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RESEARCH PAPER SELF EDIT & PEER EDIT…. Bring your printed paper draft. Bring Writers Inc books. COVER PAGE. Compare it to p . 300 in Writers Inc . Textbook Should be alike in format. (boldface, centered titles of paper sections I., II., III., etc.) MLA Format of documentation.

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  1. RESEARCH PAPER SELF EDIT & PEER EDIT… Bring your printed paper draft. Bring Writers Inc books.

  2. COVER PAGE • Compare it to p. 300 in Writers Inc. Textbook • Should be alike in format. (boldface, centered titles of paper sections I., II., III., etc.) • MLA Format of documentation

  3. OUTLINE • Be sure - no sentences (except thesis), no questions • You want only phrases or single words. • Does your organization follow a reasonable progression? (time order, order of importance, etc.?) • Paper order must agree with outline order. (Label) • Are the main headings (I., II., III., etc.) from outline also listed in boldface & centered in the paper? If not, make a note to add them. (just main hdgs.)

  4. FORMAT: Body of Paper • Notice headers in MLA format; include them • Last name, # of page @ top right of each page • Complete heading is @ top left of first page: Name, teacher name, class, & date • Title of paper is centered at top • ~ 1 inch margin on all sides • Double-spaced + DS between paragraphs • Please underline thesis sentence (on final, too)

  5. INTRODUCTION • Two Goals: • Grab reader’s attention… get them interested • Introduce the topic & purpose of paper

  6. Introduction: 2 Goals 1. Grab Reader’s Attention (Attention Getter)  Circle your attention getter, or make note to add one. 2. Introduce topic/purpose of paper Underline your thesis sentence. This sentence summarizes your entire paper. - Thesis sentence should be at end of intro. If it’s missing, make a note to add one. - Be sure paper agrees with order of thesis. If not, change something.

  7. REFERENCES WITHIN PAPER • Are all sources credited? • Two Ways: *Which is better? Why? • Introduce source (page # @ end) • Or use parenthetical citation (1st word in WC #) • Do first words ( ) match Works Cited entry? • If it’s an exact quote, are “ “ used? • Is every quote introduced beforehand AND interpreted after?

  8. CONCLUSION • Echo Introduction (loop back to attn getter) • Give your final thought… You’ve earned the right to take your final stand on the topic!

  9. WORKS CITED PAGE • Every source on the WC page MUST be credited/used in the paper, too. (Check now.) • Is every source mentioned in the paper listed on the works cited page? (Be sure all are listed.) • Is everything spelled correctly? • Is all information included? (treasure hunt…) • Are the entries Alphabetical by 1st word • Are all required sources used? (See prompt/next pg)

  10. Required Sources • 5 reliable sources (no Wikipedia) • At least 3 different kinds of sources: • 3 reliable internet sources • At least 1 printed source

  11. PEER EDIT TO HELP… • Exchange your paper with another’s paper. (If no paper draft, you’ll need to edit own later.) • Can you help improve their paper from what we’ve gone over so far? Spelling, punct., other? • Evaluate the attention getter and thesis. • Read Assessment Rubric on p. 308 AND the entire paper. Provide feedback to author of the paper about each part of the rubric.

  12. Peer Edit, continued….Are you/Did they write a research report rather than synthesize ideas to answer a question? • Has the author considered all information, analyzed, and judged it rather than just reported? • To Synthesize Information: consider many ideas and combine information into one complete idea or decision or conclusion. • Consider many ideas, then draw a conclusion from what you’ve learned • Discuss this idea and how it relates to paper.

  13. PEER EDIT, Continued: • Look for any misspellings or errors of any kind including errors in punctuation or word choice. • Can you honestly say that you understand the topic and choice and decision made in the paper after you finish reading? What would help make the ideas more clear? • Discuss suggestions with author; return papers. • Continue editing and improving your paper. • Final paper is due Tuesday 1/10. • Return papers to owners…. And one reminder:

  14. Do Not Plagiarize. • Summarizing uses your words, not the source’s word choices. (No quotation marks needed, but give credit to source for their ideas). • Summarizing, explaining, and showing appli-cations should be 98% of your paper, or close to it! It should be a synthesis of information. • Quotations use the source’s exact words. (Use quotation marks and provide page numbers.) • Remember that plagiarized work receives no credit.

  15. Quotation: • States the words of a source exactly. • Includes quotation marks to indicate another’s exact words. • Is used sparingly in a research paper. • Is always introduced – usually telling the context & expertise of the information. • Meaning is summarized/interpreted afterward • Used only when source’s exact words are essential.

  16. Reminders of Help: • Check pages 278-280 for reminders of how to use paraphrases, summary, and quotations within your research paper.

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