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Update on JRC-Soil and Waste Unit Work Programme 2005. Giovanni Bidoglio. Streamlining the flow of policy relevant soil data from data collection to final reporting. To maintain, extend and update the European Soil Information System (EUSIS) in collaboration with ESBN, including:
Update on JRC-Soil and Waste Unit Work Programme 2005 Giovanni Bidoglio ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Streamlining the flow of policy relevant soil data from data collection to final reporting To maintain, extend and update the European Soil Information System (EUSIS) in collaboration with ESBN, including: • an up-dated geometry of EUSIS based on the 90m DTM (SRTM) mosaic for Eurasia • the semantic component of EUSIS with level II Soil Profile Analytical Data (SPADE II) • a revised Manual of Procedure for Soil and TERrain database (SOTER), and a revised SOTER database for Europe • extension of the geographic coverage of EUSIS to include the Mediterranean basin countries and Eurasia • extension of the meta-database with a European Archive of Digital Soil Maps including the original National soil maps contributing to the system ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
2005 Major Deliverable: Soil Atlas of Europe • Topical and Timely Publication • Raise awareness of soils and EU Strategy • Unique reference on soils of European • Informative, easy to read, graphically stimulating, high level authors • Publicise the work of the JRC and ESB Network • Quality Product ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Support the development of an European Soil Monitoring System • Develop criteria for the representativity analysis of existing national monitoring networks in Member States • Study the feasibility of a stratified approach to soil monitoring in a selected pilot area • Establish a working group of experts for the selection of parameters to be monitored for the different threats in EU soils (based on the outcomes of the TWG Soil Monitoring) ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Use of Spectral Reflectance Measurements for the Assessment of Soil Organic Matter Content Application of statistical model for OM of degraded semi-arid soils to Landsat TM in the Guadalentin catchment SE-Spain Organic matter w% 2.5% • Develop and test the GMES ground segment for soil monitoring, develop new approaches towards digital soil functional mapping for the delineation of areas performing relevant soil functions, and develop techniques for monitoring of changes of Soil Organic Carbon by remote sensing ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Development of Soil Pilot Projects • Testing the INSPIRE principles in soil monitoring systems developed in selected test areas, e.g. ALPSIS • Contributing to the forest soil monitoring activities (FOREST FOCUS) and testing approaches for soil monitoring in burnt areas • Supporting the implementation of the LUCAS field survey by EUROSTAT by developing guidelines (manuals) and informatic tools (palmtop, GPS) for in-situ soil visual assessment in Europe (ESVA) New Soil Portal: http://eusoils.jrc.it ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Soil Information System of the Danube River BasinSIS-Danube, focus on new Member States • Construction of the database, based on: • The Georeferenced Soil Database for Europe. Manual of Procedures, Version 1.1 • LISFLOOD, a distributed water-balance, flood simulation and flood inundation model, Version 1.0 (Ad de Roo et al., EC/JRC, 2002) • Procedures and experiences developed in the pilot project creating the soil digital database for the Odra basin at the scale 1:250,000 (Warsaw, 2001) • Database structure (based on soil and landscape data for three levels): • Soil region • Soil scape • Soil body ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
DG ENV Technical Annexes of EU-Directives (Sewage Sludge and Biowaste Directives, Soil Monitoring Directive) Harmonization procedures and analytical capacities for soils • Establish a reference point for the harmonised sampling, field measurement and laboratory analytical methods in the context of the Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection and related policy fields • Organise intercomparison trials and QA/QC exercises in support to the ESBN and in collaboration with IRMM-Geel • Explore research in support to emerging topics in soil monitoring through the application of innovative approaches and measurement techniques in selected pilot areas • Develop and validate across-matrix, horizontal EN-standards ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Concepts for Assessment and Ranking of Contaminated Sites Actions on multi-country level requires harmonised criteria and procedures to classify and compare environmental impacts (outcome of the TWG Soil Contamination, link to the E&H Strategy) ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Environmental ref. level Environmental targets Market Policy pillar 1 Environmental requirements (cross compliance) • Set aside premium • Extensification premium Rural Development pillar 2 Minimum environmental standards Targeted Agri-Environmental (AE) measures Good Farming Practices as condition to eligibility for LFA compensatory allowance and baseline for AE measures New perspectives for FP6 and beyond INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS IN THE AGRICULTURAL POLICY Supporting the JRC Strategy on Sustainable Agriculture ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
New Challenges • Agri-environmental Measures and Cross-compliance • Are minimum environmental standard requirements implemented? • Do Rural Development programmes deliver what they promise? • What is a Good Farming Practice (for soil, water, land management)? ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Building capabilities supporting the assessment of Rural Development programmes A geo-spatial analysis tool to target geographically the efficiency of Community policy related to agriculture, environment and rural development: a Land Information System for Agri-Environment • Land assessment • Land suitability - Environmental constraints on agricultural production • Characterisation of Rural Areas • Scientific support on farming practices • CAP and land-use / cover / landscapes ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
CAP Soil D ND WFD Hydrological Model (nitrates, pesticides, water quantity…) Land Surface Processes (surface energy balance, ETR, soil erosion, sediments, land degradation) Land Cover/Use Model (land cover/use change scenarios, LUC diversity) Environmental Database Spatial Reference Systems (e.g., River and Catchments, NUTS, Landscape units) including environmental attributes and pressure indicators Landscape and Surface Drainage Model (river networks, catchment boundaries, …) Terrain Model (slope, aspect, wetness indices, …) Reference Data Sets, Reports, Maps, Expertise DG ENV: CCM rivers and catchments, nitrate maps, … EEA: EWN stations and catchments, proxy pressure indicators, … DG AGRI: land use change scenarios and effects on landscapes, land degradation, soils, … ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
A joint project with EEA • Fate of Agrochemicals in • Terrestrial Ecosystems in Europe Europe-wide Harmonized Geographical Database • Policy Questions: • Agro-Environmental schemes • Land-use changes • Water framework directive, Nitrate Directive • Policy Support Assessment procedures (nested approach) Scenario analysis (agricultural practices) Results, reports, maps, recommendations ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Contribution to the design of new Less Favoured Areas (programming period 2007-2013) Delineation of Less Favoured Areas intermediate class Identification of environmental constraints on agricultural production (soil, slope, altitude, climate) which potentially could be used to define the future LFAs Testing the link of marginal agriculture and geographical variables ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Crop Specific Climatic indices Temperature Satisfaction (vernal, germ, flow, rip) Frost Risk Heat Stress Risk Pedological parameters Available Water Capacity Texture Soil depth Morphological information Elevation Slope Water Balance Computation Crop Water Satisfaction Index Maize Suitability Index Score Class Suit_Cl_Irrig MaizeSuitabilityy Index Score S3 0-40 S2 40-60 S1 60-80 NS <0 or null Agro-Pedo-Climatological Zoning – Land suitability Methodology: matching crop requirements data with meteorological, morphological and pedological conditions using a GIS environment ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Spatial impacts assessments of environmental components of Rural Development • Contribution to the definition of indicators of output, results and implementation of Rural Development Plans and establishing land use scenarios by combining geo-physical and socio-economic information • Assessment of policy impacts on High Nature Value Farmland (collaboration with EEA), landscape diversity and Good Farming Practices • Establishment of an observational network of pilot study areas for testing of indicators and the appraisal of impact of measures aimed at promoting rural development and improving linking across various agricultural and environmental management policies ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Integration of soil, land andwater protection initiatives and legislative frameworks as a key of environmental strategies for sustainability • Linking rural development and land degradation mitigation with river basin management plans (from understanding to management) WATERSHEDS AS ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT UNITS Linking CAP with Soil and Water Directives ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004
Actions as disciplinary clusters for implementation of Work Programme In 2005: MOSES - Monitoring the State of European Soils (2132) AGRI ENV - Integration of Environmental Concerns into Agriculture (2153) ENSURE - Environmental Assessment of European Wastes and the Sustainable Management of Resources (2131) Co-operation with ESBN strategic for the Unit and the Institute ESBN General Assembly, 24-25 November 2004