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Welcome Electronic Time and Attendance Training Human Resources – Revised March 9, 2012. Required for Today’s Session : Pre-tested PODs user name and password Current time record
Welcome Electronic Time and Attendance TrainingHuman Resources – Revised March 9, 2012 Required for Today’s Session: Pre-tested PODs user name and password Current time record Folks without the necessary information are welcome to stay for the training session, opting to enter their time record into the system at a later time OR they may elect to reschedule for another training date. Either way is fine! Thank you for your assistance in ensuring a timely session for all.
Introductions • HR Time and Attendance Implementation Team: On the HR site there is also an online form to report any system problems you may encounter: http://www2.binghamton.edu/human-resources/time-attendance/tas-issue.html
Before we get started . . . Be sure to sign-in before you leave today. Feel free to take notes, although you will be provided a hard copy “cheat sheet” for future reference. This presentation is available for you on the HR web site, cleverly entitled “Time and Attendance.”
Agenda INFORMATION Today, the Time and Attendance System (TAS) implementation team will outline: A brief background on TAS. An overview of our campus training timeline. A high-level and a step-by-step explanation of the TAS Process. USER TOOLS Each attendee will also be provided: A condensed hard-copy “cheat-sheet” and electronic access on the HR web site of this Power Point presentation for your reference. Contact information for any future questions. LIVE ENTRY OF YOUR TIME RECORD Following the above: Each attendee will enter their recent time record live into the SUNY HR TAS system. A brief session for Supervisors will follow the All Employee portion of the training.
Background The new system has been in development at System Administration for the past two years and is part of SUNY's five-year technology plan. The Binghamton campus was selected as one of two live-pilot campuses and played a key role in the development and testing of the new system. Features and Benefits: Completely paperless system - supports our "green" campus initiative and saves paper, printing, and off-site storage costs of time records. Provides an electronic approval workflow. Increased efficiencies, accuracy, and up-to-date accrual balances.
Campus Training Timeline December 2011 - President's and Vice President's office staff training. January through June 2012 - Phased implementation of 1,600 UUP faculty and professional staff, as well as Management/Confidential staff. (There is a link on the HR site with a schedule by department.) Summer / Fall 2012 - System testing for Classified Service and Hourly UUP professionals (subject to change). Fall 2012 / Winter 2013 - Implementation for Classified Service staff.* *(excluding those using the Kronos electronic timekeeping system.)
Electronic Time and Attendance All Employees
Access to SUNY HR will be found at:http://www.suny.edu/time Suggested Bookmark First: Sign-in Screen Second: One-time Security Screen For security reasons your sign-in will be different the first time you enter SUNY HR’s Time and Attendance. Here, you will be asked for your SUNY ID (which we have for you) and your DOB. PODS User ID and PW
To Enter, Click on the“Time and Attendance” Tab Bonus Feature
Faculty-Only View All others will have the view displayed on the next slide. Faculty Step 1, Charge” to enter sick time. If none, go directly to Step 2. Faculty Step 2
Next, Select Month(Accrual Period) Current Month (or Accrual Period) Comes Up Automatically
A Few Notes About Accrual Balances – Mathless Math! Floater PLUS Regular EQUALS Your Holiday Total Up to 30 days Family Sick Leave Tracked Here, Subtracted from Sick Non-Chargeable Time Tracked, Not Subtracted
Enter Holiday Credits First – Every Month, Every Time. THEN SAVE! 1) Enter Credit Due For Each Eligible Holiday. 2) Then Save
Enter Charges forVacation, Sick, or Other.THEN SAVE! 1) Enter Charges for Time Used Quarter-day increments ONLYmay be used: .25 .50 .75 2 )Then Save
A) View of Sub-Menu Produced by Clicking on Individual Calendar Dates – Single-Day Entries Click Here to Change to MULTI-DAY View SINGLE DAY View
B) View of Sub-Menu Produced by Clicking on Individual Calendar Dates – Multiple Day Entries, Same Reason Code MULTI-DAY View Click Here to change to SINGLE DAY View
About “TIME RECORD COMMENTS” Part timers: Use this box to indicate your set schedule. (Mandatory for calculation of holidays earned.) All Employees: Use this box to indicate any items you’d like noted on your record for your supervisor or for audit purposes.
LAST STEPS:Review Entries for Accuracy, Certify (Sign), and lastly, Submit to Supervisor. 1) Review Your Entries for Accuracy 2) Certify 3) Submit b
Sign out of the SUNY browser AND close. To ensure your privacy and system security, in addition to “Logging Off,” you will also need to “X” out of the SUNY browser. (You can do this by clicking on the box in the upper right hand corner of your screen). Step 2: Close Browser Step1: Log-Off
SUPERVISOR’S OPTION:Electronically Requesting Time Off REQUEST TIME OFF Selection Click on TIME RECORD to return to the MAIN SCREEN
When using this Optional Feature,Remember to“SUBMIT” Your Request Remember to “SUBMIT” your request
ABOUT FLOATERS NEW WAY OF THINKING: “Y” and “N” indicators ARE NOT ASKING IF YOU DID OR DID NOT WORK. No Action Needed for Floaters “Y” or “N” Be sure to enter “Earned Amount” and SAVE
ABOUT LEAVE DONATIONS FOR THOSE WITH OVER 40 VACATION DAYS: Your generous Leave Donations will continue to be administrated through Human Resources, following the current process. Upon receipt of your Leave Donation Form, a member of the TAS Team will make the necessary electronic transactions.
ABOUT E-MAIL NOTIFICATIONS Time record submission is now officially a MONTHLY process. System-generated e-mail reminders will be available via e-mail once the majority of our campus is trained and transitioned – right now that feature is turned off. E-mail reminders are currently being sent manually.
Electronic Time and Attendance Supervisors
Supervisors Step-by-Step
Supervisors will have “Work Roster” view for the electronic record status of direct reports. Select “Work Roster”
View of an Actual Work Roster Pending Time Record Approvals Pending Leave Requests Employee List, Favorites First
1) View Employee’s Electronic Time Record2) Determine an Action 3) Then, “Submit” View Details or History of Time Record 2) Select Action 3) Submit
Sign out of the SUNY browser AND close. To ensure your privacy and system security, in addition to “Logging Off,” you will also need to “X” out of the SUNY browser. (You can do this by clicking on the box in the upper right hand corner of your screen). Step 2: Close Browser Step1: Log-Off
Sign-In to SUNY HR at:http://www.suny.edu/time Suggested Bookmark First: Sign-in Screen Second: One-time Security Screen For security reasons your sign-in will be different the first time you enter SUNY HR’s Time and Attendance. Here, you will be asked for your SUNY ID (which we have for you) and your DOB. PODS User ID and PW
Thank You! Your time and consideration is appreciated. Please contact any member of the HR Time and Attendance implementation team if we can be of further assistance. For more information, visit the HR site at: http://www2.binghamton.edu/human-resources/time-attendance/tas.html