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Managing materials in 3ds Max Design: The LEGO MAN getting dressed Tomas Benzon, DTU/MEK, July 2013.
Managingmaterials in 3ds Max Design: The LEGO MAN gettingdressed Tomas Benzon, DTU/MEK, July 2013
This tutorial is a continuation of Visualization of the LEGO man, describinghow to placehim in a virtual photostudio, arranging light and a camera, allowingyou to render him, and save the pictures. Here I willdemonstratehow to put materials and textures on him, imitating the looks and appearances from real life, in order to createrealisticlooking images. Before starting this tutorial you must copy the map Bitmaps to your X-drive: R:\Kurser \41618-3ds Max Design\Bitmaps. That done, open your completed Visualization of the LEGO man 3ds Max file, containing Mr. Lego himself, a studio and a lamp.
My plan is to dress him up with a jacket and a shirt… So let us begin…Right-Click on his torso and choose Isolate Selection.
You should only see the torso now. Right-click it and choose convert to Editable poly.Now it is time to define which polygons on the torso should be covered by a jacket (they get ID 1)… And which ones by a shirt. (they get ID 2)
First wedefine the ID 1 polygons:Arrange a top view… Select the torso…Click the Modifybutton…EnterPolygonlevel…
And chooseall the polygons of the torso, usingCTRL + A. Set ID = 1…
And now the ID 2 polygons:Still in top view, click in the background to deselect the polygons…Choosefrom right to left the polygons on his chest and set their ID = 2
Rotate the view and useSelect ID to check the polygon ID values. Here, it looks like most of the bottom polygons areID’ed to 2. Theyshouldbeconverted to ID 1… So: Jacket = ID 1 Shirt = ID 2 Rememberthis! Fashiondictatesthat Mr. Lego dresses in a giraffepatternedjacket and a stripedshirt. To beable to control the size and the placement of these patterns, weneed to place 2 UVW Maps on his torso.
Select the ID 1 polygons and ChooseUVW Mapas shown. This way the Mapwillbeassigned to the ID 1 polygons.
Namethe UVWMap UVW jacket, chooseBoxMapping, with L W H = 10,10,10 Check thatReal-World Mapsizeis Off, and noticeMap Channel= 1
Click the Editable Polybar, enterPolygon leveland select the ID 2 polygons… Repeat the previousUVW procedure, onlywith Box L W H = 12,12,12 (so you dont mix up the two UVW boxes) and set Map Channel = 2
It should look likethis… The torso is ready to getdressed. Now it is time for the Jacket and Shirtmaterial to bedesigned, using the Material Editor. Press M to open it…
The Material Editor is opened. If it looks different on your screen, chooseModes and change from slate to compactA quickoverview:Sample slot. This one is the activeone, shown by the whiteedgeNamingfieldEntry to the Material/Map browserClose-up view: If you double-click the activeSample slot youwillgetthiscloser look. Check thatAuto-update= On
Now wewill design twomaterials - Jacket and Shirt - and latercombinethem in a new material: Torso-dress.Click in the top leftSample Slot. In the NamingfieldwriteGiraffe.Open the Material/Map browser…
In the Material/Map browser, under the Mental Ray bar, double click the Arch & Design tab – The browser closes.the Arch& Design is a group of premadematerials.
In the Diffuse zone, click in the Colorfieldand choose a green color.Double clickon the Sample slot to get a Magnifiedview.Pleasenotice: 1)The small squareto the right of the Colorfield2)The similar layout of the Reflection and the Refraction zonesConfused? The Material Editor is Huge…
If youclick the small squareto the right of the Colorfield, youcanreplace the green color with a Map.Here wewilluse a Bitmap (an image Map)…Click the square - Again the Material/Map browser opens…and double clickBitmap...
A new browser opens…Now youshouldnavigate to the Bitmap folder youcopied to your X drive…Choosegiraffe.jpg and close the browser.
The sample slot updates. Please note thatMap Channel = 1…Click the Go to Parentbuttonto go to the top level of the material.Now we have created a material…
And nowwewillcreate a new one…Put the cursor on the sample slot and drag and drop a copynext to it.Name it Stripes…Click on the M in the diffuse zone…This time the Material/Map browser does not open..?A bit downward a new bar, Bitmap Parameters opens...
Under the bar Bitmap Parameters youwillsee the path to the Giraffe.jpg image. Click on it and replaceGiraffe.jpg with Shirt-stribes. Jpg…The sample slot gets a new look…Change Map Channel from 1 to 2 and click the Go to ParentbuttonThis wasmaterial no. 2…
Now wewillcombine the twomaterialswe have created. Click an empty sample slot…Open the Material/Map browser…Under the Standard bar double click the Multi/Sub-Objectmaterial…Whenasked, choosediscard old material…
Noticethatthere is an ID for eachsubmaterial…Under the Multi/Sub-Object Basic Parameters bar, click the Set Numberbutton and type 2…
Drag and drop the Giraffematerial to the Nonebutton as shown…ChooseInstance, whenasked. (thismeansthatifyoumodifyyour original material, the changewillberepeated in the new material)…In the Namefield, writeJacket…Repeat the procedure with the Shirt-stribesmaterial….Name the new materialTorso-dress…
AMulti/Submaterial has nowbeencreated…Now it is time to test it – the following procedure canlaterbeskipped, whenyou have got more experience with materials…
Right-Click on the screen background and chooseUnhide all…AnswerNo to unhide all layers…When the wholefigure is visible, clickthe screen background to deselecthim…
Click the Layericonto check whichlayer mr. Lego is placed on. This shouldbe the activeone…Close the Layerdialogue…Zoom out a bit to give room for creating a Box…Itsdimensions are not critical…
The boxmay look likethis…Right-click it and chooseconvert to Editable Poly…
Enter the Polygonlevel…Press Ctrl + A to select all its polygons…Set ID = 1
Make the UVW box – shapedand LWH 10 x 10 x10…Notice the default Map Channel = 1
Clickbackground to deselect the box… Enter the Material editor again, this time to ensurethat the new materialwill display correctly:Click the Giraffebutton…
Click the Show shadedMaterial in Viewportbutton…Click the Go forward to Siblingbutton to do likewise with the StribesSubmaterial…Done that, Clickthe Go to Parentbutton to reach top levelonceagain…
Drag and drop the Torso-Dress material to the box…Submaterial1seems to work…
Now wewill test Submaterial2…Click the box, enter the Polygonlevel, and change the ID of the polygons from 1 to 2…
Click screen to deselect…Submaterial 2 looks OK…Youmaycreate a new layer, place the box on it and make the layerinvisibleifyouwant to reuse the box for testing of othermaterials…
Now drag and drop the Torso-Dressmaterial to his torso…It almostgot right…His shirt is buttoned a bit unconventionally…
Small problem…click his torso…Select the UVW Shirt…Change the Alignment from Z to Y…And the shirt looks normal…
In the following I have dressed his right arm. The procedure was:Select the arm, right click it and convert it to an Editable Poly…EnterPolygonlevel, select all the polygons and set theirID = 1…Assign a UVW Map, this time with a Cylindricalmappingas thisshapebestresembles the geometry of the arm. On the model youcansee the UVWmap is in need of someadjustment.The UVW cylinder canbeadjusted by clicking on the small + signto the left of the UVW name.Underneath is a Gizmo…
Using the UVW Gizmoto rotate and scale, the UVW maphas beenadjusted…
Nowdeselecteverything…Using drag and drop the Torso-Dress material is applied to his arm…
The UVW MapGizmois usedonce more – here by rotation - to fine tune the pattern, so it matches his torso…Additionallyyoucantry out the alignmentX Y Z buttons…
His left arm now has got the same treatment…Noticethatsometimesthings just do not look right, eventhoughyou have done everythingcorrectly. Remember to deselecteverythingwhenyouwant to check the looks of yourwork.If something looks strangeevenwhendeselected, you must look for errors in yoursetup. This calls for detectivework and methodology, as the therearemany spots wheresettingscouldbewrong.Try to applyyourmaterial on other items (the test boxeswe did earlier) to filter out the error. Some times it works to save your file, close and reopen it. Whenworking with 3ds Max youspend a lot of time tweaking and testing.Gettingroutinewill speed up yourwork…
Wewillconstruct a new material for this purpose:Copy the Giraffematerial to a new slot and enlargethis (page 17)…This waywewillreuseitssettings…Rename the materialHead…Locate the small M in the Diffuse zone and click on it…
Click on the path to the Giraffe.jpg image and replace it with LEGO-head.jpg…Click the Go to Parentbuttonto return to top level…
Click on his head to make it active and convert it to an Editable Poly…Set the polygons ID to 1… Attach a UVW Mapas shown. Use X, Y and Z to align… VerifythatitsMap Channel = 1
Drag and drop the enlargement on his head…Deselect his head to take a proper look…