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Twins. Sandra Cortez Psychology project MT2 . Fraternal . Fraternal twins are non-identical twins are formed when two egg cells are fertilized, each egg by a different sperm so that two embryos are formed are formed

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  1. Twins Sandra Cortez Psychology project MT2

  2. Fraternal • Fraternal twins are non-identical twins are formed when two egg cells are fertilized, each egg by a different sperm so that two embryos are formed are formed • Fraternal twins can be of the same or opposite sex and they don’t have to look alike

  3. Identical • Identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg that split into two genetic replicas unlike fraternal twins that develop from separate eggs and sperm • Identical Twins can not be different sex like there can be with fraternal twins

  4. Same DNA • Due to the fact that identical twins came from the same fertilized egg they do have identical DNA and they have the same blood type • Identical twins can still end up looking different, as they get older because of differences in diet, eating habits, exercise, sickness etc. All of which don’t depend on DNA and instead depend on environmental influences.

  5. Having the same DNA can sometimes become a problem take this case for example • A pair of identical twins how couldn't’t be told apart by their DNA were both to appear in court for the charges of raping a women

  6. Fingerprints • Many say that identical twins have everything identical but that is false • Even though twins share facial features and DNA what they do not share is fingerprints • To a standard DNA test they are indistinguishable but any forensics expert will tell you that there is at least one surefire way to tell them apart identical twins do not have matching fingerprints

  7. Fingerprints are influenced by random stresses in the womb. Even a slight different umbilical cord length changes the print. So far the crime solvers haven’t faced two identical prints

  8. Twin Telepathy • Many think that all twins have twin telepathy, it is considered as a “sixth sense” that is shared between twins and when one twin can access the others twins thoughts or feelings • There has been many evidence in favor of twin telepathy but there had also been experiments providing evidence that there is no thing as twin telepathy

  9. Stories like these give people who believe in twin telepathy hope in there thought • “The identical twins who earned perfect test scores” • “The twin mothers who gave birth on the same day” • “The identical twins who broke the same arm on the same day “ • “The identical twins with identical twin children”

  10. In 2002, a pair of seventy three year old twins was killed on a road in Finland. There’s nothing unusual at all about that at a first glance, until you find out that they were killed separately, within two hours of each other. The first of the twins was hit by a lorry and killed while he was cycling along the road. Two hours later, his brother died in exactly same way. To make matters even more odd, police had not yet informed the second twin of his brother’s death which means that he wasn’t merely trying to follow him to the grave.

  11. The Odds • The chances of having twins that are identical are approximately 1 in 250 • It is unknown why a fertilized egg splits to form identical twins • Identical twins do not run in families and there is no way to increase the probability of having them

  12. Nature Vs. Nurture • Identical twins share the exact same genes so some researchers think that differences between them must be due to the environment • And fraternal twins have a role to play as well, even though they don't share the same genes • By comparing the results between fraternal twins and identical twins, researchers can begin to determine the meaning that nature (genes) or nurture (environment) and if they impact on whom we are

  13. What is it that makes us who we really are our life experiences or our DNA? • Twin sisters Bernstein and Elyse Schein were both born in New York City • Both women were adopted as baby's and raised by loving families. They met for the first time when they were 35 years old and found they were identical strangers Not knowing Bernstein and Schein had been part of a secret research project in the 1960s and 70s that separated identical twins as infants and followed their development in a one-of-a-kind experiment to assess the influence of nature vs. nurture in child development

  14. Separated at Birth • Cases : After 39 years of being separated Jim Lewis and Jim Springer met February 9, 1979. Thesetwin brothers were separated at birth being adopted by different family’s not knowing each other both family’s named the boys Jim. Both Jims grew up not even knowing of each other, both had law enforcement training, both had a passion in mechanical drawing and carpentry. They were both married to women named Linda who then divorced and remarried woman with the name of Betty.

  15. Both had sons whom they named James Alan and the James Allan. And they both owned dogs which they named Toy. The twins also discovered they shared alike habits too. Both smoked both liked beer, both had woodworking workshops in their garages, both drove Chevys, both had served as Sheriff's deputies in nearby Ohio counties. They had even vacationed on the same beach in the Florida. The same patterns shared by the Jim Twins occurred time and time again

  16. This is another “separated at birth and found each other in later life” story but with a wired ending. These twins were separated at birth and raised by different families. They met each other in later life, and felt an “inevitable attraction” to one another. They started a romantic relationship together, which eventually led to them getting married. Soon after their wedding, it came to light that they were in fact brother and sister, at which point the courts ruled their marriage invalid

  17. Citations • BBC News. BBC, 03 June 2002. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. • "Fraternal Twins vs Identical Twins." - Difference and Comparison. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. • "The Difference Between Identical and Fraternal Twins." HealthyChildren.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2013. • “9 Incredible Stories about Identical Twins - The Week." The Week. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.

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