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Energy Poll Background

Energy Poll Background. Development Developed questionnaire in 2010 Collaboration with representatives from academic institutions, polling companies, non-governmental organizations, energy producers, and energy consumers Pre-tested with 100 respondents in December 2010

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Energy Poll Background

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  1. Energy Poll Background • Development • Developed questionnaire in 2010 • Collaboration with representatives from academic institutions, polling companies, non-governmental organizations, energy producers, and energy consumers • Pre-tested with 100 respondents in December 2010 • Revised and further reviewed with Advisors through summer 2011 • Examined strengths and weaknesses of methodologies • Fielding • Online survey conducted Sept. 14-25, 2011 • 3,406 qualified respondents • Sample weighted to reflect U.S. Census demographics

  2. Direction of Energy Wrong Direction: 43.2% Right Direction: 13.7% Q100. When it comes to dealing with energy issues that face our nation, do you think things are headed in...?

  3. Expected Situation in 25 years Worse Off: 41.3% Better Off: 22.5% Q191. Thinking about our energy situation in 25 years, to what extent do you think we will be better off or worse off than we are now?

  4. Energy Prices % % Q101. VERY / SOMEWHAT HIGH SUMMARY: How would you describe energy prices today for each of the following? (DK Excluded) Q102. INCREASE SIGNIFICANTLY / SOMEWHAT SUMMARY: Now looking ahead, do you expect that 6 months from today, the price for each of the following will...? (DK Excluded)

  5. Household Energy Expenditures Decrease: 5.1% Increase: 69.1% Q103. Now thinking about the next 12 months, do you think that the portion of your household budget spent on energy will... ?

  6. Satisfaction Ratings Dissatisfied % (Bottom 3 Box) Q110. SATISFIED (TOP 3 BOX) SUMMARY/DISSATISFIED (BOTTOM 3 BOX) SUMMARY: Please indicate how satisfied you are with the job that each of the following is doing to address the energy issues that are most important to you.

  7. Role of Government Trying to Do Too Many Things: 25.2% Should Do More: 56.7% Q194. Using the scale below, please indicate your feelings with regard to the US government's role in preparing us for future energy needs.

  8. Factors Influencing Energy Prices % Q124. MOST IMPACT\LEAST IMPACT SUMMARY: In general, among the items listed below, which one do you think has the most impact on the prices you pay for energy and, separately, which one do you think has the least impact on the prices you pay for energy.

  9. Issue Importance % QD11. MOST SUMMARY: If you were in charge of the US budget, in which of the following areas are you most likely to put more money?

  10. Environmental Protection vs. Economic Growth Avoiding Harm to Environment: 33.3% Economic Growth: 37.4% Q170. Using the scale below, please rate your feelings regarding environmental protection versus economic growth.

  11. Top Energy Concerns % Q150. TOP 3 BOX SUMMARY: Please rate how concerned you are about each of the following:

  12. Expectations for Adopting New Technologies % Q160. TOP 3 BOX SUMMARY: Please indicate how likely it is that you will do each of the following within the next 5 years.

  13. Current Level of Knowledge Not Knowledgeable: 33.7% Knowledgeable: 24.2% Q122. Compared to most people you know, how knowledgeable are you about how energy is produced, delivered and used?

  14. Interest in Learning More % Q123. TOP 2 BOX SUMMARY: How interested are you in learning more about each of the following?

  15. Sources of Information % Q133. Which of the following groups or organizations would you trust to provide you with information on how to use energy more efficiently?

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