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The Name Dispute between Macedonia and Greece: Historical Review, Obstacles, and Recommendations

This study delves into the 20-year dispute between Greece and Macedonia, exploring historical perspectives and current challenges hindering resolution. It covers the pre-1991 historical context, events post-Macedonian independence, negotiation processes, and suggests strategies for progress. Key obstacles including rigid governmental stances, strong public opinions, and international inefficiencies are analyzed. Recommendations propose direct negotiations, swift resolution, unity among political elites, and public awareness to dampen nationalistic sentiments.

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The Name Dispute between Macedonia and Greece: Historical Review, Obstacles, and Recommendations

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  1. American University in Bulgaria The Name Dispute between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece: Obstacles for Resolution Zhikica Pagovski Supervisor: Dr. Zankina

  2. NAME DISPUTE?! “The name dispute between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia exists twenty years revolves around the “perspectives on the history of the region [of Macedonia] and challenges which both nations perceive to their respective identities.”

  3. HISTORICAL REVIEW Before 1991 • Kingdom of Macedonia, Roman Province of Macedonia, Barbarians, Slavic Invasion, Byzantine Kingdom, Bulgarian Kingdom, Serbian Kingdom, Ottoman Empire, Greece & Bulgaria & Serbia, SCS, Yugoslavia • Socialist Republic of Macedonia

  4. HISTORICAL REVIEW 1991- Macedonian Independence and Constitution 1993 - UN Accession 1994- Economic Embargo 1995 – Interim Accord between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece 1996- 2006 The Status Quo Decade: 130 Countries recognized the Republic of Macedonia under its constitutional name 2006-2007 Negotiations in progress 2007-2010 Negotiations on hold

  5. METHODOLOGY • Case Study: Case Study Approach • Time Frame: 1993 – Today • Theory: The Two-Level Game Theory by Puntam • Variables: • Dependent: • Macedonian and Greek governmental positions toward the name problem. • Independent: • 1. Historical Interpretation (Macedonia) • 2. Incumbent Parties • 3. Public Opinion • 4. International Influence


  7. OBSTCLES • Rigid Official Positions of the Governments -changes and reasons -reluctance and role of the public -official positions as framework for negotiations • Strong Public opinions -great percentage (nationalism and treat to identity) -public mobilization -a promise of referendum for ratification • Inefficiency of the International Efforts -concerned about a resolution regardless of the outcome -wrong focus: elites instead of public opinion

  8. The Pain of the Time Process -works against both countries -deepening the gap -fragmentation of the negotiations • Negotiation Setup -indirect -inactive -without timeframe -trading and trade offs

  9. CONCLUSIONS • No agreement on any significant point in the negotiation process • Positive outcome of the negotiation process just with a change of a governmental position • Governmental positions change due to political/security crisis situation • Crisis Situation perception of the elites and especially the public in both countries required to come to flexible governmental position and willingness to negotiate

  10. Recommendations • Direct Negotiations of the both government • Quick resolution of the process • Unification of political elites and defining the governmental position and the fields of flexibility • Special attention of the international environment and the domestic elites toward the public detention of nationalistic feeling. Emphasis of the importance of the resolution of the issue

  11. Questions!?

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