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Environmental & Community Buildings Funds. Anne Knapp – North Herts CVS Fay Muir – CVS Broxbourne & East Herts. WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd) Redistributes Landfill Tax to community projects 10 miles from a Landfill site Funding offered in three ENTRUST areas.
Environmental & Community Buildings Funds Anne Knapp – North Herts CVS Fay Muir – CVS Broxbourne & East Herts
WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd) Redistributes Landfill Tax to community projects 10 miles from a Landfill site Funding offered in three ENTRUST areas. Will also fund revenue costs directly related to the project. Grants from £2k - £50k. 11% additional third party funding required. Decision within 3-6 months of application depending on dates of Panel Meetings. Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd, WREN House, Manor Farm, Bridgham, Norfolk, NR16 2RX Telephone : 01953 717165 http://www.wren.org.uk/
Biffa Main Grants Amount Up to £50,000 You will need to find a third party funder(s) to provide 10 per cent of the grant you are applying for. Priorities The project's site must be within 10 miles of a Biffa operation and within 10 miles of a landfill site. Must be registered with ENTRUST. Deadline apply at any time Turnaround minimum 3 months Tel: 0870 036 1000 Email: grant@rswt.org www.biffaward.org
BiffawardSmall Grants Scheme For projects needing a small amount of money but making a big difference to a local facility. Offers quicker access to less money, to make these projects happen without delay. Amount Grants between £250 and £5,000. Your project must not cost more than £10,000 in total. Priorities As Main Grants Scheme. Not for equipment or running costs. The scheme is open to any not-for-profit community led organisation with its own bank account. Deadline apply at anytime Turnaround minimum 8 weeks Tel: 0870 036 1000 Email: grant@rswt.org www.biffaward.org
SITA TRUST Enhancing Communities Large Fund: £10,000 to £50,000 Challenge Fund offers max £250,000 for 3 projects per annum. Small Fund: up to £10,000 for projects having total cost not exceeding £20,000 Priorities: For projects registered under Categories D (public amenities) and E (historic buildings and monuments and Grade 1 listed places of worship). Includes sports projects. Must be 10 miles from an active SITA landfill site. Four rounds of funding each year (8 for Small Fund). Initial site visit and discussions then 13 weeks to decision following application, or 7 weeks for Small Fund.
SITA TRUST Enriching Nature Priorities: for projects registered under Category DA (biodiversity conservation) and within 10 miles of an active SITA Landfill site Large Fund up to £175,000. Must meet national priorities for species and habitats Small Fund up to £25,000. Ideally meeting national priorities but local priorities will also be considered. Four rounds of funding each year (8 for Small Fund). Initial site visit and discussions then 13 weeks to decision following application, or 7 weeks for Small Fund.
SITA TRUST Greenprints Flagship Programme Amount: Up to £10,000 Priorities: Not for profit groups’ projects focused on greenspace Improvements led by 16 - 25 year old volunteers. Funding and practical mentor support for youth led improvement of community greenspaces for the local community and wildlife grants of up to £10,000.Two year programme Deadline: Apply any time on Stage 1 application Contact: The Barn, Brinkmarsh Lane, Falfield, South Glos, GL12 8PT Tel: 01454 262910 sita.trust@sita.co.uk Website: www.sitatrust.org.uk/apply/greenprints
ONYX Veolia Environmental Trust (UK) Amount Up to £150,000 A minimum of 20% of funding needs to be secured for projects with a total cost exceeding £25,000. Priorities Reclaiming disused or land filled sites, installing play facilities, improving the natural habitat and encouraging biodiversity and preserving or restoring buildings of historical or religious importance. To qualify projects must be located within 5 miles of a Veolia facility. Deadline: An outline proposal at any time. Turnaround: 3 months Contact The Veolia Environmental Trust, Ruthdene, Station Road, Four Ashes, Wolverhampton WV10 7DG Tel: 01902 794 677 Website www.onyxenvtrust.org
Awards For All in England Priorities: For people to take part in art, sport, heritage and community activities, and projects that promote education, the environment and health in the local community. Awards for All aims are to extend access and participation, increase skill and creativity and improve quality of life. Deadline: You can apply at any time Turnaround Within 8 weeks Tel: 0845 600 20 40 Website: www.awardsforall.org.uk/england/eaf.html Amount: Grants of between £300 and £10,000
Sport England • Favour multi-sports projects with significant partnership funding (at least 2:1) Average grant £50k - £100k. • Overall aim is to increase participation in sports. • Projects must comply with regional investment strategies. For the Eastern region these are: • Increase participation especially by women, older people, young people. • Encourage innovation and creativity • Benefit areas of social deprivation or tackle rural isolation • Link sport/education/health/community. • Stage One (on-line) initial enquiry stage. Decision within 15 days. • Stage Two development of Applicant Statement. Decision within 12 weeks. • www.sportengland.org
Football Foundation • Facilities Grant scheme min £20k max £1m. • (or fast-track scheme max £20k) • Size of grant dependent on financial circumstances, effort to secure funding elsewhere, potential to raise money in other ways. • Provides money to develop or improve facilities for community benefit eg changing rooms, clubhouses, pitches, multi-use games areas. • Priority given to projects which improve facilities, sustain/increase participation/develop physical, mental, social and moral capacities through regular participation in sport. • Initial expression of interest and subsequent development of application through Football Association. • http://www.footballfoundation.org.uk/apply 0845 345 4555 ext 4285
The Arts Council • National activities: max £200k • Organisations: max £100k • Ambition for 2006-08 ‘to put the arts at the heart of national life and people at the heart of arts’ • Aims: • Help more people take part in the arts • Provide creative opportunities for children and young people • Help the development of artists, arts organisations • Involve the arts and artists in creating vibrant communities • Allow artists from here and abroad to work together • Assessment criteria • Artistic quality and/or ongoing effect on artistic practice • How the activity will be managed • How realistic the activity is financially • How the public will benefit • www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding/gfta2006_about.php
Community Assets Programme • £30m funding from Government Office of the Third Sector, • distributed by the Big Lottery. • Aim is to give third sector organisations greater control over • assets used. • Grants between £150,000 and £1 million available for the • refurbishment of local authority buildings to be subsequently • transferred to the third sector as a community resource. • www.biglotteryfund.org.uk
ACRE Village Halls Loans Fund • ACRE (Actions with Communities in Rural England) manages the village hall loan fund on behalf of the Countryside Agency. The fund aims to help with: • Building a new hall • Acquiring a building for conversion • Capital improvements • Essential repair work and measures to increase energy efficiency • Loans can be taken out over 5-8 years at interest rate set by HM Treasury (currently 8%) • Max £20,000, more often less than £8,000. • 10% local funding required • No security required, no penalties for early repayment • Property must be freehold or leasehold for min 21 years. • www.acre.org.uk
DETAILED SOURCES OF ENVIRONMENTAL FUNDS COMPILED THROUGH: Website trawling Programme searches e.g. Funderfinder & Grant Finder (see also www.hertsdirect.org.uk/HERN) Briefings & information sharing through Funding Advice Network (FAN)
Archaeology & Environment Energy Efficiency for Buildings Environmental Projects (Youth) Environmental Projects (Educational) Environmental Projects (General) Heritage ICT Sports Sustainable Energy Trees Watermills and Windmills Wildlife Available on Handout
FURTHER DETAILSIncluding biographies and contact details uploaded to www.hertscvs.org.uk(click on ‘Looking for Funding’)
CONTACT Anne Knapp Funding Advisor – North Herts CVS 01462 689403 fundingadvice@nhcvs.org.uk Fay Muir Service Co-ordinator – CVS Broxbourne & East Herts 01992 638555 fay@cvsbeh.org.uk