in doing Your will, my God, for Your instructions are written on my heart.”
Romans 6:16 “Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slave of him whom you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death or to obedience which leads to a life of righteousness?”
Mark 7:6 “He said, these people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.”
5 Hindrances to Joyful Surrender: 1. Fear 2. Insecurity 3. Rebellion 4. Pride 5. Mistrust