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BUSINESS DEPARTMENT:. MANAGING BUILDINGS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CLEANING SERVICE COMMUNAL SERVICE JOINER’S DEPARTMENT SHOP. 1. MANAGING BUILDINGS. program has opened many new jobs. We now m e nage and maintain more than 3000 residential units and business buildings in Ljubljana.
1. MANAGING BUILDINGS • program has opened many new jobs. We now menage and maintain more than 3000 residential units and business buildings in Ljubljana. • Program includes: * Managing residential buildings and business buildings, * Recording storied property in land register, other
2. BUILDING MAINTENANCE • Program includes: * Service works on areas such as locksmith’s workshops, joinery’s, installations, electrical works, parquetry, paintworks, canalization cleaning. * Supervisory of heat stations and * other housekeeper works.
3. CLEANING SERVICE: • Is becoming from year to year more important department for qualifying and employment of disabled persons. Currently employed invalids are performing works for approximately 3500 residential and business buildings in Ljubljana and its near surroundings. • Workers assure order and cleanness in trusted objects. They clean corridors, doorways and stairs, elevators, glass surfaces, empty trashes, cleaning dust. • In business buildings they clean offices, common areas, shops…
4. COMMUNAL SERVICE (GREEN PROGRAM): • Is performed in Ljubljana, Škofja loka, Nova Gorica, and Novo mesto. According to contracts with local community, our workers clean, arrange and maintain a specific part of public areas.
They pour and fortify walking avenues, tackle out weeds, empty trashes and other waste, clean public asphalt surfaces, take care of green areas (green plot) and flower gardens, bushes and trees. They repair edging stone, benches and other...In winter they remove snow. • For that, they have all the necessary skills and technical appliances.
5. JOINER’S DEPARTMENT • Is one of the first programs and has been in Želva from all the beginning (15 years). The service take place in rented place on Slovenčeva street 93 in Ljubljana.
In joiner's workshop instructors and invalids produce: * equipment and wooden toys for kindergartens, didactical cubes, * furniture on order: - kinder rooms, - bad of boards, - closets, writing desks - other
6. SHOP ŽELVA • You can find the shop on Linhartova street 9 in Ljubljana, where the variety of choice and pleasant atmosphere attracts young and old. • You can choose from different wooden toys and didactical aids; unique, soft and washable textile toys from our own program. In Želva shop you can also make digital photocopies .
II. SOCIAL AND EMPLOYMENT REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT 1.Program of employment - vokational rehabilitation 2. Program of social inclusion 3. The public service program 4. Daily working centers 5. Institutional sheltered-residential units.
Employment rehabilitation is a process and interdisciplinary team work and captures services in order to: -qualify the person with disabilities for suitable work, -find employment, -keep employment and make progress, -change vocational career
Center of employment and vocational rehabilitation carry out services of vocational rehabilitation on the base of the concession given by the Ministry of work, labor and social affairs. Želva is the only concessionaire for performing vocational rehabilitation for Dolenjska and Bela krajina region. Želva has the biggest share between 12 concessionaires in Slovenija.
SERVICE A – advise, stimulate and motivate the person with disabilities to more active role. • Service A begins the rehabilitation process. At the same time is the necessary and fundamental element of all other services. • The aim of the service is to advise and to stimulate the person to take active role in inclusion, education and employment.The person should be motivated and directed on the way from wish to realization.
The service take place in group experience workshop with the role play method, using printed sources and instructions of motivator. Repeated again in home environment, the participant consolidate and examine acquired positive experiences and incorporate them in further personal development. • The goal of the service: - acquiring positive experiences, - strengthens selfconfident, - from passive to active role on educational and vocational path.
SERVICE B – preparing opinion about the level of working abilities, knowledge, work habits and vocational interests. • The aim of the service is the overall evaluation of personal actual working and social functioning, abilities, potentials, interests and obstacles, relevant environment factors, abilities for inclusion in employment and education.
The object of the service B is defining further activities and measures necessary for forming rehabilitation plan and improving possibilities for progressing in vocational career. • Service B is a base for the opinion of rehabilitation commission of 1.level. They define the level of disabilities and the necessary vocational rehabilitation services.
The service is performed by a well trained specialist team consisting of: - doctor, spec. of work medicine, - psychiatrist, -work therapeutist, - psychologist, -social worker, -technologist, work instructors
SERVICE C-Helping person to accept its own personal disabilities and acquaintance with possibilities for inclusion in qualification and work. • Service includes a variety of methods that enable participants: - to broader the view on own situation and factors that influence it, -getting new life experiences, -recognition and developing personal interests and potentials, -participating in accepting group tasks, rules and objectives, -learning to take part in decision making and taking responsibilities, -getting information’s and knowledge that assures more competent inclusion in social environment.
The service is meant in lowering functional illiteracy and improving general open mindness, • effective behavior and orientation in everyday life. (shopping, dealing with money and paying, understanding written instructions, traffic signs, using public transportation, understanding different symbols, using telephone, simple calculations and measuring...) • Ability of understanding and managing different formalities (banks, post offices, public offices…), formal communications (written applications, complaints…), • knowing where and how to search for help in different crisis situations.
The aim of the service is acceptance of invalidism as a fact (not as a shame), realistic evaluation of own employment possibilities, lowering functional illiteracy and more effective functioning at work and social environment and by that increase employment possibilities. • The service is performed in individual or group activitys. It broadens personal possibilities and effectivityin solving the problem situations. Person learns to take more active role in everyday working and social environment. Improves personal self image,lowers social exclusiveness and encourage person to include into the self-help groups.
SERVICE D– help in choosing suitable vocational goals • In general objectives in choosing vocational goals are: - vocational informing, counseling and motivating for personal own activity in planning vocational path and its realization. - Prognosis of efficiency of planned vocational goal and planning activity for reaching the goal, -counseling in choosing the concrete vocational goal, type and ways of education or qualification, -counseling and help in planning effective access to education, forming the eventual adaptations and supported measures through education and qualifications.
Service is performed in group or individual works, • methods of informing, vocational counseling, evaluating and discovering of vocational interests, • Acquaintance with educational and employment possibilities, with demands and characteristics of different vacations and educational programs.
SERVICE E-Developing social skills • The aim of the service is developing social skills that enable more efficient communication of disabled persons with environment. Effectively managing conflict situations. Develop abilities for representing self in social situations and learning strategies for encountering with problem situations. • It is performed as empirical workshop (based on experiances).
Expected effects of the service: -Improved self-confidence, -better cooperation abilities. -Knowing, realizing, and accepting self-abilities and limits.
SERVICE F– Help searching the proper work and employment • Service is founded on team based opinion about work abilities, knowledge, work habits and interests. • Service also includes developing skills for job searching.
A part of the service is also forming a net of employers in different local environment or regions. • Service enables the users the selection of adequate and adjusted workplace. It lowers the possibilities of nonsuccess and the work loss.
SERVICE G– Analysis of concrete working place and work environment of disabled person. • Service systematically helps find the needs on the work place, harmful effects that workers are exposed to.(technology, organization of work process, The risks of the accidents, physical and social demands of work. • The goal is to employ the invalid and to form its vocational career.
STORITEV H– Making the adaptation plan for working place and work environment of the disabled person • Service includes different proposals for adapting working place and environment, which can lower the burdens, demands and other harmful effects of the work place. • The service also includes the evaluation of costs necessary for adapting the work place.
The goal of the service is better work efficiency, reliability and safer work performance, • optimal work adaptation to the needs of disabled. That way work performance of the invalids can become, as much as possible, comparable to other working population.
SERVICE I– Making plan of necessary equipment and means for work. • Service is based on preliminary findings of psycho-physicalcapabilities of disabled person. It is a base for preparing a plan for equipment and adequate technical instruments for work.
Goal is optimal working inclusion of disabled person according to her/his health limits, preserving the working abilities, • it enablesprogress, development of work potentials and preventing decrease of work abilities and health injurys.
SERVICE J - Qualifications on concrete work place or in selected occupation. • This service is performed from all the beginning of the Želva company. Qualifying persons (without service of psychosocial rehabilitation)on areas such as: - sewing - joinery - gardening and communal work - building cleaning (cleaning service) - building maintenance - building management - digital photocopying
Qualification program represents learning with work, inclusion inthe working process, a bridge to the employment. -To qualify means to motivate, teach and learn individual a working behavior, - enables to develop all the potentials and by that achieve a main goal of work qualifications, employment. Because of the individual characteristics and different needs ofindividuals at qualification program, an individualized program of qualification is performed. - We also assure individual learning help as necessary.
The expected effect of the service is employment of the disabled person, who will successfully gain all phases of the qualification program and who will achieve the necessary quantityand quality of done work. The qualified person gets the job in Želva,if there is a suitable job available, if not, other possibilities for employment are found.
The expected effects for rehabilitants are: -Improving psychometric coordination and skills, -strengthens psychophysical endurance at work, -conquering work habits and realizing the importance of work, -recognizing and accustom to ethnological procedures and organizational standards, -integration into working and social environment, -qualifying for work and employment.
The expected effect for employer: -activating the work potentials- qualified worker, - cutting down (lowering) the work expenses • . The expected effect for public institutions (ZPIZ, ZRSZ…): - decreasing the unemployment of invalids and heavily employed persons, -to transfer passive social help to active.
SERVICE K– Monitoring and professional help in qualification and education • Service K is individual and it is meant for the invalids, for whom it is likely to assume, that without adequate leadership and support wouldn’t be successful in the process of qualification and education and need specific forms of supported help, adjusted to the individuals needs.
The content of the service is a planned cooperation and communication between work instructors or education performer and disabled person about: -momentarily condition, -problems and obstacles at qualifications and education, -eventual knowledge deficit,working and social skills, -understanding organizational rules and behavior norms in work environment, -realizing the rights and commitments (in areas of service in qualification and education).
Anticipated effects are: - Abolition of rehabilitant’s problems in qualifications. - Help and supervision of specialist work of instructors and mentors. - Accept the recommendation of necessary measures and their realization on the side of instructors as well as rehabilitants.
SERVICE L - Accompanying of invalid person on its work place after the employment: • The service is meant to the invalids who get the job on the open labor market or in the invalid company and it is assumed for them that they wouldn’t be successful in keeping the workplace, without the proper leadership and support. Therefore they need a specific and individualized form of support.
The goal of the service is helping the invalid on its working environment to successfully conquer the work, incorporate into the work environment, to keep the work and to make progress. • Successfuly done service is important in lowering the possibilities of nonsuccess and the loss of the employment. It also lowers the jeopardy of negative experience conformation.
The expected effects are: - Lowering the problems of rehabilitants connected with work and functioning in the work environment. - Professional help to work instructors or employers in guiding rehabilitants. -The acceptance of proposals and their execution on the side of employers as well as rehabilitant. - Successful employment and satisfaction of expectation of both partners - employers and rehabilitants .
SERVICE M-Evaluation of the rehabilitation process. • This service is a part of rehabilitation services and includes : - accompaniment of goal achievement of individual invalid and each service of rehabilitation service, contacts with costumers, - monthly, and annual reports and the evaluation service of rehabilitation service.
.The course of the service: - Weekly conversations with rehabilitants. (as necessary) - monthly meetings of specialist team (leaders of all above mentioned services), - three-monthly evaluation meetings of specialist team. - Service evaluation of rehabilitation process, - making the annual reports about the rehabilitation process, - adjustment between all the included, - action plan for abolition of eventual deviations and correction of given goals.
The goal of the service: - Effectively evaluation of rehabilitation process in the company, - professional work of expert team, - development of rehabilitation branch and programs, - correct and professional treatment of rehabilitants, - the more ways as possible to employment.
SERVICE N- evaluation of work achievements of employed invalids. • To the process of evaluation of work achievement for employed invalid its possible to accede, if all the preliminary conditions are achieved: -Employment of invalid on protected work place, supported employment or invalid company. -Implementing regulations about safe and healthy work, - qualification of worker - invalid for performing work and tasks.
The aim of the service is to evaluate the level of achieved resultsof employed invalid and to find out the possible barriers that causesbad working results. • The expected results: - stimulating the invalid's work affectivity, - on the base of the findings the employer and invalid can propose the suggestion that will improve invalid's work functioning.
The possibly way out from the program of employers rehabilitation: • Employment • Redirection on other field of work. • Inclusion into the program of social inclusion. • Direction into additional diagnostics and proceedings. • Evaluation of invalid commission on Slovenian institute of invalids and pension insurance to determine the level of invalidism. • To invalid someone (invalids pension).