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2014-2015 Registration. Lake Minneola High School. How it works. Today Next Week March 3 rd – 5th After Registration Prior to March 19th.
2014-2015 Registration Lake Minneola High School
How it works • Today • Next Week March 3rd – 5th • After Registration • Prior to March 19th You will learn about the registration process, receive a letter and a list of course selections. Please review these items with your parents. Be prepared to make your course selections next week in school. All Juniors will be called alphabetically to the Media Center. You will meet with counselors to finalize your course selections. You will take your registration form home to review with your parents and obtain their signature. You will return your registration form, complete with course selections and parent signature to the guidance office or guidance corner BEFORE March 19.
Available Courses • Course descriptions are on the LMHS website available at http://lake.k12.fl.us/Page/26985 • Review with your parents & be prepared to complete the registration form at school • All course offerings are subject to change!
Exciting New Offerings • AP Music Theory: The ultimate goal of this course is to develop a student’s ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. This is for students who are knowledgeable in reading music and have a passion for music study. • AP Art History:In this course, students examine and critically analyze major forms of artistic expression from the past and the present from a variety of cultures. This course emphasizes understanding how and why works of art function in context, considering such issues as patronage, gender, and the functions and effects of works of art. This is for students who have a passion and eye for Art in our World’s history.
Academic Course Selections These selections are made by your counselor based on your academic record. You can elect to make changes to core classes with parent approval. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: • If you plan on going on to a 4 year college or university it is STRONGLY encouraged that you choose a class for each of the core subjects: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. • If you have not passed the FCAT, you will be placed in Intensive Language Arts as required by Florida statute. • If you have not passed the Algebra 1 EOC, you will be placed in Intensive Math or Liberal Arts Math. • Be careful when making your selections! The classes provided and the teachers that are hired are BASED on the selections you make NOW. • Keep in mind, taking rigorous courses and being successful in them prepares you for what is to come AND increases your weighted GPA.
Elective Selections • Select your Electives using the course list provided, choose your courses in order of importance. • Please note, you must have the appropriate prerequisite and be in the appropriate grade to be eligible for certain courses. • Two years of a Foreign Language is REQUIRED for those students planning on being eligible for a Bright Futures Scholarship award or plan on going directly to a 4 year university. NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR GRADUATION! • Seniors are not eligible to begin a NEW Career & Technical Education program, i.e., if you have not taken Culinary 1, you will not be eligible to join that program. • Keep in mind, it is almost certain we will be on a 7 period a day schedule next year. You will remain with the same 7 teachers, the entire year. * * *
REMINDERS • Return the Form to Guidance:if you fail to return the SIGNED registration form, your courses will be selected for you by your counselor. DEADLINE: March 19th. • FLVS & LSCC: You may intend to dual enroll with these institutions. Complete the registration form as if you are coming here. These issues in scheduling will be addressed upon your return in the Fall.
You will complete the form AT SCHOOL *Verify the student label is YOU. *Indicate parent name *Parent Signature is REQUIRED. *Core classes are filled in by the counselor. Be prepared to discuss with your parents *ELECTIVES; Using the course list provided, you will list your desired electives in order of preference. You may chose 4 and 4 alternates for a total of 8.
Senior Scheduling FYI • Lake Minneola High School students are REQUIRED to be enrolled in a FULL day of classes. Please note: It is almost certain that we will be on a 7 period schedule next year. • Executive Internship is a class students may take and work during their last block of the day. • One Virtual School Course may be taken in lieu of a first block or last block on campus.
Early Graduation Option • Students may still elect to graduate in January. • Because of 7 period schedule, this EGO requires completing classes on Virtual School. • Students must have passed the FCAT Reading, Algebra 1 EOC, earn 1 online course AND be on track to be eligible for this option. • Deadline to submit intent is the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL, 2014. Form is available on website. • Schedule an appointment to meet with Mrs. Theobald before school lets out.
For your Information . . . The following “events” will affect what your schedule looks like next year! • Not passing FCAT Reading with a 245. Intensive reading will be in place of an elective. • Not passing EOC Algebra with a 399. You will either be retaking that course, or have an extra core course next year in place of an elective. • Failing your current classes You could be placed in that course again or a remedial course (E2020). • Too many people requesting the same class All courses have class size limits due to CSR laws and safety regulations.
Final Notes on Registration • The courses you select are a REQUEST. There are no guarantees that you will get exactly what you want. Counselors will do their best to ensure you are in courses of your interest, however, being on track for graduation trumps any request. Write down as many courses of interest as you can. • Failure to follow the process will result in a schedule chosen by your counselor. You must return the signed form to guidance by the deadline.
End of Year TO DO • Earn good grades • Complete Volunteer Work • Take the ACT or SAT once this year • Complete online course • Research Colleges, Military, Tech. School • Visit the campus • Refine your search • Explore Scholarship Opportunities • Meet with your Counselor