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Delimitation ( defining ) of the Central Business District of Nyon. IGCSE Fieldwork , 2012. Urban Revision. What are the two main functions of the CBD? The centre of the CBD is referred to as the PLVI. What does this stand for? Where is the PLVI in most towns ?
Delimitation(defining) of the Central Business District of Nyon IGCSE Fieldwork, 2012
UrbanRevision • What are the two main functions of the CBD? • The centre of the CBD isreferred to as the PLVI. Whatdoesthis stand for? • Whereis the PLVI in mosttowns? • Whereis the PLVI in Nyon? • Which 3 urbanmodelsdidwestudy in year 10? • Whatis an example of a high order, middle order and loworder service?
Delimiting the CBD of a Settlement Revision: last yearyoustudiedCBDs – Central Business Districts. Theycontainmost of an urbanarea’sretail, service, financial and other businesses, and the premises in the CBD are usedmostly for thosethings. 90% of an urbanarea’s jobs maybe in its CBD. Retailing and other services are divided up intothreelevels or ’orders’ according to their size, cost, importance and/or frequency of use. This is a difficultthing to defineprecisely. However… Higherordergoods and services includejewellers, antiques, furniture stores, hospitals, 5* hotels and department stores Middle ordergoods and services include pharmacies, bookshops, electricalgoods, polyclinics, restaurants and clothes stores Lowordergoodsincludegrocers, newspapervendors and bakeries.
CBD’s….. • tend to have taller buildings • tend to be more crowded and have intensive use of the land • Tend to have less open space • are dominated by businesses (but not factories) • should have lots of people there in workinghours • might have veryheavytraffic (but rememberwhatwelearnt in class about traffic management and CBDs)
Fieldwork Planning If you are to walkfrom the PLVI towards the edge of the town, what changes wouldyouexpect to see? Make a list of these. How couldthesebemeasured?
Fieldwork Introduction • Write a brief written introduction to this fieldwork. Include: • Where and when the fieldwork will take place. • The AIM of this investigation • The OBJECTIVES of this investigation
Geographical Location of Fieldwork • Use maps of different scales to locate Nyon... • Switzerland, Vaud, Nyon. • Ensure each map has a Title (with figure number), North Arrow and Scale. • The Nyon map should be annotated to show any factors which may influence the fieldwork(see next slide).
The Peak Land Value Intersection of Nyon 500 metres
3. Hypotheses Individually decide upon the wording of your hypotheses(predictions). • Write hypotheses for the following.. • Ability of the group to define the edge of the CBD. • Pedestrian Counts • Functional Score • Height of Buildings • Level of Vehicle Restrictions • Traffic Safety
Extension Hypotheses • Decide upon some extension hypotheses which your group is going to collect data in order to test. • Possible ideas...noise, litter(graffiti etc), plants, trees, quality of pavement/street furniture, condition of buildings, air quality, age of buildings, building frontage. (others possible) • It is suggested that you create a bipolar sheet to include the variables you want to test (see next slide)...this can be done as a group
Justification of Hypotheses with Geographic Theory • Once your hypotheses have been written you must explain why you have made this prediction using geographic theory. • Use text books, your notes and the internet to enhance this section. • Diagrams and maps should be included in this part. • This could be one or two pages in length when completed properly.
Terms and models to consider • Bid-rent theory • Distance decay • Burgess’s Concentric Model • Hoy’t Sector Model • Harris and Ullman’s Multiple Nuclei Model
Methods of data collection Each group will be assigned one TRANSECT which will begin in Place Saint Martin. Groups will walk along there assigned route and collect data along the way. Photos of students collecting data, and of different parts of the town should be taken.
Transect Map • Students need to draw a sketch map of the route to show every building or land use. • Use the Functional Score Sheet (see next slide) to assign a value to each building. • You may decide to concentrate on one side of the street on the walk out of town, and the other on the route back (or not). • Ensure you show corners and intersections on your map. • Number your pages, and make it legible • See example map.
The list outlines the main services and retail functions that a small town in Switzerland may offer. Each function has been assigned a value, its functional score. This value is based upon the theoretical threshold population required to sustain a particular service.
7 Rue de la Gare 7 4 Rue de la Combe
Urban Characteristics Sampling Method • Starting at the Place St. Martin, complete the Survey sheet(next slide), for each of the variables indicated. • Decide upon a set sampling interval in your group. • Every 50 meters (use map to measure) • Every 50 paces • Every 10 buildings? • 50 metre concentric circles?