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Explore the dynamics of gas flows in galactic nuclei, featuring outflows and inflows, AGN feedback, star formation quenching, and the impact of cosmic filaments on galaxy evolution. Understand the role of feedback mechanisms in regulating star formation and black hole growth.
Françoise Combes March 25, 2015 Gas Flows in Galactic Nuclei Perseus cooling flow Mrk 231 NGC 4258 NGC 1433
Outflows more visible than inflow Ceverino et al Outflows are violent events (~1Myr) Inflow is a slow process (~1Gyr) Cosmic filament size~50kpc Larger than a galaxy, diffuse gas Settles down in the disk in rotation Secular evolution, slow infall in the disk Agertz et al 2011 Except fountain effect, HVC.. Companions, gas bridges
Necessity of outflows for quenching Star formation SN, stellar winds AGN feedback Radio jets Baugh 2006, Eke et al 2006, Jenkins et al 2001
IR X-ray SFR BHARx3300 Madau & Dickinson 2014 Star formation history
Outline AGN energy is largely enough MBH=1-2 10-3 Mgal Egal ~Mgals2 EBH ~0.1MBHc2EBH/Egal > 80 AGN Pounds & King 2013 1- AGN feedback, quenched red nuggets 2- SN+AGN molecul ar outflows in galaxies 3- Mechanisms -- Energetics
1- Two main modes for AGN feedback Quasar mode: radiative or winds When luminosity close to Eddington, young QSO, high z LEdd = 4pGMBHmpc/sT MBH ~f sTs4, f gas fraction Same consideration with radiation pressure on dust, with sd sd /sT ~1000, limitation of Mbulge to 1000 MBH ? Radio mode, or kinetic mode, jets When L < 0.01 Ledd, low z, Massive galaxies, Radio E-gal Not destructive: keeps a balance cooling-heating Radiatively inefficient flow ADAF High frequency of cooling flows in clusters, Low-luminosity AGN Seyferts..
Radiative mode in simulations SFR ~rn with n=1, 1.5, 2 SN feedback+ BH growth and associated feedback Sub-grid physics How much feedback? Gabor & Bournaud 2014: No quenching effect Springel et al. (2003-2005), Hopkins et al. 2006
Compact red and blue galaxies M > 1010Mo Black lines: density of cSFG required to explain the red nugget tburst=0.3-1 Gyr Barro et al 2013 CANDELS
Possible scenarios Two evolutionary tracks of QG formation: (1) early (z>2), formation path of rapidly quenched cSFGs fading into cQGs that later enlarge, (2) late-arrival (z<2) path in which larger SFGs form extended QGs without passing through a compact state Σ1.5 ≡ M/r1.5 Barro et al 2013
X-ray Perseus A , Fabian et al 2003 Gas flow in coolcore clusters Star formation (green) Canning et al 2014 Molecular Gas Salomé et al 2006
Cold gas in filaments Inflow and outflow coexist The molecular gas coming from previous cooling is dragged out by the AGN feedback The bubbles create inhomogeneities and further cooling The cooled gas fuels the AGN Velocity much lower than free-fall Salome et al 2008
Large variety of simulations Brueggen et al 2007, Cattaneo & Teyssier 2007, Dubois et al 2010, Gaspari et al 2011, 2012 for clusters, or massive elliptical galaxies Cooling rate ~ boosted Bondi rate, but Cold gas accretion better Radiation pressure insufficient Mechanical feedback with jets or winds Success in moderating the cooling, keeping the CC structure Efficiency scaled to the structure scale Gaspari et al 2012 3e-4 (E-gal) 5e-3 (clus)
Comparison between models During a merger, accreted gas fuels SFR and BHAR BHAR delay, since SN-feedback too strong at the beginning (Wild et al 2010) Bondi accretion Other accretion models SDH Springel+05 BS Booth+09 WT Wurster+13 HPMK Hobbs+12 DQM Debuhr +11 ONB Okamoto+08 PNK Power+1 Thacker et al 2014 Chen, Hickox et al 2013
J1148 Z=6.4 CII 2- Molecular outflows Mrk 231 AGN and also nuclear Starburst, 107-108Mo Outflow 700Mo/yr Blue wing Red wing On kpc scales, affects the galaxy, quenches SF? Maiolino et al 2012 IRAM Ferruglio et al 2010 CO Cicone et al 2012 dM/dt = 3v MOF/ROF ~1000 Mo/yr, (5xSFR) Kinetic power ~2 1044 erg/s AGN High density, HCN, HCO+, Aalto et al 2012
Relations outflows with AGN For AGN-hosts, the outflow rate Correlates with the AGN power dM/dt v ~20 LAGN/c Can be explained by energy-driven outflows (Zubovas & King 2012) Cicone et al 2014
Molecules in outflows? • Gas shock-heated to 106-107K • Molecules dissociated • Cooling efficient (free-free, metals) • Multiphase, with RT instabilities • Time-scale for cooling << 1Myr • At kpc scales, SF induced • The SF results in a Luminosity • Comparable to LAGN 100Mo/yr! • This means that SB or AGN outflows • are difficult to disentangle • All could be due to AGN Zubovas & King 2014
3- Energy-conserving outflows? • If the coolingisvery efficient, momentum-conservingoutflow • But for veryfastwinds > 10 000km/s, radiative losses are slow • energy-conserving flow (Faucher-Giguère & Quataert 2012) • Push by the hot post-shockgas, boost the momentum • Vs of the swept-up material (conservation of msvs2 = minvin2) • Boost of vin /2 Vs ~50! Explainswhymomentum flux >> LAGN/c • // Adiabatic phase, or Sedov-Taylor phase in SN remnant
Slow cooling --High momentum fluxes Faucher-Giguère & Quataert 2012 c UFO b a Tombesi 10, 14 v/c Costa, Sijacki, Haehnelt, 2014
Impact of a fast wind (UFO) on the ISM Two phases 1- Starting with MBH below the M-s relation, the v=0.1c wind is stopped by an ISM shock << 1kpc Momentum-driven flow, energy radiated, not enough to stop the gas, the BH grows 2- When M-s relation reached, the flow can extend to larger radii > 1kpc, the flow becomes energy-driven The pressure is >> rv2, the ISM is easily ejected, with Vesc (seen in molecular outflows) Regulation of Mbulge A disk is a too massive obstacle, the jet is diverted bipolar King & Pounds 2015
Several modes simulated Quasar mode, when dMBH/dt > 0.01 Edd – Energy released spherically Radio-jets otherwise: V= 104km/s, in a cylinder perp. to the disk Energy-driven, much more efficient than momentum-driven AGN outflows with > 10 Ledd/c Entrained cold gas > 109 Mo If after-shock cooling with metals Costa et al 2014 • Comparison between realistic cosmological simulations and • idealised ones in spherically gravitational potentiels • A factor 10 larger momentum flow is required for AGN feedback • to be efficient
Quasar mode:Two-phase simulations Most of the outflow kinetic energy escapes through the voids Positive and negative feedback Cold gas is pushed by ram-pressure More feedback on low-density gas Could lead to M-s relation Nayakshin 2014
AGN wind feedback fails May be AGN positive feedback SF feedback? Starburst in a ring AGN could trigger a starburst by compressing the gas Gaibler et al 2012
AGN-triggered star formation The AGN provides an extra-pressure forming more clumps in the molecular gas Bieri et al 2015
Radio mode: Fractal structure 2pc-1kpc Efficient relativistic jets; Influence of the porosity Wagner & Bicknell 2011
Jet in the disk plane NGC 4258 Cecil et al 2000
Positive AGN feedbackRadio jets triggered SF Silk 2005, Dubois et al 2013 Young, restarted radio loud AGN 4C12.50 The outflow is located 100 pc from the nucleus where the radio jet interacts with the ISM Morganti et al 2013, Dasyra & Combes 2012
Feedback in low-luminosity AGN NGC 1433: barred spiral, CO(3-2) with ALMA Molecular gas fueling the AGN, + outflow // the minor axis MH2= 5.2 107 Mo in FOV=18’’ 100km/s flow 7% of the mass= 3.6 106 Mo Smallest flow detected Lkin=0.5 dM/dt v2 ~2.3 1040erg/s Lbol (AGN)= 1.3 1043 erg/s Flow momentum > 10 LAGN/c Combes et al 2013
SUMMARY: AGN outflows • Mechanisms: Quasar modes (winds), powerful AGN • Or Radio modes (jets), for low-luminosity AGN, lower z • Molecularoutflows are nowobservedfrequently, around AGN, • v=200-1200km/s 107-109 Mo, loadfactors1-5 • Energy-conservingflow: Momentumboost 20 LAGN/c • However, not efficient to quenchSF (or even trigger SF?) • AGN radio mode isvery efficient in Cool Core clusters to moderate • the cooling: mechanicalwith radio jets, cold gasaccretion