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PROJECT CHARTER TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING “GREEN IT”. Table of Contents Section 1.0 Project overview 1.1 Problem Statement 1.2 Project Description 1.3 Project Goals & Objectives 1.4 Project Scope 1.5 Critical Success Factors 1.6 Assumptions 1.7 Constraints
Table of Contents Section 1.0 Project overview 1.1 Problem Statement 1.2 Project Description 1.3 Project Goals & Objectives 1.4 Project Scope 1.5 Critical Success Factors 1.6 Assumptions 1.7 Constraints Section 2.0 Project Milestones 2.1 Project Funding & Sources 2.2 Project Oversight 2.3 Project Deliverables Section 3.0 Project Organization 3.1 Project Structure Section 4.0 Points of Contact
Problem Statement: 1.1 To enhance and sustain a mutual understanding of our objectives as a group endeavor in fulfilling the goals necessary in obtaining focus and clarity of our green environment project matter at MNSCU ( Minnesota State College and Universities’ ). To initiate in a timely fashion. To coordinate and supply real life status of maintaining a higher standard in education which reflects not only cost incentives, but insures future greener environments.
Project Description: 1.2 • To have MNSCU’s ( Minnesota’s State Colleges & Universities ) IT Department go “ GREEN “ from a business standpoint. By spending and allocating money on key Green IT solutions so these institutions can undergo and better allocate their resources in the future for a greater educational experience in learning.
Project Goals & Objectives: 1.3 To reflect, communicate, plan and build structure towards strategic project goals amongst management and piers of MnScu ( Minnesota’s State Colleges and Universities ). A project that enhances detailed control of data and networking systems. To design, build, and deploy a greener more efficient, and effective way for applications to excel or exceed future business implementations, maintain effective environments, and to insure innovation. To implement a multi-stage project, over a time span of two years that will make Mn Scu’s IT department “ GREEN”. To design a system that will use, replace, and dispose of but not limited to computers, servers, networks, and communication systems to have a more environmentally stable computing experiece for all who are or take part of or in MnScu.
Project Scope: 1.4 MNSCU’s continued commitment of reducing the carbon footprint left by our environmentally conscience community devoted to higher learning without sacrificing our environment.
The Environmental Impact • Unfortunately, the paper making process is not a clean one. According to the U.S. Toxic Release Inventory report published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pulp and paper mills are among the worst polluters to air, water and land of any industry in the country. The Worldwatch Institute offers similar statistics for the rest of the world. Each year millions of pounds of highly toxic chemicals such as toluene, methanol, chlorine dioxide, hydrochloric acid, and formaldehyde are released into the air and water from paper making plants around the world. • Paper Industry Statistics • How much paper do Americans use in a year? • Every year, Americans use more than 90 million short tons of paper and paperboard. That's an average of 700 pounds of paper products per person each year. Every year in America, more than 2 billion books, 350 million magazines, and 24 billion newspapers are published. • How many paper mills are there in the United States? In the world? • The U.S. is the world's leading producer of paper and paperboard, with over 500 mills in operation. Worldwide, there are approximately 10,000 paper and paperboard mills in operation. • How much paper and paperboard is made in the U.S.? Worldwide? • Worldwide, about 300 million metric tons of paper and paperboard are produced each year. The U.S. alone produces about 87 million metric tons of paper and paperboard, representing nearly one-third of the world's total production.
How Are We Going To Do This? • We are going to make a commitment to issue every MNSCU student who enrolls in a degree or certificate program an Ipad II, MacBook, or Basic Laptop to assist them in their studied and reduce their dependence on textbooks, while reducing the energy demand consumed by our computer labs and desktops in the classrooms. • We are going to encourage all of our MNSCU instructors to offer digital textbooks and learning materials.
Reduction of the Energy Used? • By issuing these computers we will no longer need to pay for energy used in computer labs that will be converted into additional classroom space. We will also not need to pay for energy that was being used for computers that sat idle in classrooms while still consuming energy. Because the portable computers have batteries most students will use the battery life to power their computers meaning little need for energy use on campus.
What’s the Return on Investment? • Reduction of carbon Footprint • Freeing up of MNSCU resources • As perviously described we consume a tremendous amount of paper for use in our textbooks, the paper making process causes substaintial pollution of the air, noise, and water . Also this process consumes a tremendous amount of fossil fuels via transporting and cutting down of the trees. • By issuing each student a portable computer we can use our computer labs as classroom space desperately needed by our ever expanding student base. Our computer based classrooms will free up space by not having to facilitate these desktops in the classrooms.
More Resources will be freed up! • Bookstores • We Prepare Our Students Better for a Technology World • The function of bookstores on campus will be drastically changed and their need for space will be drastically reduced by the instructors that choose digital text vs. traditional paper textbook. Also by default the less need for space to store textbooks the less need for employees to work in the bookstore. • To many students leave MnSCU institutions without the basic computer knowledge to function at an advanced level in a very technology driven world. In almost every job offered in our workforce there is a need for computer skills. This project advances every students awareness of computers and their abilities.
Draw Backs! • Printing • Security • How do we allow students to utilize their printing priviledges if we remove the computer labs? • How do we protect the campus network, as well as the students computers?
Critical success factors: 1.5 • Describe the factors or characteristics that are deemed critical to the success of a project, such that, in their absence the project will fail • Defined vision, mission, and goals: Knowing what your working towards • Business needs linked to vision: Unrelated spending on resources that do not correspond to the green project • Being able to separate viable ideas from non-viable ideas: Not every idea is good or executable. Must have to pick the most realistic ideas • Dividing the work load: Having each group personnel control tasks in equal proportions so as not to overload just one person • Organization in the work area: Having an efficient work flow in the work area to avoid traffic concerns or problems while cutting down on travel time • Sponsors: Collaborative relationship with venders and companies who have like minds, interest, and ideas • Knowing your budget: Keeping spending to a realistic means, cost effectiveness, and field worthy • Training: Providing trained personnel to work more efficiently and effectively • Energy Star and EPA: Having both Energy Star and EPA’s partnership will be the key factors in energy management
Assumptions: 1.6 • Describe any project assumptions related to business, technology, resources, scope, expectations, or schedule • Provide green IT project management guidance and support to project leads/managers in business units • Develop and implement a consistent IT “GREEN” Technology process/methodology including tools and templates • Conduct green IT project management training programs • Maintain a MnScu IT centralized project office to work on project issues • Advise and consult employees on project management best practices • Select and maintain GREEN IT project management tools • Review and provide input to project charter, scope, and project management approach and support as needed • Provide direction in the use of methodology and templates of GREEN IT Technology • Review GREEN IT Technology project status reports • Provide facilitation support in GREEN IT project assessments, migration planning, checkpoint evaluations, process improvement, and quality assurance audit • Monitor and escalate GREEN IT Technology project impacts for project changes, issues, and risks
Constraints: 1.7 • Project constraints being imposed in the areas of schedule, budget, resources, products to be reused, technology to be employed, products to be acquired, and interfaces to other products based on current technology today!