1. 1 Where are All the Older Men? Lewis H. Kuller, MD, DrPH
2. 2
3. 3 Mortality Among White Population in 2000, Standardized on Rates for Age and Sex Categories Among the White Population that Year
4. 4 Mortality Among African Americans in 2000, Standardized on Rates for Age and Sex Categories Among the White Population that Year
5. 5
6. 6 Conclusions
7. 7
8. 8 Distribution of Subclinical Disease Status at Baseline by Age, Race, Sex: No Subclinical Disease
9. 9 Prevalence of Subclinical Disease Among Women and Men With at Least One Subclinical Disease - Cardiovascular Health Study, June 1989 to May 1990
10. 10
11. 11
12. 12
13. 13 Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease by Age and Presence of Subclinical Disease at Baseline: 10 Year Follow-up
14. 14 Incidence of CHD and MI by Sex and Prevalence of Subclinical Disease at Baseline and Follow-up Exams/1,000 Person-Years (Age and Race-adjusted): Women
15. 15 Incidence Rates for Combined Event: CHD, CHF, Stroke Among Participants with no CHD, CHF or Stroke at Baseline: 10 Year Follow-up in CHS
16. 16 Cox Models for Risk of Incident CHD, Including Subclinical Disease Only Significant Variables Included in Model
17. 17 Number and Percent of Participants With or Without Subclinical Disease and Hypertension and Diabetes by Sex - CHS
18. 18 Incidence of CHD by History of Hypertension and Presence of Subclinical Disease at Baseline Incidence/ 1000 person-years)
19. 19 Incidence of CHD by History of Diabetes and Presence of Subclinical Disease at Baseline (Incidence/1000 person-years)
20. 20
21. 21 Median Coronary Calcium Score (Agatston units) in the CHS by Age and Sex
22. 22 Coronary Artery Calcium Predicts Fatal or Non-fatal CVD Event in the Elderly
23. 23 Coronary Artery Calcium Predicts Total Mortality in the Elderly
24. 24 Relative risks of CHD (a) and CVD (b) by low and high Framingham risk score and calcium score categories
25. 25 Prevalence of MRI Infarct by Sex, Age and Prior Stroke
26. 26 MRI Infarct and White Matter Grade and Risk of Stroke
27. 27
28. 28 Total Mortality by Age, Sex and White Matter Grade/1,000 person years (PY): Women
29. 29 Total Mortality by Age, Sex and White Matter Grade/1,000 person years (PY): Men
30. 30 Median Life Expectancy (years) From the MRI*
31. 31 Relation of Coronary Arteries Covered with Raised Lesions with Age as Modified by the Addition of Risk Factors
32. 32 Net Reduction in SBP and Relative Risk Reduction in Stroke in Randomized Controlled Trials of BP Lowering
33. 33
34. 34
35. 35 Treatment and Control of Hypertension (HTN) Among Hypertensive MESA Participants by Race and Ethnicity
36. 36
37. 37 Cholesterol awareness, treatment, and control for hypercholesterolemic (=5.18 mmol/L or taking lipid-reducing drugs) mean and women.
38. 38
39. 39 Percentage achieving goals at 1-year follow-up by intervention group (LDL-C <3.37 mmol/L [130 mg/dL]; blood pressure [BP] <140/90 mmHg)
40. 40
41. 41
42. 42
43. 43
44. 44
45. 45 Age-, Race-, and Sex-adjusted Prevalence of Infarct-Like Lesions (Any ILL)
46. 46 Incidence and Relative Risk of Stroke by White Matter Grade
47. 47
48. 48 Use of Antihypertensive Class by Race/Ethnicity Among Treated Hypertensives (% Using Class as Monotherapy)*
49. 49
50. 50
51. 51 Hazard ratios for all-cause mortality according to body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). Hazard ratios are shown for continuous BMI and WC z-scores. Panel A represents the risks for BMI and WC included in separate regression models. Panel B represents the risks for BMI and WC included in the same regression model.
52. 52
53. 53
54. 54
55. 55
56. 56 Distribution of Subclinical Disease Status at Baseline by Age, Race, Sex: No Subclinical Disease
57. 57 Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease by Age and Presence of Subclinical Disease at Baseline: 10 Year Follow-up
58. 58
59. 59
60. 60
61. 61
62. 62
63. 63 CVD (including Stroke) Mortality by Age, Sex and White Matter Grade/1,000 person years (PY): Women
64. 64 Association Between Worsening White Matter Grade and Change in Performance Between Scans
65. 65
66. 66
67. 67 Multivariate Models for Predicting Coronary Heart Disease in Men: CHS
68. 68 Multivariate Models for Predicting Coronary Heart Disease in Women: CHS
69. 69 Incidence of Congestive Heart Failure by Age, Race, Sex: 10 Year Follow-up by Subclinical Disease at Baseline
70. 70 Lifetime Risk* of First Coronary Heart Disease Event at Different Ages Reached Free of Coronary Heart Disease
71. 71 Racial and Educational Disparity in Potential Life-Years Lost per 1000 Persons Before the Age of 75*