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The Epidemic. Child Sexual Abuse. Most people think it happens in “ your ” neighborhood—not “ mine ” Most people think it is unrelated to the Internet Most people believe their child is safe Most people believe they adequately protect their child Lets Look at the Reality!!.
Child Sexual Abuse • Most people think it happens in “your” neighborhood—not “mine” • Most people think it is unrelated to the Internet • Most people believe their child is safe • Most people believe they adequately protect their child Lets Look at the Reality!!
The basis of the CDC Statistics • Has an adult or person at least 5 years older • ever touched or fondled you in a sexual way, or • had you touch their body in a sexual way, or • attempted oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you, or • actually had oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you? Think for a moment how horrible this question is!!
The basis of the CDC Statistics • Has an adult or person at least 5 years older • ever touched or fondled you in a sexual way, or had you touch their body in a sexual way, or • attempted oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you, or actually had oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you? • The only thing worse than the question—are the answers: • In response to this question– • 24.7% of girls said YES • 16.0% of Boys said YES
The question did not address: • It is estimated that only 1 in 10 report being sexually abused • Child on child sexual abuse (< 5yr age gap) • "Flashing" or exposing adult genitals to a child • Encouraging a child to watch adults, or adult & children. engage is sexually explicit activities • Showing sexually explicit material to a child – pornography • Sexual activity involving urination, defecation, sadomasochism, or bondage
Conclusion: • As a result of the narrow definition • of “child sexual abuse” • The CDC data dramatically understates • the population of adults survivors, and • the risk to children!!
CDC Statistics 1 in 4 girls is abused by age 18 1 in 6 boys is abused by age 18 Median age of abuse is 9-years-old 70% of ALL sexual assaults are perpetrated against children under age 17 93% of abuse comes from someone a child knows, loves and trusts. Only 1 victim in 10 will disclose abuse 39,000,000 Survivors [in the U.S.] (are reported).
What does 39 Million adult survivors of child sexual abuse look like? It is the population of the orange states combined, plus HI and AK!!
What does 39 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse look like a little closer to home? 39 million is the approximate population of These Midwest states
What does 39 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse look like a lot closer to home? 39 million is the approximate population of Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama.
Child Sexual Abuse in the USA Prevalence Change from 2011 to 2029
What do these numbers mean? Over the next 18 years in the USA: MaleFemale New Victims 6,356,362 9,102,511 New Victims/yr 353,131 505,695 New Victims/day 967 1385 New Victims/hr 40 58 It is simply not possible to rescue children and treat them fast enough to stem the tide of this epidemic!
Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse • Shame, disgrace, silence, torment, confusion, distrust, self mutilation, marginal existence, isolation • Drug and alcohol dependence (70-80%) • Depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders (80 – 90%) • Suicidal thoughts/attempts (20-30%) • Difficulty forming long-term relationships • Sexual promiscuity that leads to teen pregnancy (60%) • Prostitution (>90% have been sexually abused) • 70-80% of serial rapists report they were sexually abused as children
The Symptomatic Solutions • Typical Support Groups/Rehab Programs • Alcohol/drugs • CSA Survivor dependence (70-80%) • Eating Disorders • CSA Survivor dependence (80 – 90%) • Divorce (relationship issues) • Depression/Anxiety Where are the Support Groups for adult survivors of child sexual abuse?
The Drivers of CSA • Generational Sexual Abuse • 1 on 1 Adult-child contact • Pornography
The Drivers of CSA • Generational Sexual Abuse • 1 on 1 Adult-child contact • Pornography
Internet Pornography Statistics Every SECOND - $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography. - 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography - 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines. Every 39 minutes: a new pornographic video Is being created in the United States. http://www.familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.html
No-Porn.com surveyresults from 40,000 respondents: • 75% said they were addicted to pornography. • 62% said they never told anyone about their addiction. • 52% said they view porn daily. • When did you get hooked on porn? • 10% were under the age of 10 • 45% were 11-15 • 25% were 16-20 80% are 20 and younger!!!!!
Women-CSA-Pornography • "It is believed that 70% of women involved in pornography are survivors of incest or child sexual abuse."www.womenofsubstance.org/por.htm • 17% of women are addicted to pornography http://www.familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.htm • “More than 80% of women who have this addiction take it offline”, says Marnie Ferree • Women, far more than men, are likely to act out their behaviors in real life, such as having multiple partners, casual sex or affairs.” Today’s Christian Woman, September/October 2003
Children Internet Pornography Statistics • Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography 11 years old • Largest consumer of Internet pornography 35 - 49 age group • 15-17 year olds having multiple hard-core exposures 80% • 8-16 year olds having viewed porn online 90% • (most while doing homework) • 7-17 year olds who would freely give out home address 29% • 7-17 year olds who would freely give out email address 14% • Children's character names linked to thousands of porn links 26 • (Including Pokemon and Action Man)
UK comment John Carr, founding member of the United Kingdom Home Secretary’s Internet Task Force on Child Protection, in a report published by the NCH stated: "Many pedophiles acknowledge that exposure to child abuse images fuels their sexual fantasies and plays an important part in leading them to commit hands-on sexual offenses against children."[4] Carr, John (2004). Child abuse, child pornography and the internet: Executive summary. NCH.
The Prime source of pornography today is the internetDID YOU KNOW 85% of men incarcerated for child pornography possession admitted to sexual contact with children Hernandez, A., Self-Reported Contact Sexual Offenses by Participants in the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Sex Offender Treatment Program: Implications for Internet Sex Offenders, Federal Bureau of Prisons, November 2000. Director of the Sex Offender Treatment Program, FCI Butner, (76%, and as updated 2000-2006—85%).
Pornography link to CSA Mayo Clinic Studies and case reports indicate that 30% to 80% of individuals who viewed child pornography and 76% of individuals who were arrested for Internet child pornography had molested a child RYAN C. W. HALL; RICHARD C. W. HALL (2007-04). "A Profile of Pedophilia: Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism, Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issues" (PDF). Mayo Clin Proc82 (4): 457–471. doi:10.4065/82.4.457. PMID17418075
Pornography link to CSA Dr. Victor B. Cline, “As a clinical psychologist, I have treated…approximately 350 sex addicts, sex offenders, or other individuals (96% male) with sexual illnesses. This includes…compulsive sexual acting-out, plus such things as child molestation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sadomasochism, fetishism, and rape. With several exceptions, pornography has been a major or minor contributor or facilitator in the acquisition of their deviation or sexual addiction…”
Pornography Addiction Process Dr. Victor B. Cline, 4 steps of pornography addiction: FIRST STEP – ADDICTION • an addiction-effect. The porn-consumers got hooked. • they kept coming back for more and still more. • The material seemed to provide a very powerful sexual stimulant or aphrodisiac effect, • followed by sexual release, most often through masturbation…
Pornography link to CSA Dr. Victor B. Cline, 4 steps of pornography addiction: SECOND STEP – ESCALATION • With the passage of time, the addicted person required rougher, more explicit, more deviant, and “kinky” kinds of sexual material to get their “highs” and “sexual turn-ons.” • reminiscent of individuals afflicted with drug addictions. Over time there is nearly always an increasing need for more of the stimulant to get the same initial effect
Pornography link to CSA Dr. Victor B. Cline, 4 steps of pornography addiction: THIRD PHASE – DESENSITIZATION • Material…which was originally perceived as shocking, taboo-breaking, illegal, repulsive, or immoral, in time came to be seen as acceptable and commonplace. • The sexual activity depicted in the pornography (no matter how anti-social or deviant) became legitimized. There was an increasing sense that “everybody does it” and this gave them permission to also do it, even though the activity was possibly illegal and contrary to their previous moral beliefs and personal standard.
Pornography link to CSA Dr. Victor B. Cline, 4 steps of pornography addiction: FOURTH PHASE - ACTING OUT SEXUALLY • an increasing tendency to act out sexually the behaviors viewed in the pornography, including compulsive promiscuity, exhibitionism, group sex, voyeurism, frequenting massage parlors, having sex with minor children, rape, and inflicting pain on themselves or a partner during sex. • This behavior frequently grew into a sexual addiction which they found themselves locked into and unable to change or reverse—no matter what the negative consequences were in their life.
Children Internet Pornography Statistics • Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography 11 years old • Largest consumer of Internet pornography 35 - 49 age group • 15-17 year olds having multiple hard-core exposures 80% • 8-16 year olds having viewed porn online 90% • (most while doing homework) • 7-17 year olds who would freely give out home address 29% • 7-17 year olds who would freely give out email address 14% • Children's character names linked to thousands of porn links 26 • (Including Pokemon and Action Man)
Is there a connection between Internet behavior and real life actions? The Kaiser Family Foundation recently released results from a survey conducted with teenagers. Some of their findings included the following: 40% of guys and 32% of girls have had oral sex. 42% of guys and 33% of girls have had intercourse. 40% of guys age 15-17 have had 2-5 partners. Just fewer than 40% of girls age 15-17 have had 2-5 partners. 33% of guys and 23% of girls say they feel some or a lot of pressure to have sex. 18% of guys and 33% of girls have had oral sex to avoid having intercourse.
Is there a connection between Internet behavior and real life actions? “The majority of nude pictures that boys view on their cell phones are of girls they know. " Based on teen interviews conducted by Laura Gallier, August 2011
Florida Statistics Total Forcible Sex Offenses Reported in Florida, 2007* Forcible rape: 6,145 Forcible sodomy 1,402 Forcible fondling 3,667 Total Sexual Offenses Reported 11,214 Arrests for forcible sex offenses 3,064 % Arrests for Forcible Sexual Offenses 27.3% National Institute of Justice, in 2005 found that nationally only 18% of forcible rapes are reported to law enforcement.(2) 10% of drug and alcohol facilitated rapes are reported Actual Forcible Rapes= 5 X 6145= 34,139 % Arrests for ACTUAL Forcible Sexual Offenses = 7.8% (*Florida Statistical Analysis Center: FDLE, Crime in Florida, Florida Uniform Crime Report; Tallahassee, FL)
Florida Statistics • Female Victims: • who have experienced one or more completed rape, • 79.6% experienced the first rape before the age of 25; • 42.2% were under 18 at the time of the first completed rape.
Florida Statistics • Male Victims: • 20.4% of men, or 1,437,000 men, in Florida have been victimized by sexual violence other than rape. • More than one-quarter (27.8%) of male victims who have experience at least one completed rape experienced the first rape when they were 10 years of age or younger. • *