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Hungary and Portugal. in the student exchange. 2010. Me and my exchange partner Eni. By: Rui Alves. The first days.
Hungary and Portugal inthestudentexchange 2010.
Me and my exchange partnerEni By: Rui Alves
The first days Inthefirstdaysme and Eni, wedidn`t speakmuch, partlythatwasmy fault because I was a littleembarassed…and because I`m a littleshy, butshereceivedmeverywell. Wecamecloserwhenwewent out to a restaurant wherewetalkedaboutseveralthings.
The next days Inthenextdayswebecameclosefriends, she told meseveralsecrets of hersand I didthesame….. I thinkwebecamebrothersthisweek. Ingeneralshe is a verycoolperson, shehas gotexcellentparents and nicesister. I lovedtobe here and I hopeIwillcome back soon.
Me and myexchange partner Petra V.S Mafalda
My big sister,Mylovelyexchange partner,Myconfident, Mygoodfriend :D Thisweekwasthebestforeignweekever :DThe night’sgoing out :PAllthethingsthat I didwithyou… I love you (L)
Me and my exchange partner Portugal-Hungary Exchange 2010 João Pires
Me and my exchange partner • Myexchange partner is Király Kitti. • Shelivesin Határ út, withherparents and her 2 cats, Baba and Mnhami. • She is reallycooltome. • ShewantsmetoeatalltheHungariantraditionalfood, so I canknow Hungary better. • I reallyfeelconfortable and happy, because I feel part of herfamily. • Inmyopinion, wearegoodfriends.
The experience • Thistimein Budapest has beenveryenriching, because I have a partner like Kitti, thattriestogivemethe most of theHungarianspirit, and triesto show meeverything, sothat I cangetthebesttime here inBudapest. • Herfamily has beenverycoolwithme, theyarereallypremise, and theyarereallygreat! • Shereallygoeswithmeeverywhere and shegoes out withme, and wejokeandtalk a lot.
Portugal – HungaryExchange 2010ME AND MY EXCHANGE PARTNER João Fustiga
Myexchange partner • My exchange partner is Szabó Tímea. • She LOVES cats and she wakes up very early in the morning. • She is very sweet and she is always wondering about my comfort. • Although she wakes up really early, I like her because I can feel that she is trying to make me feel good at her home. • I also LOVE her sandwiches.
Her family Her family is a normal family: • Her father, trying to make me feel at home! • Her mother, an excellent cook (I love her chicken with cheese and potato). • Her older sister, an excellent speaker and always joking with me! Another thing that I really enjoy in her family it’s Tímea and her sister are always speaking in English for doesn’t make mefeel uncomfortable.
Me and my partner… Xanaand Martiiii
This week was amazing I was laughing with you You are the best partner During to this week we shared experiences Your family are very friendly
Thanks for this week, me and my family will be waiting for you in Portugal. Koszonom
Me and myexchangepartner @Szofia & JoaoCristo@
I am goingtotalkaboutmyexchange partner. I reallyenjoyedmystayinher house, wasprettyawesomebecauseeveryonetreatmeverywell, justlike has I was a member of thefamily . Szofiawas a verygoodmatethankyou
Peter is verycoolpersonand hisfamilytoo. He is likean olderbrotherforme. He is a veryattentivepersonbecauseif i needsomehelpwithsomeproblem he is alwaysthere. He has a verycoolfamily, althoughIdon’trealizethislanguagebutit is a goodexperience, and theytrylearn a little of Portuguese. Untilnowthedayspassreallyfast
Kinga My partner is socool and I likeherverymuch. She is veryfriendly and takesme out everynightwhich is verycool.
Nuno and Edit Edit She is awsome, I don’thaveenoughwordsfordescribingmy partner becauseeveryoneknowshowbrilliantpersonshe is. I needtotell a secret, I love yoursmile =D Edit, it'ssodear, itbringsmebreakfastintheroom. I love myexchange partner
(cont) Alldays and nightsarespectacularwith Edit. I love tolaughwithherwhenwe go home :p Everything is verygood =D I love yourgrandmother and herchoclates: p Thanksforeverything,best partner.
Me and Balázs Myname is Miguel and myexchangepartner’sname is Balazs. Thiswas an amazing and rewardingexperience, which I wanttorepeat. Wehavedonemanycoolthings, likegoingtotheaquapark, smokingwater-pipe and sledgein Buda mountains.
Me and my lovely partner Sara and Dori2010
… running on the street translate everything and get crazy…
You are the best, only 8 days it seems that we know for donkeys years…I love your family, theyaresmiling everytime!The language of (uhmuhmuhm)you are a really funny girl
Gui and GG Exchange Hungary - Portugal 2010
Thisweekwasreallyamazing, wakingupat 6 o’clock and taking a traintoschool. I had a reallygoodtime and felt verywelcomedatyourhome.
Thanks for translatingwhatthedrunkenguysatthestationsaid. I can’twait for Portugal and I stilloweyou a couple of drinks. Thanks for being a goodfriend.
Kelán Vivien When I arrived at the airport,I recognized her immediately. She is just like I ever imagined. Her parents are always fantastic with me, and I know that they are here for everything that I need. I will never forget this exchange. Vivi is the best exchange partner that I can have!
Portugal-HungaryExchange 2010Me and myexchangepartner Diogo Cardoso
Me and my exchange partner • WellI’mgoingtotalkaboutmyexperiencein Hungary withmyexchange partner Mezei Tímea… orjust Timi aseverybodycallsher. • Justdon’thaveenoughwordstoexplaintheamazingexperiencethatmy partner has providedme here, I couldreallyfeel a part of thefamily and thebetterthingit’sthatI’mamazedandhavenotevenreachedthe end of theexchange.
Me and my exchange partner • Inall of thesedaysthatwe’vebeentogether I spent a lot of goodtimesalwayslaughingabouteverything. • Althoughof mycasualindecisionsbecauseatthebegining I wasnotveryatease… But overall thefamilywasverykind and nicetome, andnowI’mnotsoshyas I wasinthebeginning, becauseI almost canfeel part of thefamily. I alsoreallyappreciatetheeffort of allofthepeoplefromtheHungariangroupto ”keepusbusy” and theawsometimesthattheyprovidedus. Afterthislittletimein Hungary I canjustsaythatI’ve made a lotof friendsinthesegroup and one of thatperson I cansaythatit’s Timi.
Meandmyexchange partner Heni By: Carola
Mypartner and herfamilyareverynice and receivedmeverywell. I felt likeathomeandlikea familymember. Heni is a littlebit shybutthat is not a problembecausewehavealot of thingsincommonand totalkabout.
Meandmyexchange partner István By: JoaoVeloso
István’sfamilysincethebeginningof thisexchangeprogram triestotalkwithmewhichis reallycoolbecausetheydon´t speakEnglish and theyfinishspeakingwithsomegestures. • István and hisfamilyareveryniceandtheyreceivedmeverywell. • István’smumcooksverywell. • István’sbrothersareveryfunnywepassalltheafternoonsplayingUNO, POKER and NFS2.