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what is Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a simulation of intelligent human behavior. Itu2019s a computer or system designed to perceive its environment, understand its behaviors, and take action. Read more...

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what is Artificial Intelligence

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  1. Whatis Artificial Intelligence IntelligencebyMachines

  2. ArtificialIntelligence Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a simulation of intelligent humanbehavior.It’sacomputerorsystemdesignedto perceiveitsenvironment,understanditsbehaviors,and takeaction.AIasaserviceallowsindividualsand companiestoexperimentwithAIforvariouspurposes.

  3. Loremipsumdolorsitamet. ReactiveMachines Reactive Machines perform basic operations.ThislevelofA.I.isthe simplest.Thesetypesreacttosome inputwithsomeoutput.Thereisno learningthatoccurs. 01 03 LimitedMemory LimitedmemorytypesrefertoanA.I.’s abilitytostorepreviousdataand/or predictions, using that data to make betterpredictions. TypesofAI 02TheoryOfMind TheTheoryOfMindAIisamore advancedtypeofArtificial Intelligence.Thiscategoryof machinesisspeculatedtoplaya majorroleinpsychology. Self-awareAI Let’sjustpraythatwedon’treach thestateofAI,wheremachines havetheirownconsciousnessand becomeself-aware. 04

  4. Connectionistmethod Theconnectionistmethod,on theotherhand,focuseson buildingneuralnetworksby replicatingthebiological compositionofthe Symbolicmethod Thesymbolicmethodalso referredtoasthe"top-down" strategy,imitatesintelligence withouttakingintoaccountthe organicmakeupofthehuman MethodsofAI brain. Bottom-upmethod Thismethodalsoreferredto humanbrain. asthe"bottom-upapproach," focusesonlinkingmore fundamentalbraincells.

  5. Artificial Intelligencein Lifestyle Artificial Intelligencein Education CommonusesofAI Artificial Intelligencein Robotics Artificial intelligencein Navigation

  6. NoonecandenytheutmostimportanceofAiinecommerce: Identifyexceptionaltarget prospects. 01 03 ThemainroleofAiisto improvingcustomer Experience RoleOfAIinecommerce Createanewlevelof personalisationacrossmultiple devices. 02 04 Retargetpotential customers

  7. AI-MLbasedapps Virtualassistants alongwithvoice interfaces NLPApplications AIOperations Self-learningchatbot applications

  8. Agreattoolforalmostanymodern company,aiservicesoffersanumber ofimportantadvantages,including: Insightfulfacts AIismoreefficient thanhuman Aipetscanbecreated i.eAlphadogcreated byAChinesescientist ImportanceofAI Automation Accuracy Enhancement Analysis Instant 01 02 03 04 05

  9. CONTACTUS www.mooglelabs.com +1(209)201-0654 info@mooglelabs.com

  10. ThankYou

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