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Este año postularon 3 trabajos que corresponden a los siguientes:
PUBLICACIONES INTERNACIONALES SOCIOS SOCHED DURANTE 2008 Además de los postulantes, se recopiló gran parte de la información de todas las publicaciones en revistas extranjeras en las cuales han participado miembros de Soched ya sea como autores principales o colaboradores, encontrándonos con un importante número que se detalla a continuación.
1- In situ estrogen metabolism in proliferative endometria from untreated women with polycystic ovarian syndrome with and without endometrial hyperplasia K. Bacallao, L. Leon, F. Gabler, E. Soto, C. Romero, L. Valladares, M. Vega Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 2008; 110: 163–169. 2- Activities of steroid metabolic enzymes in secretory endometria from untreated women with Polycystic Ovary Síndrome. Luis Leon, Ketty Bacallao, Fernando Gabler, Carmen Romero, Luis Valladares, Margarita Vega. Steroids 2008; 73: 88–95. 3- Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease in elders: results of the Mataró Ageing study. Rueda Alfaro S, Serra Prat M, Fernández C et al. Med Clin (Barc).2008 Mar 15;130(9):327-31. 4- Vitamin D, PTH, and the metabolic syndrome in severely obese subjects. Rueda S, Fernández C, et al. Obes Surg.2008 Feb;18(2):151-4. 5- Successful treatment of vitamin D unresponsive hypoparathyroidism with multipulse subcutaneous infusion of teriparatide. Puig M, Díaz G, Nicolau J, Fernández C, et al. Eur J Endocrinol.2008 Nov;159(5):653-7.
6- Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 1 diabetes in end-stage renal disease: changes in the trend from 1999 to 2006. Rueda S, Fernández C, et al. J Diabetes Complications.2008 Mar 19 7- Promoter hypermethylation of BRCA 1 correlates with abcense of expression in hereditary breast cancer tumors. Tapia T, Smalley SV, Kohen P, Muñoz A, Solis LM, Corvalan A, Faundez P, Devoto L, Camus M, Alvarez M, Carvallo P. Epigenetics. 2008 May-Jun;3(3):157-63. 8- Estrogen and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Codner E. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2008;6:228-234. 9- Adiponectin Serum Levels and Their Relationships to Androgen Concentrations and Ovarian Volume during Puberty in Girls with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Iñiguez G, Torrealba I, Avila A, Cassorla F, Codner E Horm Res 2008;70:112-117 10- Metabolic profile in sons of women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Recabarren SE, Smith R, Rios R, Maliqueo M, Echiburu B, Codner E, Cassorla F, Rojas P, Sir-Petermann T. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008;93:1820-6.
11- Premature thelarche from phenotype to genotype. Codner E, Roman R. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2008;5:760-5. 12- Diabetes in motion in the year of the child. Meeting Highlights - 33rd Annual ISPAD Meeting, September 26-29, 2007, Berlin, Germany - 5th Symposium on Diabetic Angiopathy in Children, September 30, 2007, Berlin, Germany. Conwell LS, Codner E. Pediatric Diabetes 2008;9:3-8. 13- Association between Fok I vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphism and plasmatic concentrations of transforming growth factor-beta1 and interferon gamma in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Lopez T, Garcia D, Angel B, Carrasco E, Codner E, Ugarte F, Perez-Bravo F. Med Clin (Barc) 2008;130:81-84. 14- The Neonatal Diabetes International Collaborative Group. Effective Treatment With Oral Sulfonylureas in Patients With Diabetes Due to Sulfonylurea Receptor 1 (SUR1) Mutations. Rafiq M, Flanagan SE, Patch A-M, Shields BM, Ellard S, Hattersley AT, Codner E et al Diabetes Care 2008;31:204-209 15- Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism attenuates cardiac hypertrophy and prevents oxidative stress in uremic rats. Michea L, Villagrán A, Urzúa A, Kuntsmann S, Venegas P, Carrasco L, Gonzalez M, Marusic ET. Hypertension. 2008 Aug;52(2):295-300.
16- E180splice mutation in the growth hormone receptor gene in a Chilean family with growth hormone insensitivity: a probable common Mediterranean ancestor. Espinosa C, Sjoberg M, Salazar T, Rodriguez A, Cassorla FG, Mericq MV, Carvallo P. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Dec;21(12):1119-27 17- Relationship between insulin sensitivity and IGF-I sensitivity in low birth weight prepubertal children. Román R, Iñiguez G, Salazar T, Avila A, Barrera A, Mericq V, Attie KM, Cassorla F. Horm Res. 2008;70(2):73-8. 18- Pubertal development in girls born small for gestational age. Hernández MI, Mericq V. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Mar;21(3):201-8. 19- Impact of being born small for gestational age on onset and progression of puberty. Hernández MI, Mericq V. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jun;22(3):463-76 20- Ala54Thr polymorphism of the fatty acid-binding protein 2 gene (intestinal-type FABP) is associated with changes in insulin sensitivity in SGA pubertal girls. Mericq V, Iñíguez G, Martínez A, Avila A, Hernández MI, Capurro T, Salazar T, Angel B, Pérez-Bravo F. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Feb;21(2):117-25 21- Mutation in PDE8B, a cyclic AMP-specific phosphodiesterase in adrenal hyperplasia. Horvath A, Mericq V, Stratakis CA. N Engl J Med. 2008 Feb 14;358(7):750-2.
22- Nutrition, child growth, and chronic disease prevention. Uauy R, Kain J, Mericq V, Rojas J, Corvalán C. Ann Med. 2008;40(1):11-20. Review. 23- Circadian cortisol secretion and circadian adrenal responses to ACTH are maintained in dexamethasone suppressed capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Torres-Farfan C, Valenzuela FJ, Ebensperger R, Méndez N, Campino C, Richter HG, Valenzuela GJ, Serón-Ferré M. Am J Primatol. 2008 Jan;70(1):93-100. 24- Midnight Salivary Cortisol Determination for Assessing the Outcome of Transsphenoidal Surgery in Cushing’s Disease Carmen A. Carrasco, Joel Coste, Laurence Guignat, Lionel Groussin, Marie Annick Dugue, Stephane Gaillard, Xavier Bertagna, and Jerome Bertherat J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93: 4728–4734, 2008. 25- Quality of life in climacteric Chilean women treated with low-dose estrogen. Sócrates Aedo, Irene Schiattino, Gabriel Cavada, Arnaldo Porcile. Maturitas 2008; 61:248–251. 26- Age-related neoplastic risk profiles and penetrance estimations in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A caused by germ line RET Cys634Trp (TGC>TGG) mutation. Milos IN, Frank-Raue K, Wohllk N, Maia AL, Pusiol E, Patocs A, Robledo M, Biarnes J, Barontini M, Links TP, de Groot JW, Dvorakova S, Peczkowska M, Rybicki LA, Sullivan M, Raue F, Zosin I, Eng C, Neumann HP. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2008 Dec;15(4):1035-41.
27- Carotid intima-media thickness as a cardiovascular risk marker in pediatric end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis and in renal transplantation. Delucchi A, Dinamarca H, Gainza H, Whitttle C, Torrealba I, Iñiguez G. Transplant Proc. 2008 40(9):3244-6. 28- Hipogonadismo hipogonadotropo funcional hipotalámico idiopático en el varón. Devoto E. Aravena M.L. Rev.Int.Androl. 2008;6(2):89-96 29- Evaluation of the effect of caloric restriction on serum BDNF in overweight and obese subjects: preliminary evidences. Araya AV, Orellana X, Espinoza J. Endocrine 2008; 33 (3): 300-304. 30- Trends in obesity and diabetes prevalence in a Chilean urban population 1993-2001. Cuevas A; Molina A; Rigotti A; Miquel JF; Marshall G; Reyes S; Nervi F. Metab Synd Rel Dis 2008;6:219-222 31- Neonatal Exposure to Estradiol Valerate Programs Ovarian Sympathetic Innervation and Follicular Development in the Adult Rat. Ramón Sotomayor-Zárate, Mauricio Dorfman, Alfonso Paredes, and Hernán E. Lara Biology of Reproduction 78, 673–680 (2008). 32- Locus Coeruleus Mediates Cold Stress-Induced Polycystic Ovary in Rats. Marcelo P. Bernuci, Raphael E. Szawka, Cleyde V. V. Helena, Cristiane M. Leite, Hernán E. Lara, and Janete A. Anselmo-Franci. Endocrinology 2008; 149: 2907–2916.
33- Prenatal testosterona excess reduces sperm count and motility. Recabarren S, Rojas-García P, Recabarren M, Alfaro V, Smith R, Padmanabhan V, Sir-Peterman T. Endocrinology 2008; 149: 6444-48. 34- Case detection, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with primary aldosteronism: an endocrine society clinical practice guideline. Funder J, Carey R, Fardella C, Gomez-Sanchez C, Mantero F, Stowasser M, Young WF, Montori V. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008; 93: 3266-3281. 35- Oral glucose tolerance testing in asymptomatic obese children - more questions than answers. Zeitler Philip, Roman Rossana. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Nov;93(11):4228-30. 36- Early parathyroid MIBI SPECT imaging in the diagnosis of persistent hyperparathyroidism. González G, Orellana P, López MJ, Jiménez M, Quintana J. Clin Nucl Med. 2008 Jul; 33(7):475-8. 37- Genetic analysis and effect of triiodothyronine and prednisone trial on bone turnover in a patient with craniotubular hyperostosis. López JM, Balemans W, Piters E, Van Hul W, González G. Bone. 2008 Aug; 43(2):405-9. 38- Differences in the endometrial transcript profile during the receptive period between women who were refractory to implantation and those who achieved pregnancy. Tapia A, Gangi LM, Zegers-Hochschild F, Balmaceda J, Pommer R, Trejo L, Pacheco IM, Salvatierra AM, Henríquez S, Quezada M, Vargas M, Ríos M, Munroe DJ, Croxatto HB, Velasquez L. Hum Reprod. 2008 Feb;23(2):340-51
Fallo del concurso: Comité de Investigación en conjunto con el Presidente de la SOCHED, según criterios aprobados por el Directorio:a) cumplimiento de las bases del concursob) relevancia para la SOCHED c) factor impacto (ISI) La diferencia en los puntajes alcanzados por los 3 trabajos fue bastante estrecha por la gran calidad de todos ellos.
PREMIO SOCHED AL MEJOR TRABAJO PUBLICADO EN ENDOCRINOLOGÍA Y DIABETES Premio: 1. Inscripción liberada para el autor principal del trabajo premiado en un Congreso Internacional de su preferencia, en acuerdo con SOCHED. 2. Presentación en extenso del trabajo premiado en Conferencia Plenaria en el Congreso SOCHED 2009.