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3.METHODOLOGY. ELEMENTS IN ‘METHODOLOGY’. Data Collection Methods Data Analysis. Respondents of the Study Research Procedure. Introduction Conclusion. • purpose/objectives of the research • issue/problem investigated • methods used i.e. qualitative, quantitative, or both;
ELEMENTSIN‘METHODOLOGY’ Data Collection Methods DataAnalysis Respondents oftheStudy Research Procedure Introduction Conclusion
•purpose/objectives oftheresearch •issue/problem investigated •methods used i.e.qualitative,quantitative,orboth; •theinstruments usedi.e.questionnaire,observation, interview, and/or experimentation. •populationandsample/respondentsi.e. samplesize,gender,location •step-by-stephowdatawerecollected •howresultswereobtainedfromthe collected data •summaryofthechapter Introduction DataCollection Methods Respondentsof theStudy Research Procedure DataAnalysis Conclusion
TABLE FOR DETERMINING NEEDED SIZES OF A RANDOMLY CHOSEN SAMPLE FROM A GIVEN FINITE POPULATION OF N CASES SUCH THAT THE SAMPLE PROPOTION P WILL BE WITHIN +.05 OF THE POPULATION PROPOTION P WITH 95 PERCENT LEVEL OF CONFIDENCE Note: N is population size S is sample size 1. Krejeie .R.V and Morgan, D.W. Determining sample size for research. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 1970,30,607-610
WHAT IS DATA COLLECTION? • A process of collecting data (primary & secondary) from different sources • PRIMARY DATA – obtained through questionnaires, interviews, observations & experiments • SECONDARY DATA – obtained through reading others’ works
COLLECTING SECONDARY DATA • Conducted at the beginning of a research to get a better picture of what you are going to investigate • Gathered from various written resources (offline/online) • Used in various sections of research report esp. Literature Review • Must be properly cited
1.QUESTIONNAIRES • A systematic compilation of questions distributed to respondents from which information is needed • Administered through survey, mail, telephone & internet
QUESTIONNAIRE RESEARCH FLOW CHART • Design Methodology • Determine Feasibility • Develop Instruments • Select Sample • Conduct Pilot Test • Revise Instruments • Conduct Research • Analyze Data • Prepare Report
Advantages of Written Questionnaires • Cost effective • Easy to analyze • Familiar to most people • Reduce bias • Less intrusive
Disadvantages Of Written Questionnaires • The possibility of low response rates • The inability to probe responses • Confounding error • Not suited for some people
QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN General Considerations
1 Well-defined objectivesare the best way to assure a good questionnaire design. The questionnaire is developed to directly address the goals of the study • Avoid the temptation to ask questions • because • it would be "interesting to know".
2 One of the most effective methods of maximizing response is to shorten the questionnaire. To eliminate questions, read each question and ask, "How am I going to use this information?" If the information will be used in a decision-making process, then keep the question... it's important. If not, throw it out.
3 Formulate a plan for doing the statistical analysisduring the design stage of the project. Know how every question will be analyzed. If you cannot specify how you intend to analyze A question or use the information, do not use it in the survey.
4 Give your questionnaire a title that is short and meaningful • on the front page of the questionnaire, provide purpose of the research generally perceived to be more credible than one without. clearly state your policy on confidentiality • have an ending courtesy
5 Include clear and concise instructions • use simple and direct language use short sentences and basic vocabulary • one way to • eliminate misunderstandings is to emphasize crucial words in each item • by using bold, italics or underlining.
6 Leave adequate space for respondents to make comments • leaving white space makes the questionnaire look easier and this increases response will provide valuable information not captured by the response categories
7 Keep a questionnaire interesting • group items into coherent categories provide variety in the questioning format used • all items should flow smoothly from one to the next
8 Provide incentives If the information you are collecting is of interest to the respondent, offer a free summary report
9 Conduct a pilot study • be present while a respondent is completing the questionnaire try it on representatives of the sample • any questions posed by the respondents are indicative of problems in the questionnaire
QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN Qualities of a Good Question
1 Asks for an answer on only one dimension "Were you satisfied with the quality of our food and service?"
2 Accommodates all possible answers Do you own an IBM PC? (circle: Yes or No) Do you own an Apple computer? (circle: Yes or No) What brand of computer do you own? (Check all that apply) __ Do not own a computer __ IBM PC __ Apple __ Other What brand of computer do you own? __ A. IBM PC B. Apple
3 Has no ambiguity should be only one correct or appropriate choice for the respondent to make Where did you grow up? __ A. country B. farm C. city
4 Does not presuppose a certain state of affairs Are you satisfied with your current health insurance? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Don't have health insurance Are you satisfied with your current health insurance? (Yes or No) or You could have a leading question: “Do you have a health insurance?”
5 Don't you think students are spending too much money? Does not offer negative question Wouldn't you like to receive our free brochure?
6 Does not ask the respondent to order or rank a series of more than five items becomes increasingly difficult as the number of items increases, and the answers become less reliable limiting the number of items to five will make it easier for the respondent to answer
The "Don't Know", "Undecided", and "Neutral" Response Options The best advice is probably to use a "don't know“ option for factual questions, but not for attitude questions.
1. Open-ended Questions 2. Close-ended Questions Yes/No Scale (likert scale) Listing/Choice Ranking (most - least preferred) Category (range) 2 TYPES OF QUESTIONS
2.INTERVIEW • A two-communication which permits an exchange of ideas and information • 3 types of interviews: 1.Structured 2. Semi-structured 3. Unstructured • Refer to page 33 to view the process
Preparation for Interview • Choose a setting with little distraction • Explain the purpose of the interview • Address terms of confidentiality • Explain the format of the interview • Indicate how long the interview usually takes • Tell them how to get in touch with you later if they want to
Preparation for Interview • Ask them if they have any questionsbefore you both get started with the interview • Don't count on your memory to recall their answers.
Types of Topics in Questions • Behaviors - about what a person has done or is doing • Opinions/values- about what a person thinks about a topic • Feelings- note that respondents sometimes respond with "I think ..." so be careful to note that you're looking for feelings. • Knowledge- to get facts about a topic • Sensory- about what people have seen, touched, heard, tasted or smelled • Background/demographics- standard background questions, such as age, education, etc. Note that the above questions can be asked in terms of past, present or future.
Sequence of Questions • Get the respondents involved in the interview as soon as possible. • Before asking about controversial matters (such as feelings and conclusions), first ask about some facts. With this approach, respondents can more easily engage in the interview before warming up to more personal matters. • Intersperse fact-based questions throughout the interview to avoid long lists of fact-based questions, which tends to leave respondents disengaged. • Ask questions about the present before questions about the past or future. It's usually easier for them to talk about the present and then work into the past or future. • The last questions might be to allow respondents to provide any other information they prefer to add and their impressions of the interview.
Wording of Questions • Wording should be open-ended. Respondents should be able to choose their own terms when answering questions. • Questions should be as neutral as possible. Avoid wording that might influence answers, e.g., evocative, judgmental wording. • Questions should be asked one at a time. • Questions should be worded clearly.This includes knowing any terms particular to the program or the respondents' culture. • Be careful asking "why" questions.This type of question infers a cause-effect relationship that may not truly exist. These questions may also cause respondents to feel defensive, e.g., that they have to justify their response, which may inhibit their responses to this and future questions.
Carrying Out Interview • Occasionally verify the tape recorder (if used) is working. • Ask one question at a time. • Attempt to remain as neutral as possible.That is, don't show strong emotional reactions to their responses. Act as if "you've heard it all before." • Encourage responseswith occasional nods of the head, "uh huh"s, etc.
Carrying Out Interview • Be careful about the appearance when note taking.That is, if you jump to take a note, it may appear as if you're surprised or very pleased about an answer, which may influence answers to future questions. • Provide transition between major topics, e.g., "we've been talking about (some topic) and now I'd like to move on to (another topic)." • Don't lose control of the interview. This can occur when respondents stray to another topic, take so long to answer a question that times begins to run out, or even begin asking questions to the interviewer.
Immediately After Interview • Verify if the tape recorder, if used, worked throughout the interview. • Make any notes on your written notes, e.g., to clarify any scratchings, ensure pages are numbered, fill out any notes that don't make senses, etc. • Write down any observations made during the interview. For example, where did the interview occur and when, was the respondent particularly nervous at any time? Were there any surprises during the interview? Did the tape recorder break?
3.OBSERVATION • To get firsthandinformation • To strengthen existing data • Have an observation guide (refer to page 39)
4.EXPERIMENTS • To test various techniques, assumptions or products (esp. in engineering & agriculture)
SAMPLING Ideally Whole population will be the best Selecting small group of individuals
SAMPLING & POPULATION • SAMPLING– a group of respondents who provide information that may be generalised to general population • POPULATION– a target group to which the results of a research are applicable • Refer to page 25.
TYPES OF SAMPLING • RANDOM • Every member of the population has an equal probability to be chosen to participate in the research • The results would yield a representative sample • NON-RANDOM • The respondents are selected based on certain criteria • The results may be true only for the group of respondents and cannot be generalize